Mark Levin Thinks Rupert Murdoch is a Liberal

Most people probably don't see Rupert Murdoch as a "liberal". Since it is a relative term, Mr. Levin can be correct while at the same time sounding pretty crazy to the rest of us.

Rupert Murdoch is a right winger who created faux news as the propaganda arm of the GOP. Now the "base" he created seems to be unhinged. It's the inmates running the asylum.
Most people probably don't see Rupert Murdoch as a "liberal". Since it is a relative term, Mr. Levin can be correct while at the same time sounding pretty crazy to the rest of us.

Rupert Murdoch is a right winger who created faux news as the propaganda arm of the GOP. Now the "base" he created seems to be unhinged. It's the inmates running the asylum.
Libertarians and the teabaggers were started by dissatisfied Republicans.
Most people probably don't see Rupert Murdoch as a "liberal". Since it is a relative term, Mr. Levin can be correct while at the same time sounding pretty crazy to the rest of us.

Rupert Murdoch is a right winger who created faux news as the propaganda arm of the GOP. Now the "base" he created seems to be unhinged. It's the inmates running the asylum.
Libertarians and the teabaggers were started by dissatisfied Republicans.

But the GOP allowed them to hijack the party.

So-called "libertarians" are not libertarian. They consistently support legislation that is theocratic in nature.
Most people probably don't see Rupert Murdoch as a "liberal". Since it is a relative term, Mr. Levin can be correct while at the same time sounding pretty crazy to the rest of us.

Rupert Murdoch is a right winger who created faux news as the propaganda arm of the GOP. Now the "base" he created seems to be unhinged. It's the inmates running the asylum.
Libertarians and the teabaggers were started by dissatisfied Republicans.

But the GOP allowed them to hijack the party.

So-called "libertarians" are not libertarian. They consistently support legislation that is theocratic in nature.

LEGISLATION THEOCRATIC IN NATURE...... A PRIME EXAMPLE, and who sponsors THIS kind of legislation...fucking DemocRAT/Socialists!

You're a liar.
Rupert Murdoch and you are Free Market freaks and yet you complain his version of the Free Market is Marxism.
Which one is it?


Now again Reader, recall that I have MANY TIMES noted that the Ideological Left rests ENTIRELY in RELATIVISM. Wherein Relativism is defined: the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's own culture, society, or historical context, and as such, they can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

And what comes in response to such?

The above would-be 'contributor', advancing the notion that a 'free-market' is one wherein there are no rules, which is bound by no requirement for honesty in one's dealing, no concern for any harm done to another... that a free market is a market bound by NO ETHICS; or principle, or morality, beyond that which is held by the individual at issue.

ROFLMNAO! This is the same species of Reasoning that heralds the idiocy: "

I say it HERE... and it comes out ^THERE^.


Yet, when I evoke the 7 facets of Comparative Advantage, you have chimed in along with others to tell me I'm a Liberal.
Suddenly, your definition of a Free Market is a REGULATED Free Market.
Make up your mind.
He backed Tony Blair for three elections, Ed Koch and Hillary when she was Senator.

He had a bust of Lenin in his dorm room.

"Even though he is hostile to government initiatives on climate change, groups that examine corporate carbon emissions have given News Corp. high marks for monitoring and disclosing its footprint; the company beat a five-year deadline that he set back in 2007 to become carbon-neutral. A naturalized American citizen, Murdoch supports more liberal immigration laws".

Five myths about Rupert Murdoch

That is so beyond bizarre. The GOP really needs to cut its wingers loose.
There is a relatively small group of conservatives to whom pretty much EVERYONE is a liberal.

Uh, liberal/commie/fascist/Marxist/socialist.

Unfortunately, that relatively small group has most of the influence in the party right now.

That is so beyond bizarre. The GOP really needs to cut its wingers loose.

So he backed Tony Blair through three elections in Britain and backed Ed Koch and Hillary when she was Senator and Mark's wrong?

That is so beyond bizarre. The GOP really needs to cut its wingers loose.
There is a relatively small group of conservatives to whom pretty much EVERYONE is a liberal.

Uh, liberal/commie/fascist/Marxist/socialist.

Unfortunately, that relatively small group has most of the influence in the party right now.

If someone, anyone who isn't as far right as these extreme nutters, then they must be socialist commie liberals.
Their disdain for members of the GOP that are even somewhat center leaning, is a great example of their state of mind.

There is literally no such thing as a political center... One either recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles of nature that govern human behavior, or one does NOT.

Those who DO... are on the political Right; they are oka: Sound Human Beings; AKA: Americans.

Those who do not, are Leftists... OKA: The manifestation of Evil.

BUT... to help you understand this, I am inviting you to simply provide the reader with an example of a position which you believe represents an example of "The Sacrosanct Middle".

(Reader... enjoy. I set this challenge for you.)

A good example would be how Minnesota approached recovery from the Great Recession.
When Mark Dayton assumed the governor's office in January 2011, he inherited a 6.2 billion dollar deficit. To right the states economy, he cut state government spending and state government size. He also raised taxes on incomes $150,000 single/$250,000 married and raised the minimum wage.
Last year the state had a $2 billion surplus, one of the nations best state economies and unemployment rates. He cut back the tax increases on the wealthy back to their previous rate.
Dayton's approach worked very nicely using ideas from the right and left, everybody sacrificed, the wealthy's short- term tax increase and other's with their cut in state services, but basically no one complained. And everyone was brought back to the way things were. Minnesota's quality of life is rated tops in the nation.
Moving to the center enhanced compromise from all political spectrums and great things were accomplished.
Most people probably don't see Rupert Murdoch as a "liberal". Since it is a relative term, Mr. Levin can be correct while at the same time sounding pretty crazy to the rest of us.

Rupert Murdoch is a right winger who created faux news as the propaganda arm of the GOP. Now the "base" he created seems to be unhinged. It's the inmates running the asylum.

He's a liberal who backed Tony Blair and the Labour Party in Britain thru three elections. And he backed Hillary Clinton for Senator and Ed Koch Mayor.
If someone, anyone who isn't as far right as these extreme nutters, then they must be socialist commie liberals.
Their disdain for members of the GOP that are even somewhat center leaning, is a great example of their state of mind.

There is literally no such thing as a political center... One either recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles of nature that govern human behavior, or one does NOT.

Those who DO... are on the political Right; they are oka: Sound Human Beings; AKA: Americans.

Those who do not, are Leftists... OKA: The manifestation of Evil.

BUT... to help you understand this, I am inviting you to simply provide the reader with an example of a position which you believe represents an example of "The Sacrosanct Middle".

(Reader... enjoy. I set this challenge for you.)
I see that you are trying to de-humanize those who disagree with you. Got some plans for locking us up in the future?

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