Market OVER 17K!!!!

Repeating a lie does not convert it to truth-------------------------:eusa_boohoo:

They all had the same intel and they all came to the same stupid conclusions about it.

or, are you now claiming that Bush was such a genius that he could convince virtually the entire world to buy into a lie? I thought you said he was an idiot. Now you are saying that he was a great orator and manipulator of humanity.
Claiming they all had the same intelligence is a lie. The President and some select intelligence committees in Congress had a 96 page NIE whereas everyone else in Congress had a 28 page redacted version of that NIE.

Bullshit, members of congress have security clearances, they had access to all of the intel. AND they made the same wrong conclusions about it and are on record saying it.

I get it that you hate Bush and are determined to repeat the dem/lib talking points on this even when shown the facts. I guess its a sign of a low IQ.

Nah, a crystal clear sign of low intelligence is that of an abject imbecile who thinks every member of Congress has the same security clearance as the president. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I have a feeling we will have a huge crash soon if our economy doesnt turn around.. And we have plenty of stocks so I am very worried
My 401K .... pension plan ... personal investments

are smiling.

I STRONGLY suggest that you enjoy it now. China and QE are propping up the stock market right now. QE is scheduled to end in October.

As fast as it hit 17K - it will just as easily drop back to 12K.

Watch and see.

That would still be almost double what it was after bottoming out. during the Great Recession.
[ame=]Occult Message in Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF - YouTube[/ame]
borrowing money to "pump into the economy" may cause short term gains, but in the long run it will damage the economy. 17 trillion in debt today, over 20T when obama leaves office. he will have presided over creating more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you think this is good for the country, you are an idiot.

And that's bullshit.

You think if you repeating a lie it suddenly becomes true?

Obama didn't accumulate more debt than all the other Presidents combined.

Most of his administration was SPENT paying down BUSH'S debt.

Obama didn't start 2 wars. Bush did.
Obama didn't give tax cuts to the rich. Bush did.
Obama didn't start the Department of homeland security. Bush did.
Obama didn't create the Medicare Drug Benefit. Bush did.
Obama didn't get rid of Paygo. Bush did.
Obama didn't start up the anti-ballistic nuclear missile program. Bush did.
Obama didn't order up a bunch of F22 raptors. Bush did.
Obama didn't ship billions of American Dollars on wooden pallets via cargo plane to Iraq. Bush did.

Nice try, but the facts prove you wrong.

debt when Bush left office 10T
debt today 17T

probable debt when obama leaves >20T

Our national budget and spending is determined on an annual basis. (when we have a budget, obama has yet to sign one).

10 T in debt belongs to obama, that is fact. he will have more than doubled the debt in 8 years, that is also fact.



And that's bullshit.

You think if you repeating a lie it suddenly becomes true?

Obama didn't accumulate more debt than all the other Presidents combined.

Most of his administration was SPENT paying down BUSH'S debt.

Obama didn't start 2 wars. Bush did.
Obama didn't give tax cuts to the rich. Bush did.
Obama didn't start the Department of homeland security. Bush did.
Obama didn't create the Medicare Drug Benefit. Bush did.
Obama didn't get rid of Paygo. Bush did.
Obama didn't start up the anti-ballistic nuclear missile program. Bush did.
Obama didn't order up a bunch of F22 raptors. Bush did.
Obama didn't ship billions of American Dollars on wooden pallets via cargo plane to Iraq. Bush did.

Nice try, but the facts prove you wrong.

debt when Bush left office 10T
debt today 17T

probable debt when obama leaves >20T

Our national budget and spending is determined on an annual basis. (when we have a budget, obama has yet to sign one).

10 T in debt belongs to obama, that is fact. he will have more than doubled the debt in 8 years, that is also fact.




Got a link for this gem?

So Sallow, do you think the recovery is now self-sustaining, meaning the Fed can now taper and end its intervention?

At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Lol. So, in essence, we have to keep pumping blood into this corpse to keep the illusion going.
So Sallow, do you think the recovery is now self-sustaining, meaning the Fed can now taper and end its intervention?

At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Lol. So, in essence, we have to keep pumping blood into this corpse to keep the illusion going.

That's precisely the deal. China and the US government are "propping" up this corpse right now (and have been since 2009).

When QE stops pumping billions of dollars into the stock market in October the bottom will fall out of it. things are going to take a turn for the surreal VERY shortly.

Economists have been warning about this for the last 4 years. Now, it is nearly upon us.

Just in time for the mid terms.
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Thu, Jul 3, 2014, 10:46 AM EDT - U.S. Markets close early today in 2 hrs 14 mins for The day before Independence Day
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+5.91 (0.30%)

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+63.06 (0.37%)

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+14.90 (0.33%)

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Gold 1,321.00 -0.74% Crude Oil 103.80 -0.65% EUR/USD 1.3613 -0.32% 10-Yr Bond 2.66 +1.14% Corn 417.25 -0.18% Copper 3.28 +0.41% Silver 21.19 -0.50% Natural Gas 4.34 -0.34% Russell 2000 1,204.68 +0.43% VIX 10.61 -1.94% BATS 1000 22,251.24 -0.02% GBP/USD 1.7147 -0.10% USD/JPY 102.1650 +0.38%

Whoop! There it is! :D

I called it! :eusa_whistle:

Doesn't have shit to do with Main Street.
Are you suggesting that stock market performance has a causal relationship with the political party of the occupant of the white house?

PS - your numbers are wrong.
BUSH Sr took the office on Jan 20 1989 and stepped down jan 20 1993. Using your source (jan 89-jan 93) the return was - 10.164%
Clinton = 14.351%
Bush W =-5.811%
Obama= 15.617% (through June)

reagan = 11.072%
Carter = 1.252%
It's more than a causal relationship. Historically, the market has performed significantly
better when the president is a Democrat rather than a Republican.

President Clinton, who enjoyed strong market returns throughout most of his two terms, signed
into law significant pro-growth legislation, including free trade agreements and a cut in the capital gains tax rate. Obama signed into law and made many decisions that pumped hundreds of billions into the economy and restored economic confidence. By contrast republican presidents have invested their political capital and trillions of dollars oversea with rather poor returns.

borrowing money to "pump into the economy" may cause short term gains, but in the long run it will damage the economy. 17 trillion in debt today, over 20T when obama leaves office. he will have presided over creating more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you think this is good for the country, you are an idiot.
In a recession, you always borrow to pump money into the economy. You certainly don't raise taxes. Increasing the deficit was absolutely the right thing to do. It kept the country from going into a depression and led to an economic recovery.
A combination of job gains and a shrinking labor force have lowered the unemployment rate from a peak of 10 percent in October 2009.

The decrease in labor force participation partly reflects the aging of the U.S. population, but Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has argued it is also due to discouraged job seekers

U.S. jobs growth likely to be relatively strong in June | Reuters

The economy must fail crowd chimes in

From earlier this year:

The real buying opportunity won't come until the Dow is under 9,500. Expect the serious slide to start around June, 2014 and continue, going below 10,000 in October, 2014 with a brief pause until after the election. Hillary's inevitable election will cause a short upward blip which might delay the inevitable until her first business-killing orgy in late January, 2015.

Didn't know we had a Presidential election this year....did you?
At this point?


Some tapering is a good thing, but the fed probably has to keep it going for a bit.

Lol. So, in essence, we have to keep pumping blood into this corpse to keep the illusion going.

That's precisely the deal. China and the US government are "propping" up this corpse right now (and have been since 2009).

When QE stops pumping billions of dollars into the stock market in October the bottom will fall out of it. things are going to take a turn for the surreal VERY shortly.

Economists have been warning about this for the last 4 years. Now, it is nearly upon us.

Just in time for the mid terms.
QE is not pumping billions of dollars into the stock market. Investors are. QE doesn't actually do anything to increase the amount of money in circulation. In fact, in our monetary system, most money is created by private banks and not the Federal Reserve.

Fed bond buying will cause bond prices to be higher and interest rates to be lower, and this will encourage investors to choose stocks over bonds at the margin. But no amount of federal bond buying is going to cause a particular stock to be a good buy if an investor doesn’t think that stock will provide a return. QE may boost profits by reducing the interest rates firms have to pay on their debt, but it’s not going to create profitable enterprises out of thin air. A much more plausible reason for record stock prices is that corporate profits and profit margins are at all time highs.

QE has started falling and will continue to do so.

Taper Tantrums: 3 Myths About Quantitative Easing |

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