Mark Wahlberg Slams Tom Cruise

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
I normally don't give Two shits what actors say, but a rl friend of mine kept posting shit about Tom imafuckingpussinfesteddouchenozzle Cruise and his bullshit of comparing his 'acting' to being at war in Afgan.

then Mark, thefuckingman Wahlberg said this;

MARK WAHLBERG: You know, for actors to sit there and talk about, "Oh, I was, went to SEAL training. Slept on…" I don’t give a f--k what you did. You don’t do what these guys did. [Applause]

You don’t. You know? For somebody to sit there and say, "Well, my job was as difficult as somebody in the military." How f--king dare you, you know, while you sit in a makeup chair for two hours. [Applause]

I don’t give a sh--t if you're getting your ass busted. You get to go home at the end of the day. You get to go to your hotel room. You get to order f--king chicken, or steak, or a bottle of Cabernet, or whatever the f--k it is.

Mark Wahlberg Slams Tom Cruise: 'How F--king Dare You' Compare Acting to Fighting in Afghanistan | NewsBusters video at link

Fuck tom cruise, I'll never watch anything that faggot puts out, but I'll pay to see anything with Wahlberg in it.

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