Mark Meadows Planning to Flip on Trump in Georgia Case Along With Other Indicted Co-Conspirators, Per Report

Right, but you think history is going to be great to Trump for all the divineness and chaos he has caused.

You chose to divide yourselves from civilized society and create chaos. It wasn't Trump nor his supporters who were stupidly burning down their own neighborhoods and businesses in 2020.
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You chose to divide yourselves from civility and create chaos. It wasn't Trump nor his supporters who were stupidly burning down their own neighborhoods and businesses in 2020.
According to the reports, the majority of the chaos was done by white counter protesters outside of the black community. Look dumb ass, this tired false equivalence whites like you come up with all the time ignores one very important and critical fact, the Floyd protests happened because a nation saw a citizen literally murdered by the state, 1-6 happened for nothing. It was a big temper tantrum by a bunch of losers led by a 75 year old spoiled brat mad because you all could not get your way.
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Meadows is making a move to transfer his case from state to federal court, thereby delaying past critical dates and taking years to resolve.

Other defendants have also filed similar motions, so that Fani slut won't be getting an easy prosecution any time soon.


Meadows Might Thwart Fani’s Plan - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Not to mention they're trying to prosecute a phone call on RICO charges. That's how monumentally stupid they are.
Yea that's what it is, you have been using the same lame propaganda for over 150yrs. Time to get some new material.

And not just the riots. Calling your political opponents every vile name under the sun for decades, insisting on all this woke BS.

The comeuppance is coming soon, and it will be glorious.
Yea that's what it is, you have been using the same lame propaganda for over 150yrs. Time to get some new material.

How is it "lame propaganda" that Trump-supporters weren't the ones rioting for a whole year? Were we out there looting stores, burning down whole city blocks, shitting on police cars, and throwing fireworks at officers?

Nope, that was your side and your own Democrat legislators who were cheering you on. And don't even bother bringing up that little one-day unruly protest at the Capitol on January 6. You folks had far worse than that coming to you.
A new report connected the dots among Donald Trump’s co-conspirators for his indictment in Georgia, and it established a pattern of behavior indicating the former president’s allies will turn against him to legally save themselves.

Politico reported on Mark Meadows’ potential legal strategy as the White House chief of staff faces charges connected with Trump’s alleged conspiracy to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results. The report referred to court documents showing a strong likelihood that Meadows will join Trump’s other former allies who will blame the ex-president and portray him as the “primary diver” of the racketeering enterprise they’ve been accused of.

From the report:

View attachment 825371

Is Mark Meadows now a part of the Deeeeeeep State.

Amazing what folks will do when they start threatening you with that time.
I have to say, Democrats are good at connecting dots, even though they would fail connecting dots in third grade.
There seems to be an overwhelming sense of denial amongst the board Trumpers. A year ago they were claiming that they wouldnt dare charge Trump with anything.

That narrative has obviously sunk without trace.

Now the claim is that the charges are flimsy and do not bare scrutiny. They also do not believe any of his conspirators will cut a deal

I think that attitude is delusional. Maybe the Georgia prison system is a byword for civilised correctionl action. But you are still behind bars and even a resurgent trump cant get you out. His friends will reflect on that in the coming months. Especially as they enjoy their last christmas at home.

It seems the only tactic is to try and remove Ms Willis. That seems unlikely to succeed. Delay is the other option.

It really isnt going very well at all.
He has a total of 91 counts. He's not going to be found innocent of them all.
100% correct, as that’s not how it works.

But our country is in deep, deep trouble, and it looks as though the decency and integrity of a few dozen juries will decide its fate.

If it isn’t already too late.

And you cheer on the totalitarian state...
He probably won't go to jail,
he will just be stripped of the possiblity of ever holding any public office again
I pray for the sake of more than 300 million people that you’re wrong.
and hit with huge fines.
As long as these fines are in keeping with prior - and subsequent - penalties levied in similar cases, and Hunter Biden is imprisoned and fined in accordance with his ACTUAL crimes, and his father as well, I have less concern about this.
Either way, as long as, his ass is old news is a good thing.
Pray for your country’s well-being, and your own.
Nobody has failed.

History will hold trump in the same regard as Benedict Arnold.
Incredible as this may sound, Trump may be regarded as one of the greatest - and certainly the most unlikely - heroes in the country’s history.
According to the reports, the majority of the chaos was done by white counter protesters outside of the black community.
As with J6, though perhaps to a lesser degree, there WAS agitation/incitement by state agents, though who was and was not acting in an official capacity is unclear.

But the vast majority of unrest, destruction, assault, arson and murder was spontaneous, and a direct result of the CovidCon lockdowns imposed on communities of color, thus devastating them.
Look dumb ass, this tired false equivalence whites like you come up with all the time ignores one very important and critical fact, the Floyd protests happened because a nation saw a citizen literally murdered by the state,
No - it was the CovidCon lockdowns.

The Democrats, working with the DeepSwamp, burned down communities of color.

Floyd was just cover.
1-6 happened for nothing.
J6 happened for the same reason the CovidCon lockdown riots happened; it was inevitable, but is now being used as an excuse to create a totalitarian state.

You should be DEEPLY concerned, but instead cheer the new era of slavery on.
It was a big temper tantrum by a bunch of losers led by a 75 year old spoiled brat mad because you all could not get your way.
See above, and pray for your country.
There seems to be an overwhelming sense of denial amongst the board Trumpers. A year ago they were claiming that they wouldnt dare charge Trump with anything.

That narrative has obviously sunk without trace.

Now the claim is that the charges are flimsy and do not bare scrutiny. They also do not believe any of his conspirators will cut a deal

I think that attitude is delusional. Maybe the Georgia prison system is a byword for civilised correctionl action. But you are still behind bars and even a resurgent trump cant get you out. His friends will reflect on that in the coming months. Especially as they enjoy their last christmas at home.

It seems the only tactic is to try and remove Ms Willis. That seems unlikely to succeed. Delay is the other option.

It really isnt going very well at all.
While several of your claims are specious, I do think that despite the hysteria and evil they’ve demonstrated in the last 9 years, Democrats and DeepSwampers were still thought by conservatives to possess a degree of core integrity which they perhaps lack.

Interesting times to be sure.
And not just the riots. Calling your political opponents every vile name under the sun for decades, insisting on all this woke BS.

The comeuppance is coming soon, and it will be glorious.
If the hood fits, wear it. Trump is the master of the vile name calling and your right the comeupp

I pray for the sake of more than 300 million people that you’re wrong.

As long as these fines are in keeping with prior - and subsequent - penalties levied in similar cases, and Hunter Biden is imprisoned and fined in accordance with his ACTUAL crimes, and his father as well, I have less concern about this.

Pray for your country’s well-being, and your own.
Well my well being is on jeopardy if Trump is not held accountable and reelected. The worse thing for this country is a crook like Trump being reelected. Again if the Bidens have broken the law they need to be held accountable as well.

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