Market OVER 17K!!!!

So Sallow, do you think the recovery is now self-sustaining, meaning the Fed can now taper and end its intervention?

At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.
Changing the subject doesn't grant you any honesty points, hack.

Didn't change the subject at all.

I addressed your ridiculousness head on.

Here's the problem with your economic "Theories" is they've never worked on a large scale.

And you libertarians love to cherry pick from small countries which none of you would be caught dead in.

Not Singapore, Not Austria, Not Hong Kong..not anywhere, where it might get a little rough if things break badly.

What a joke you make. It isn't a day that goes by that America isn't compared to those same small countries by the left.


Today is 07/03/2014.

Link a column making a comparison between America and Singapore/Austria/Hong Kong - where the writer is saying we'd be better off if only we adopted <FILL IN LIBERAL POLICY>
The wealthy and greedy bankers must be cleaning up....

What about everyone else (54% of Americans) who have investments ??????

I wonder how many times this ignorant assumption that only wealthy people have investments is going to get trotted out?

I guess once for every ignorant poster.....
Changing the subject doesn't grant you any honesty points, hack.

Didn't change the subject at all.

I addressed your ridiculousness head on.

Here's the problem with your economic "Theories" is they've never worked on a large scale.

And you libertarians love to cherry pick from small countries which none of you would be caught dead in.

Not Singapore, Not Austria, Not Hong Kong..not anywhere, where it might get a little rough if things break badly.

You're frkin' stupid, fella. None of this has a damned thing to do with the federal reserves QE programs. Neither does how much money congress spends on government. You're so dishonest it seeps out your pores into the digital universe.
Sorry what?

The biggest consumer of American products is, guess what?

The American Government.

Congress has decided that it will "help" the economy, since 2010, by doing NOTHING.

That didn't happen during the Reagan, Bush I, or Bush II administrations.

Congress SPENT like crazy.

So? If Congress decided, tomorrow, to start acting like normal legislators? The Fed could taper off alot more quickly.

But of course, you live in Libertarian land where governments are non existent and every CEO is John Galt or Howard Rourke and carries the world on their shoulders like Atlas.


I wouldn't worry too much the sailors are still drunk:


You do know that the bill for the unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan went on the 2009 books, right? Bush didn't want to look bad before he left office.

Ah the big war ended in 2011 and I really doubt all that spending has a thing to do with either war. The claim was made that congress wasn't spending, they are. The question is that if the spending increase was due to the wars why is it so high even today? We both should know that the increase in spending had to do with Obama's policy of buying our way, at our grandchildren's expense, of a recession. It didn't work.
The wealthy and greedy bankers must be cleaning up....

What about everyone else (54% of Americans) who have investments ??????

I wonder how many times this ignorant assumption that only wealthy people have investments is going to get trotted out?

I guess once for every ignorant poster.....

When the rich take back their money when the stock market crashes whose money do you think they will be taking?
So Sallow, do you think the recovery is now self-sustaining, meaning the Fed can now taper and end its intervention?

At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Some? For a bit? It's not a self sustaining system in the first place. And the debt will come due when that 4+ trillion balance sheet has its inevitable recourse.
A combination of job gains and a shrinking labor force have lowered the unemployment rate from a peak of 10 percent in October 2009.

The decrease in labor force participation partly reflects the aging of the U.S. population, but Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has argued it is also due to discouraged job seekers

U.S. jobs growth likely to be relatively strong in June | Reuters

The economy must fail crowd chimes in

Yup, right after the pro giving money to the rich people to prop up the markets crowd started a thread... But you like getting money from Government that you didn't honestly earn so no surprise you love seeing more fake "recovery" based on 100% debt.
So Sallow, do you think the recovery is now self-sustaining, meaning the Fed can now taper and end its intervention?

At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Some? For a bit? It's not a self sustaining system in the first place. And the debt will come due when that 4+ trillion balance sheet has its inevitable recourse.

It's self sustaining if provisioned correctly.

As in government outlays are matched by what it takes in.

Problem is that, for the most part? Politicians promise the moon for free.
Didn't change the subject at all.

I addressed your ridiculousness head on.

Here's the problem with your economic "Theories" is they've never worked on a large scale.

And you libertarians love to cherry pick from small countries which none of you would be caught dead in.

Not Singapore, Not Austria, Not Hong Kong..not anywhere, where it might get a little rough if things break badly.

What a joke you make. It isn't a day that goes by that America isn't compared to those same small countries by the left.


Today is 07/03/2014.

Link a column making a comparison between America and Singapore/Austria/Hong Kong - where the writer is saying we'd be better off if only we adopted <FILL IN LIBERAL POLICY>
At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Some? For a bit? It's not a self sustaining system in the first place. And the debt will come due when that 4+ trillion balance sheet has its inevitable recourse.

It's self sustaining if provisioned correctly.

As in government outlays are matched by what it takes in.

Problem is that, for the most part? Politicians promise the moon for free.

WTF does inlays and outlays at the federal govt. level have to do with the federal reserves balance sheet? Oh, that's right. Nothing You do not understand WTF you're discussing.

So Sallow, do you think the recovery is now self-sustaining, meaning the Fed can now taper and end its intervention?

At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Some? For a bit? It's not a self sustaining system in the first place. And the debt will come due when that 4+ trillion balance sheet has its inevitable recourse.

Lol, for a bit....

Trillions spent to make these false numbers. How great can the news be when the economy is still so crappy that if the FED stopped injecting money into the system it would fall apart instantly?

I always put it like this, imagine if at any other time a President could have 1 trillion a year dumped into the markets by the FED-R. They would have an economy so falsely booming no other time in history could even be viewed at as even mildly successful.

Just imagine GWB's economy at it's peak with 1 trillion a year injected into it... That's all Obama is doing.
At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Some? For a bit? It's not a self sustaining system in the first place. And the debt will come due when that 4+ trillion balance sheet has its inevitable recourse.

It's self sustaining if provisioned correctly.

As in government outlays are matched by what it takes in.

Problem is that, for the most part? Politicians promise the moon for free.

No you ignorant tawt, they promise you healthcare for free, then fail.
Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June | CNS News

The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

There's your lower unemployment rate.

You STFU right now! UE went down and as long as that number can be manipulated for Democrat cover that's the way it will be reported. Who cares if less actual people are working every month, who cares if the "jobs created" are lower paying... The only thing that matters is that the UE number goes down even thought it's only possible through massive misrepresentation of reality.

The world is flat, the Moon is a god and the ocean is a single living being that watches us all... and as long as these claims help a Democrat it will be reported as truth and supported by the bots on the left.
What a joke you make. It isn't a day that goes by that America isn't compared to those same small countries by the left.


Today is 07/03/2014.

Link a column making a comparison between America and Singapore/Austria/Hong Kong - where the writer is saying we'd be better off if only we adopted <FILL IN LIBERAL POLICY>

Today is June 27th! Wow, I'd better check my calendar....

Clicked through to the article....the only other country to have worse maternity laws than America is Papua New Guinea.

Aren't you right wingers proud of how you'll fight to death for a fetus but to hell with 'em as soon as they are born?

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