Mark Kirk Sends Poll Monitors To 'Vulnerable,' Largely African-American Neighborhoods

Are you really this fucking clueless? What was the economic differential before liberals pushed reforms that made it a crime to discriminate on the basis of race, compared to after? Why did conservatives consider equal opportunity legislation an affront to states rights?

I thought we dispelled this notion that conservatives were racists. George Wallace was a populist/progressive.

Actually blacks' growth of income was higher between WW2 and 1960 than it was after 1960. In fact, every metric of black life is worse now than it was prior to 1960.

George Wallace was a complex person. He lost his first bid for Governor because the Klan didn't support his lax attitude. Vowing to not be "out niggered again" he ran a successful right wing campaign, and extended the racist message to the national stage in two major elections. One can easily see how his strategy evolved into the "Southern Strategy" of the Republican party, that went from Nixon to Reagan's "states rights" speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, to the current crop of neo-racist scum.

At least racists like Wallace and Lee Atwater sought atonement for their ugly politics.

I guess you can't explain why blacks had it worse once The Great Society kicked in.
What have Democrats done for blacks except made them permanently poor?

Are you really this fucking clueless? What was the economic differential before liberals pushed reforms that made it a crime to discriminate on the basis of race, compared to after? Why did conservatives consider equal opportunity legislation an affront to states rights?

I thought we dispelled this notion that conservatives were racists. George Wallace was a populist/progressive.

Actually blacks' growth of income was higher between WW2 and 1960 than it was after 1960. In fact, every metric of black life is worse now than it was prior to 1960.

As usual, you are simply being deceitful.

U.S. economic history since 1945 - Google Books
Dick Suck... why don't you actually look into the 'activist' winger bullshit you post from and realize the wishy-washiness of the questions posed to gather the intended results...

You see.. with little questions like "whether they had problems paying mortgage, rent, or utility bills during the previous 12 months", it leaves a lot open to subjectivity... for it does not mean that it is a result of low income, poverty, or anything of the sort... for you could make a good wage, drop a ton of money on gambling and drugs, and still answer the question in the way needed to gain the result showing "housing hardship"

But typical for an asshole winger troll like you

Get a credible source
Dick Suck... why don't you actually look into the 'activist' winger bullshit you post from and realize the wishy-washiness of the questions posed to gather the intended results...

You see.. with little questions like "whether they had problems paying mortgage, rent, or utility bills during the previous 12 months", it leaves a lot open to subjectivity... for it does not mean that it is a result of low income, poverty, or anything of the sort... for you could make a good wage, drop a ton of money on gambling and drugs, and still answer the question in the way needed to gain the result showing "housing hardship"

But typical for an asshole winger troll like you

Get a credible source

Do you want me to apologize for giving you a positive rep? I love asshat racists like you. I want to encourage you to keep on posting.
There's not a doubt in my mind that Baghdad has fairer and more accurate elections than Chicago
I thought we dispelled this notion that conservatives were racists. George Wallace was a populist/progressive.

Actually blacks' growth of income was higher between WW2 and 1960 than it was after 1960. In fact, every metric of black life is worse now than it was prior to 1960.

George Wallace was a complex person. He lost his first bid for Governor because the Klan didn't support his lax attitude. Vowing to not be "out niggered again" he ran a successful right wing campaign, and extended the racist message to the national stage in two major elections. One can easily see how his strategy evolved into the "Southern Strategy" of the Republican party, that went from Nixon to Reagan's "states rights" speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, to the current crop of neo-racist scum.

At least racists like Wallace and Lee Atwater sought atonement for their ugly politics.

I guess you can't explain why blacks had it worse once The Great Society kicked in.

Well, when the great purveyor of the not so great society says "I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next two-hundred years", I think we know the answer...
Dick Suck... why don't you actually look into the 'activist' winger bullshit you post from and realize the wishy-washiness of the questions posed to gather the intended results...

You see.. with little questions like "whether they had problems paying mortgage, rent, or utility bills during the previous 12 months", it leaves a lot open to subjectivity... for it does not mean that it is a result of low income, poverty, or anything of the sort... for you could make a good wage, drop a ton of money on gambling and drugs, and still answer the question in the way needed to gain the result showing "housing hardship"

But typical for an asshole winger troll like you

Get a credible source

Do you want me to apologize for giving you a positive rep? I love asshat racists like you. I want to encourage you to keep on posting.

Reading comprehension still a problem for you?
So is Dick Head against ALL poll monitoring or just poll monitoring in heavily democrat districts?
No, it's nothing new. Right wingers have been using this tactic to suppress minority voters since our inception.

well you got that "talking point" down pat.:eusa_clap:


The Senate candidate, running state wide, has decided to target black neighborhoods. Why exactly? The choice of the verb form of "jig" was interesting.

Good question...Considering the history of blacks having their votes suppressed it's interesting why he only would choose mostly black neighborhoods to "monitor". I see whats going on here...and its a tactic thats used far too often. Why not go to white neighborhoods and make sure no black panthers are scaring white people? Isnt that the concern?
The precincts that he wanted to target were in predominate African-American neighborhoods. He stated this explicitly.

No he didn't. I've listened to it twice. You apparently still have yet to do so.

His choice of the word "jigger" was either an intentional double entendre or a subconscious slip

As was your choice of the word "target" I'm sure.

He's provided no proof that any voting irregularities have either been shown in those African-American communities or any plans exist to manipulate the vote there.

When did he mention black communities?
If you were actually a poll watcher for some candidate, you ought to know how they can slow down the process to a crawl. The can challenge just about any voter, demand extraordinary identification of proof of residency.

Yeah, they could, if they lack integrity, but someone who behaved that way is unlikely to be certified as one in the future. You can't just show up and say you're a poll watcher. You have to get a certificate from the county.

That's the game Kirk wants to play. Make the lines extra long in African American areas.

Let's see the proof, otherwise you're just a liar.

I lay it on the doorsteps of those who still can't come to terms with the fact that we have a black president.

Yes, a biased individual lacking in any or all critical thought would probably come to that conclusion.
Smart dude. The corrupt "Community Organizers" there are well known for rigging Elections. It shouldn't be too hard finding voter fraud in these Democrat-areas. It's rampant for God's sake. So WTG Mr. Kirk. Don't let em steal another election.
Are you really this fucking clueless? What was the economic differential before liberals pushed reforms that made it a crime to discriminate on the basis of race, compared to after? Why did conservatives consider equal opportunity legislation an affront to states rights?

I thought we dispelled this notion that conservatives were racists. George Wallace was a populist/progressive.

Actually blacks' growth of income was higher between WW2 and 1960 than it was after 1960. In fact, every metric of black life is worse now than it was prior to 1960.

Feel free to pull right wing truthiness out your ass all you want, without any shred of evidence. Here's just one study that shows you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Very nice. Unfortunately (for you) it doesnt contradict anything I've written.
This is the worst thing that could happen to Democrats. Even they know there is massive voter fraud in these Democrat-areas. This is a brilliant move by Kirk. People will now see just how corrupt the Democrats are. Their corrupt "Community Organizers" will get busted on Election Day. Bet on it.
Are you really this fucking clueless? What was the economic differential before liberals pushed reforms that made it a crime to discriminate on the basis of race, compared to after? Why did conservatives consider equal opportunity legislation an affront to states rights?

I thought we dispelled this notion that conservatives were racists. George Wallace was a populist/progressive.

Actually blacks' growth of income was higher between WW2 and 1960 than it was after 1960. In fact, every metric of black life is worse now than it was prior to 1960.

As usual, you are simply being deceitful.

U.S. economic history since 1945 - Google Books

And right on cue you are showing that you are an ignorant pooty-head. Your link actually supports what I wrote, rather than contradicts it.
As usual, you are simply being deceitful.

U.S. economic history since 1945 - Google Books

And right on cue you are showing that you are an ignorant pooty-head. Your link actually supports what I wrote, rather than contradicts it.

I don't think his link supports what you said, but what I do see from that chart is the "Great Society" programs have done absolutely nothing to lift blacks in this country out of "poverty", but seem to have actually kept them there.
If you were actually a poll watcher for some candidate, you ought to know how they can slow down the process to a crawl. The can challenge just about any voter, demand extraordinary identification of proof of residency.

It's Illinios. Kirk should do all those things.

Yes, suppression of the African American vote will help him win.

How about you explain to us why Illinois Democrats are trying to suppress the votes of the military?

WLS-AM 890

Civilized people are on to the code word game.

A jigger is a device used to measure shots of alcohol.

I also used to be a bartender.

You really need to stop because you're making yourself look like a fool.

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