Market OVER 17K!!!!

Don't get too excited about the market.

We are due for a correction and the longer it takes the bigger it will be. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw at minimum a 12-15% drop in the near future.

So watch it like a hawk and protect your gains.

I 'watch' it every day.

Comes with the territory.

And those kind of corrections only come when there is really bad news.
Ever read the book, "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"?


But I will check it out.
Don't get too excited about the market.

We are due for a correction and the longer it takes the bigger it will be. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw at minimum a 12-15% drop in the near future.

So watch it like a hawk and protect your gains.

I 'watch' it every day.

Comes with the territory.

And those kind of corrections only come when there is really bad news.


They do?

Like what kind of bad news?


Like, um..Lehman is shutting it's doors..dude?

Okay..obviously you are out of your league here..

Conservatives are invested in America failing when they perceive it being politically expedient.

People seem to have short memories.

Conservatives closed down government and impeached Clinton.

And when in power? The cut taxes and get rid of regulations. Generally? That leads to crashes and bail outs.

The correlation between rapes and ice cream sales is better shown than what Shallow can produce.

It's just more wishful thinking on her part.

You're confused.

As always.

But if you had a girlfriend? I'd be banging her. Out of pity.

Shame, that's not the case.

Now go on.

The fat guy needs his blowjob.

Get to it.
I 'watch' it every day.

Comes with the territory.

And those kind of corrections only come when there is really bad news.


They do?

Like what kind of bad news?


Like, um..Lehman is shutting it's doors..dude?

Okay..obviously you are out of your league here..




Dafuq? What are you talking about?

A correction isn't a meltdown. It's not a crash. It's not a bear market.

It's a shorter term drop when a rising market is perceived to be overvalued, usually considered to be healthy.

You're an IT guy, not an investment guy. Stick to software.

Speaking of "out of your league".

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They do?

Like what kind of bad news?


Like, um..Lehman is shutting it's doors..dude?

Okay..obviously you are out of your league here..




Dafuq? What are you talking about?

A correction isn't a meltdown. It's not a crash. It's not a bear market.

It's a shorter term drop when a rising market is perceived to be overvalued, usually considered to be healthy.

You're an IT guy, not an investment guy. Stick to software.

Speaking of "out of your league".


You guys are talking 10 to 15%.

That doesn't happen unless there is some really bad news.

You don't need to be a trader to know that.
Like, um..Lehman is shutting it's doors..dude?

Okay..obviously you are out of your league here..




Dafuq? What are you talking about?

A correction isn't a meltdown. It's not a crash. It's not a bear market.

It's a shorter term drop when a rising market is perceived to be overvalued, usually considered to be healthy.

You're an IT guy, not an investment guy. Stick to software.

Speaking of "out of your league".


You guys are talking 10 to 15%.

That doesn't happen unless there is some really bad news.

You don't need to be a trader to know that.

You're just wrong, that's not how they go. A couple of pieces of crappy news when the market is considered over-valued is all it takes. We could use one right now to push out the dumb money and create buying opportunities.

You can pretend to be in the finance industry with others, not with me.


Holy shit.

QE has purchased mortgage backed securities and treasury bills. Neither of which make up a significant portion of the stock market.

The only mention of ending QE3 in October was from Richard Fisher. And he merely said that he'd be in favor of it. The FOMC has made no such decision. Instead, they've been scaling down QE3 by about $10 billion ever meeting, which occurs about every 6 weeks. On that time line, QE3 will continue until after the midterms.

QE3 has already been gradually scaled down since demember of last year, cut from 85 billion a month in treasury and mortgage backed 45 billion. And the stock market has continued its upward trend. If QE3 purchases of treasuries and mortgage backed bonds was what was fueling the stock market ascent, this dramatic reduction in QE3 funds should have had a devasting effect on the stock market.

It didn't. Your 'cause' doesn't produce your assumed 'effect'.

Conservatives are invested in America failing just so they can blame Obama.

Conservatives are invested in America failing when they perceive it being politically expedient.

Both statements are exactly true.

I wonder if there will ever come a time when the right is on back on the side of America.
Shallow sweeps up the floor of the NYSE after the market closes.


Dafuq? What are you talking about?

A correction isn't a meltdown. It's not a crash. It's not a bear market.

It's a shorter term drop when a rising market is perceived to be overvalued, usually considered to be healthy.

You're an IT guy, not an investment guy. Stick to software.

Speaking of "out of your league".


You guys are talking 10 to 15%.

That doesn't happen unless there is some really bad news.

You don't need to be a trader to know that.

You're just wrong, that's not how they go. A couple of pieces of crappy news when the market is considered over-valued is all it takes. We could use one right now to push out the dumb money and create buying opportunities.

You can pretend to be in the finance industry with others, not with me.


Holy shit.


10 to 15% would see a market drop of 1700 to 2200.

Does the math escape you?

I see 300 or 400 points some weeks..that's not a big deal.

But the numbers you are talking about?

Are rare indeed.
You guys are talking 10 to 15%.

That doesn't happen unless there is some really bad news.

You don't need to be a trader to know that.

You're just wrong, that's not how they go. A couple of pieces of crappy news when the market is considered over-valued is all it takes. We could use one right now to push out the dumb money and create buying opportunities.

You can pretend to be in the finance industry with others, not with me.


Holy shit.


10 to 15% would see a market drop of 1700 to 2200.

Does the math escape you?

I see 300 or 400 points some weeks..that's not a big deal.

But the numbers you are talking about?

Are rare indeed.

Most of them have been over 10%.

33.8% of them have been over 15%.

Does the math escape you?

Maybe you should try this with someone else.

Gawd, this is just too easy.


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You're just wrong, that's not how they go. A couple of pieces of crappy news when the market is considered over-valued is all it takes. We could use one right now to push out the dumb money and create buying opportunities.

You can pretend to be in the finance industry with others, not with me.


Holy shit.


10 to 15% would see a market drop of 1700 to 2200.

Does the math escape you?

I see 300 or 400 points some weeks..that's not a big deal.

But the numbers you are talking about?

Are rare indeed.

Most of them have been over 10%.

33.8% of them have been over 15%.

Maybe you should try this with someone else.

Gawd, this is just too easy.


Frequency and Magnitude of Stock Market Corrections


Try what?

I've been in the room.

Big dips in the market use to call for something called "sidecar".

The NYSE slowed trading..


What do you want to do here?

Talk about frequency?

Because that's only happened a few times.


Out of trading that goes on 259 or so per year?

You fantasy crashes don't happen that often.
10 to 15% would see a market drop of 1700 to 2200.

Does the math escape you?

I see 300 or 400 points some weeks..that's not a big deal.

But the numbers you are talking about?

Are rare indeed.

Most of them have been over 10%.

33.8% of them have been over 15%.

Maybe you should try this with someone else.

Gawd, this is just too easy.


Frequency and Magnitude of Stock Market Corrections


Try what?

I've been in the room.

Big dips in the market use to call for something called "sidecar".

The NYSE slowed trading..


What do you want to do here?

Talk about frequency?

Because that's only happened a few times.


Out of trading that goes on 259 or so per year?

You fantasy crashes don't happen that often.




You're not going to admit you were wrong, so never mind.

I 'watch' it every day.

Comes with the territory.

And those kind of corrections only come when there is really bad news.
Ever read the book, "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"?


But I will check it out.
Most people that "play the market" don't like it because it asserts stock prices move randomly and that one cannot consistently beat the market average. Eventually the market averages out perform most stock pickers. When I first read the book about 30 years ago, I thought it was nonsense. However, I now believe there is lot of truth in it. There are rare individuals who can consistently make the rights picks, decade after decade but the average investor as well as the average mutual fund manger can't do as well as the market average.
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You guys are talking 10 to 15%.

That doesn't happen unless there is some really bad news.

You don't need to be a trader to know that.

You're just wrong, that's not how they go. A couple of pieces of crappy news when the market is considered over-valued is all it takes. We could use one right now to push out the dumb money and create buying opportunities.

You can pretend to be in the finance industry with others, not with me.


Holy shit.


10 to 15% would see a market drop of 1700 to 2200.

Does the math escape you?

I see 300 or 400 points some weeks..that's not a big deal.

But the numbers you are talking about?

Are rare indeed.

10% corrections are not rare. They occur every bull market.

We've now gone over 1000 days without a 10% correction. It’s the longest stretch since the 1,127 day run from July 1984 to August 1987, 30 years ago – which ended with the 1987 crash, the S&P 500 being down 37%.

Ever read the book, "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"?


But I will check it out.
Most people that "play the market" don't like it because it asserts stock prices move randomly and that one cannot consistently beat the market average. Eventually the market averages out perform most stock pickers. When I first read the book about 30 years ago, I thought it was nonsense. However, I now believe there is lot of truth in it. There are rare individuals who can consistently make the rights picks, decade after decade but the average investor as well as the average mutual fund manger can't do as well as the market average.

There are several schools of thoughts on this..

Some folks pick stocks according to formulas and some folks do the research into companies and pick stocks on the basis of that research.

That's sorta what I've seen.

Neither is foolproof.
You're just wrong, that's not how they go. A couple of pieces of crappy news when the market is considered over-valued is all it takes. We could use one right now to push out the dumb money and create buying opportunities.

You can pretend to be in the finance industry with others, not with me.


Holy shit.


10 to 15% would see a market drop of 1700 to 2200.

Does the math escape you?

I see 300 or 400 points some weeks..that's not a big deal.

But the numbers you are talking about?

Are rare indeed.

10% corrections are not rare. They occur every bull market.

We've now gone over 1000 days without a 10% correction. It’s the longest stretch since the 1,127 day run from July 1984 to August 1987, 30 years ago – which ended with the 1987 crash, the S&P 500 being down 37%.


Alrighty then.

When is this big "correction" set to happen?

You've guys have been fore casting it since 2009.

You know..with the "I hope he fails" mantra.
10 to 15% would see a market drop of 1700 to 2200.

Does the math escape you?

I see 300 or 400 points some weeks..that's not a big deal.

But the numbers you are talking about?

Are rare indeed.

10% corrections are not rare. They occur every bull market.

We've now gone over 1000 days without a 10% correction. It’s the longest stretch since the 1,127 day run from July 1984 to August 1987, 30 years ago – which ended with the 1987 crash, the S&P 500 being down 37%.


Alrighty then.

When is this big "correction" set to happen?

You've guys have been fore casting it since 2009.

You know..with the "I hope he fails" mantra.

Wow, you just completely don't get this, do you? Or are you just being obtuse?

It has nothing to do with politics. Holy crap.

Corrections are normal, healthy, temporary drops in the market when it has been over-bought, when it has gotten ahead of itself, when there is too much torque. That's why they're referred to as "corrections". They're a buying opportunity, as opposed to a secular bear market. They usually flush out much of the dumb money. They happen during (and are a part of) an overall upward trend. That's GOOD in the long run. GOOOOOOOOOOOD.

They are not crashes. They happen frequently, as you can see above. They are not about politics.

More examples during this bull run, and per your "you guys have been forecasting it since 2009" comment:

04/19/2010 - 06/28/2010 - 10.39% correction
07/18/2011 - 09/26/2011 - 11.04% correction
Source: Yahoo! Finance

That's nearly three years since the last one, which is why it is perfectly logical to speculate that the next one could be a little tougher. No big deal in the big picture, but tougher than the last few.

This is pretty simple stuff. Actual investment advisors and investors who are paying any attention learn this stuff early on. Maybe later today, while you're fixing the computer of someone who's actually in the business, you can ask.

Jeez Sallow, you're better than this, seriously. Let it go.
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Don't get too excited about the market.

We are due for a correction and the longer it takes the bigger it will be. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw at minimum a 12-15% drop in the near future.

So watch it like a hawk and protect your gains.

I 'watch' it every day.

Comes with the territory.

And those kind of corrections only come when there is really bad news.

No not really.

The market is overvalued right now because of the runaway printing of money.

When that stops the punch in the gut is inevitable.

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