Mark Levin To Friend, Jeff Sessions: It's Time To Step Aside

Got to give it to Witchit for an amazing combination of cluelessness and stubborness. :p
I have to agree with Levin. Sessions set all these events in motion and now we're entering a Constitutional crisis. He's been a stealth deep state stooge the whole time with the whole purpose to undermine the Trump presidency. I expect him to be gone by Friday or soon after.

MARK LEVIN: It’s Time For Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Step Aside (AUDIO)
Sessions illegally met with Russians and then lied about when he got caught. By recusing himself he did the right thing. But trump doesn’t ever care about doing the right thing. Only loyalty to him. Not the country.
Of course you want Sessions to step down so trump can appoint a flunky who will fire R. Rosenstein who will then fire Mueller.
If Mueller is fired trump will be admitting wrong doing.
Innocent people don’t fire people investigating him even 2nd handedly.
Trump’s fucked no matter what he does.
You are so stupid it's beyond belief. What law did Sessions break by shaking Kislyak's hand in a greeting line? There seems to be no limit on the stupid coming from you.

One the investigation included contact between the Trump Campaign and Russia... Sessions was asked under oath did he meet Russians during the campaign, he said no... That turned out to be untrue.. For the rest of us we could be looking at criminal charges but he said he forgot and understandably he could not be considered impartial....

The guy could have been pleading guilty for lying in a case he was meant to be charge off... How stupid do you think people are?
Sorry, turd, but sessions said he didn't have "communications" with the Russian government. Shaking the ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having communications with the Russian government." Furthermore, Franken's question was based on the Steele "dossier," which we all know was just a piece of malicious gossip used to spy illegally on the Trump campaign.
Levin and Hannity control much of the party right now.

Sessions may be fucked.
I have to agree with Levin. Sessions set all these events in motion and now we're entering a Constitutional crisis. He's been a stealth deep state stooge the whole time with the whole purpose to undermine the Trump presidency. I expect him to be gone by Friday or soon after.

MARK LEVIN: It’s Time For Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Step Aside (AUDIO)
Sessions illegally met with Russians and then lied about when he got caught. By recusing himself he did the right thing. But trump doesn’t ever care about doing the right thing. Only loyalty to him. Not the country.
Of course you want Sessions to step down so trump can appoint a flunky who will fire R. Rosenstein who will then fire Mueller.
If Mueller is fired trump will be admitting wrong doing.
Innocent people don’t fire people investigating him even 2nd handedly.
Trump’s fucked no matter what he does.
You are so stupid it's beyond belief. What law did Sessions break by shaking Kislyak's hand in a greeting line? There seems to be no limit on the stupid coming from you.

One the investigation included contact between the Trump Campaign and Russia... Sessions was asked under oath did he meet Russians during the campaign, he said no... That turned out to be untrue.. For the rest of us we could be looking at criminal charges but he said he forgot and understandably he could not be considered impartial....

The guy could have been pleading guilty for lying in a case he was meant to be charge off... How stupid do you think people are?
Sorry, turd, but sessions said he didn't have "communications" with the Russian government. Shaking the ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having communications with the Russian government." Furthermore, Franken's question was based on the Steele "dossier," which we all know was just a piece of malicious gossip used to spy illegally on the Trump campaign.

FFS, I gave you three articles which proved that things didn't happen the way Faux & Fiends told you it did, and you're STILL repeating the same bullshit lamesauce lie?

Oh wait. I was assuming you could read when I supplied those links.

I have to agree with Levin. Sessions set all these events in motion and now we're entering a Constitutional crisis. He's been a stealth deep state stooge the whole time with the whole purpose to undermine the Trump presidency. I expect him to be gone by Friday or soon after.

MARK LEVIN: It’s Time For Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Step Aside (AUDIO)
Sessions illegally met with Russians and then lied about when he got caught. By recusing himself he did the right thing. But trump doesn’t ever care about doing the right thing. Only loyalty to him. Not the country.
Of course you want Sessions to step down so trump can appoint a flunky who will fire R. Rosenstein who will then fire Mueller.
If Mueller is fired trump will be admitting wrong doing.
Innocent people don’t fire people investigating him even 2nd handedly.
Trump’s fucked no matter what he does.
You are so stupid it's beyond belief. What law did Sessions break by shaking Kislyak's hand in a greeting line? There seems to be no limit on the stupid coming from you.

One the investigation included contact between the Trump Campaign and Russia... Sessions was asked under oath did he meet Russians during the campaign, he said no... That turned out to be untrue.. For the rest of us we could be looking at criminal charges but he said he forgot and understandably he could not be considered impartial....

The guy could have been pleading guilty for lying in a case he was meant to be charge off... How stupid do you think people are?
Sorry, turd, but sessions said he didn't have "communications" with the Russian government. Shaking the ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having communications with the Russian government." Furthermore, Franken's question was based on the Steele "dossier," which we all know was just a piece of malicious gossip used to spy illegally on the Trump campaign.

FFS, I gave you three articles which proved that things didn't happen the way Faux & Fiends told you it did, and you're STILL repeating the same bullshit lamesauce lie?

Oh wait. I was assuming you could read when I supplied those links.

Old news. Already debunked.
Don’t worry, Steve. Sessions is still a giant racist pig. How can anything go wrong when he thinks just like you do?

If I recall correctly from your post just the other day, the law does not apply to him. Right? He’s a white male, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And apparently, what he wants now is for Trump to be held accountable.

I know!! I was as shocked as you!
I heard you were BDBoop's sock.

Nahh, joeb's sock.
Don’t worry, Steve. Sessions is still a giant racist pig. How can anything go wrong when he thinks just like you do?

If I recall correctly from your post just the other day, the law does not apply to him. Right? He’s a white male, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And apparently, what he wants now is for Trump to be held accountable.

I know!! I was as shocked as you!
I heard you were BDBoop's sock.

Nahh, joeb's sock.
Isn't that against the rules?
Don’t worry, Steve. Sessions is still a giant racist pig. How can anything go wrong when he thinks just like you do?

If I recall correctly from your post just the other day, the law does not apply to him. Right? He’s a white male, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And apparently, what he wants now is for Trump to be held accountable.

I know!! I was as shocked as you!
I heard you were BDBoop's sock.

Nahh, joeb's sock.
Isn't that against the rules?

Yup. And as soon as we can confirm it they will go bye bye.
I have to agree with Levin. Sessions set all these events in motion and now we're entering a Constitutional crisis. He's been a stealth deep state stooge the whole time with the whole purpose to undermine the Trump presidency. I expect him to be gone by Friday or soon after.

MARK LEVIN: It’s Time For Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Step Aside (AUDIO)
Sessions illegally met with Russians and then lied about when he got caught. By recusing himself he did the right thing. But trump doesn’t ever care about doing the right thing. Only loyalty to him. Not the country.
Of course you want Sessions to step down so trump can appoint a flunky who will fire R. Rosenstein who will then fire Mueller.
If Mueller is fired trump will be admitting wrong doing.
Innocent people don’t fire people investigating him even 2nd handedly.
Trump’s fucked no matter what he does.
When Sessions was a senator OBOMA arranged for Sessions to meet with the Russian ambassador. At the meeting in Sessions office there were TWO military officers and one US note taker in attendance.
Every word was copied.
Then Sessions was at the same party and REP convention as the ambassador. They spoke for less then a few seconds each time.
Why doesn't the GOP get it over with, and just run a Levin/Hannity ticket?
Liberals stick to facts. Alex Jones clones like yourself just make up shit like your laughable “ Mueller Muslim Brotherhood”
Not one of you cockroaches have been able to admit you don’t want to know if your president is a crook. You’re cowards.... everyone of you.
Bob Mueller is in a very precarious position.
He’s in charge of holding up our democracy so it doesn’t crumble to this corrupt and unethical president. The republicans are worthless and won’t hold him accountable. His authoritarian tendencies, his schmozing and cozying up and admiring dictators is a huge warning sign.
Trump has been a lawless punk his whole life. He lies about everything.
“ I have no business in Russia” all the while he was trying to get a Trump Tower built in Moscow. Yet cowards like you never spoke up.
Bob Mueller is going to do more than speak up.
He’s going to alert the world of every crime and dishonorable thing this idiot man has done. It can’t come soon enough.

Liberals stick to facts if/whenever they work for those liberals' agenda. Otherwise they call them "conspiracy theories". Standard liberal MO. Who in America doesn't know this ? :rolleyes:

Mueller is the dishonorable TRAITOR who has been cahoots with top Muslim Brotherhood front groups. I posted the factual stories. You pretend they're untrue, simply because you don't like Trump, and Mueller is the current hit man hired by the lowlife Democrats.

They're unable to accept that they are only liked by looney liberals in the northeast and Pacific coast, and illegal aliens who they brought in here to vote for them.

The job Trump is doing is fabulous, and unprecedented. He will go on record as the best president we've ever had, and who got rid of all the treasonous baggage left behind by the jihadist enemy, Obama.
Don’t worry, Steve. Sessions is still a giant racist pig. How can anything go wrong when he thinks just like you do?

If I recall correctly from your post just the other day, the law does not apply to him. Right? He’s a white male, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. And apparently, what he wants now is for Trump to be held accountable.

I know!! I was as shocked as you!
He’s a white male, so he can be illegally and immorally discriminated against, by Obama-approved affirmative action programs.
Ignore the arrests and guilty pleas...

The scary thing is that you don't want Trump vindicated... You want the investigation obstructed by Trump...

Why do the Trumpsters not trust a Republican lawman with an impeccable history? Did you expect him to be partisan like Nunes? You know that an exoneration from Nunes is worthless, Nunes would never find Trump guilty of anything no matter the evidence...

Muller investigation has 3 guys in his team who in total gave $18,100 to Hillary campaign... The other Democrats gave in total $700 dollars, doesn't sound like big donations...

I will also point out that Mueller CANNOT pick people on his team by political affiliation, that is illegal...
Are you blind ? Mueller is about as impeccable as Charles Manson, except that Mueller in his support for the Clintons and the Muslim Brotherhood groups, has probably indirectly murdered 100 times as many people as Manson ever did.

As for Hillary's illegal campaign contributions, she got millions from ONE guy at a party in her NY home, not a whisper from Mueller...but Mueller goes after a Trump guy over $100K.

Mueller should be be arrested, tried, convicted and executed. He is one of the lowest creatures this country has ever produced.
I have to agree with Levin. Sessions set all these events in motion and now we're entering a Constitutional crisis. He's been a stealth deep state stooge the whole time with the whole purpose to undermine the Trump presidency. I expect him to be gone by Friday or soon after.

MARK LEVIN: It’s Time For Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Step Aside (AUDIO)

Jeff Sessions is a decent and honorable man, but he's just not up for the job of Attorney General. He should have stayed in the Senate.
I have to agree with Levin. Sessions set all these events in motion and now we're entering a Constitutional crisis. He's been a stealth deep state stooge the whole time with the whole purpose to undermine the Trump presidency. I expect him to be gone by Friday or soon after.

MARK LEVIN: It’s Time For Attorney General Jeff Sessions To Step Aside (AUDIO)
Sessions illegally met with Russians and then lied about when he got caught. By recusing himself he did the right thing. But trump doesn’t ever care about doing the right thing. Only loyalty to him. Not the country.
Of course you want Sessions to step down so trump can appoint a flunky who will fire R. Rosenstein who will then fire Mueller.
If Mueller is fired trump will be admitting wrong doing.
Innocent people don’t fire people investigating him even 2nd handedly.
Trump’s fucked no matter what he does.
When Sessions was a senator OBOMA arranged for Sessions to meet with the Russian ambassador. At the meeting in Sessions office there were TWO military officers and one US note taker in attendance.
Every word was copied.
Then Sessions was at the same party and REP convention as the ambassador. They spoke for less then a few seconds each time.

That is so sinister! Imagine all the collusion that went on!

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