Mark Zuckerberg Gets $10 Million a Year in Taxpayer Subsidies for Personal Security


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A man estimated to be worth $70.6 BILLION lives behind walls.

But even a man who lives behind guarded walls has to get out among the people sometimes. However, when he does, he is well guarded by a phalanx of security personnel subsidized by the people he is trying to keep at bay. The cost for protecting Zuckerberg and his family, $27,000 a day, is subsidized by a $10 million annual pre-tax allowance that enables him to delay (or perhaps avoid altogether in the long run) paying taxes on that money.

Leftists are so hypocritical. They rail against guns and then are surrounded by phalanxes of armed security personnel.

More of thi @ Open Borders Advocate Mark Zuckerberg Gets $10 Million a Year in Taxpayer Subsidies for Personal Security

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