Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Dr. Ford said there were a total of FOUR boys at that gathering (two in the bedroom and two downstairs). Are all the boys deaf, dumb, and stupid? This should be thoroughly investigated.
I can hardly remember a high school date that didn't start out with a hormonal teenage boy trying to get to 1st base. Some more rude than others, and after being put in their place, we'd go have fun doing something together.

This is a deep state ploy that is not going to prevent Kavanaugh from taking his seat on the Supreme Court, but it does show the desperation of the Democrats.
Republicans need to come out in droves to vote for politicians that will work with Trump to get shit done.
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By the way, just what books were written by him when we just found out about this? Please source it for me. It might be a good read.,

He wrote in books about his activities as a kid and being a drunk.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls."

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls | HuffPost

Again, and I've said this numerous times over the last week. You guys that argue pages and pages in threads here need to take more time to actually research wtf you are arguing about instead of posting first, then reading later. You'll look less foolish.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.
He wrote in books about his activities as a kid and being a drunk.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls."

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls | HuffPost

Again, and I've said this numerous times over the last week. You guys that argue pages and pages in threads here need to take more time to actually research wtf you are arguing about instead of posting first, then reading later. You'll look less foolish.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.
A book about what? His drinking? In that book did he talk about the incident?
If he remembered so much and couldn't remember that, maybe it really didn't happen.

You got nothing but partisan hackery

You didn't read the link I posted, how surprising! Thanks for pointing out showing you information you need to have an intelligent conversation is a waste of time... because you won't read it and you'll just stick to your party line denial. :lalala:
He wrote in books about his activities as a kid and being a drunk.

"But Mark Judge, now a writer and filmmaker, wrote in his memoir two decades ago that he spent some of his high school years “completely annihilated” on alcohol and trying to “hook up” with girls."

Kavanaugh High School Pal Writes In Memoir Of Being Wild Drunk With Girls | HuffPost

Again, and I've said this numerous times over the last week. You guys that argue pages and pages in threads here need to take more time to actually research wtf you are arguing about instead of posting first, then reading later. You'll look less foolish.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.
A book about what? His drinking? In that book did he talk about the incident?
If he remembered so much and couldn't remember that, maybe it really didn't happen.

You got nothing but partisan hackery

You didn't read the link I posted, how surprising! Thanks for pointing out showing you information you need to have an intelligent conversation is a waste of time... because you won't read it and you'll just stick to your party line denial. :lalala:
So it didn't talk about Kav sexually assaulting Ford. Got it
CNN just played a video of Kavanaugh saying the following in 2015: "What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown prep". Interesting...

Yes, I have long suspected people who say "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" as well. I wonder if Kavanaugh has been to Las Vegas!!
That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.

LOL, again, what is in it for him and his family to go deal with that circus.

Go to jail for what?
Cause it’s all bull-shit.
Wrong! Because Kavanaugh refused to sue Ford & Mark Judge & others refused to talk. They are avoiding self incrimination & perjury, because Kavanaugh is guilty as hell!!! So instead they have you trolls attacking to cover for him! You mindless Drones will start over a thousand threads & post millions of times for him. LOL!!!
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That does not place him at this party, and you can't prove otherwise. So you are the one who is foolish.

He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why didn't Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident.

Nah. When there is no incident, there is no memory.
He WON'T say he WASN'T at the party... and he WON'T say Kavanaugh is innocent.

How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why did Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.

I am posting facts. You haven't posted a damn thing and sadly can't use logic, and have shown you don't care to even do any research before spouting off post after post about the situation. Hell you won't even read sources when they are given to you.
How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why did Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.

I am posting facts. You haven't posted a damn thing and sadly can't use logic, and have shown you don't care to even do any research before spouting off post after post about the situation. Hell you won't even read sources when they are given to you.
You have no facts except that judge was a drunk.
When you find something incriminating, get back to me, okay? But, you have NOTHING, period.
How can you expect Judge to remember the time and place of this party, if Ford can't remember either? He is expected to comment on some high school party that happened roughly in the early 1980's? No details about the location or specific time frame. Give me a break. Why should he make any statement at all? What does he care about Kavanaugh?

Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why did Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.

I am posting facts. You haven't posted a damn thing and sadly can't use logic, and have shown you don't care to even do any research before spouting off post after post about the situation. Hell you won't even read sources when they are given to you.

I agree! Meister is just blinded by his vision of having Roe v. Wade overturned. He doesn't care if Kavanaugh is Satan. Same with many Evangelicals.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.
Lakhota, there is nothing there and you can't prove otherwise. Wishful thinking will not pull Ford over the finish line....and you know that.
Any partisan hack knows that.
Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why did Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.

I am posting facts. You haven't posted a damn thing and sadly can't use logic, and have shown you don't care to even do any research before spouting off post after post about the situation. Hell you won't even read sources when they are given to you.

I agree! Meister is just blinded by his vision of having Roe v. Wade overturned. He doesn't care if Kavanaugh is Satan. Same with many Evangelicals.
Trolling your own thread???????:auiqs.jpg:
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.
Lakhota, there is nothing there and you can't prove otherwise. Wishful thinking will not pull Ford over the finish line....and you know that.
Any partisan hack knows that.

Don't you agree that Kavanaugh's confirmation should be slowed down and be thoroughly investigated?
Judge didn't have a problem remembering enough to write a book about it.

If the Senate wants to pay for his testimony like a book deal, maybe he will reconsider dealing with the abuse. Otherwise, he should tell them to pound sand. I wouldn't take time off from work to go there and deal with that drama.

No he won't... because he won't say shit under oath and risk going to jail.
You post like you have all the facts have absolutely nothing....nothing at all except for
speculation which doesn't get convictions.

Also, why did Ford mention Kav's name in 2012 when she saw her shrink? inquiring minds want to know.

I am posting facts. You haven't posted a damn thing and sadly can't use logic, and have shown you don't care to even do any research before spouting off post after post about the situation. Hell you won't even read sources when they are given to you.
You have no facts except that judge was a drunk.
When you find something incriminating, get back to me, okay? But, you have NOTHING, period.

Oh yes, how nice you leave out so many other things. HE WROTE A BOOK ON IT. He admitted he was good friends with Kavanaugh in high school. Kavanaugh was in his high school yearbook being listed as the treasurer for his high schools Keg City Club for people who tried to drink 10 kegs worth of beer during their senior year. Kavanaugh was asked by Senator Kennedy during his hearing about doing bad stuff as a teenager and Kavanaugh just laughed it off and wouldn't answer. Kavanaugh is on video saying "What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep." This woman said to her therapist in 2012 this happened. She told her husband several years ago it happened. I KNOW how it is VERY common women don't report this stuff because of what it will do to their lives. I KNOW that the percentage of accusers that are proven to be liars is 3% and less. I KNOW she has everything to lose, and nothing to gain here.

Now if you can't use the logic to see this deserves to be investigated, then you don't care about the integrity of this country and to make sure that the Supreme Court of the United States has the best people.
Judge was a classmate of Kavanaugh’s at Georgetown Prep when Christine Blasey Ford says the incident occurred.

Mark Judge, the man who Christine Blasey Ford has said was in the room while Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her when they were in high school, has declined to speak before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Democrats had called for him to do so. But in a statement to committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Judge claimed he had no memory of the incident and declined to speak publicly about the allegation.

More: Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It's interesting that Judge has no memory of the incident. Well, Dr. Ford said there were also two more boys downstairs - so why doesn't someone investigate them and their memory of the gathering? Surely all of them aren't deaf and dumb.
Lakhota, there is nothing there and you can't prove otherwise. Wishful thinking will not pull Ford over the finish line....and you know that.
Any partisan hack knows that.

Don't you agree that Kavanaugh's confirmation should be slowed down and be thoroughly investigated?
There is not enough there. There's not going to be enough.
Ford didn't tell anyone. She didn't go to the authorities at the time. She didn't mention Kav to her shrink in 2012.
This has all the marking of a last minute hit job from the democrats using an activist as the bait.
It is nothing more than a game by the democrats.

So, no.

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