Market rallied yesterday after Fed announced low rates for 2 more years


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007
Global markets rally on US Federal Reserve's economic stimulus | Business |

Stock markets around the world rallied after the US Federal Reserve said US interest rates would be frozen for the next two years, and hinted at more economic stimulus to stave off a global recession.

So the Fed swoops in and stops the crash by promising that inflation will continue. This is proof positive right here that the stock market has really only been increasing because of Federal Reserve money creation. 2 more years of 0% interest just means 2 more years of increased inflation.

Some of you prefer to think of this as the government saved you. And some of you are idiots.
Global markets rally on US Federal Reserve's economic stimulus | Business |

Stock markets around the world rallied after the US Federal Reserve said US interest rates would be frozen for the next two years, and hinted at more economic stimulus to stave off a global recession.

So the Fed swoops in and stops the crash by promising that inflation will continue. This is proof positive right here that the stock market has really only been increasing because of Federal Reserve money creation. 2 more years of 0% interest just means 2 more years of increased inflation.

Some of you prefer to think of this as the government saved you. And some of you are idiots.

No dummy - Obama saved us all. :lol:

High taxes & inflation are great! :lol:

John Maynard Keynes was a GOD! :lol:

Anyone who would invest in Gold is a Kook! :lol:
I bailed out of the stock market during the last slide. I moved my money into bonds and cds. Since the "O" interest program started I have made so little on my parked money I am paying not much in taxes as are millions of other Americans. Is this program really going to stimulate anything? Less in tax collections means more in deficits.

It didn't have anything to do with the rally.
There are considerably more bulls than bears in today's market (duh)
What you saw was a lot of bullish traders buying stocks that had lost as much as 20% of their stock value for no reason whatsoever related to their performance. Their chance at making money off those stocks are very good.
Today, however what you are seeing is the continued sell-off after the "recess" of buying yesterday.
Im sure everything will be fine.


Everything will never be "fine" again unless we as a nation are willing to do what is necessary to stop the madness.
1) Stop financing China's financial takeover...just go ahead and envision the shear misery in the world without the United States giving SOOOOOOO much to humanitarian needs. Take Somailia...United States - over $80 million so far, with a pledge of $100 million more - Russia an insignificant $5 million - China - we don't know, they SAAAY they have given a tiny $19 million, but no one is able to confirm it.
Naw, just junk all the trade agreements that stuck the US in the Eye and hit the chi.coms with a 20% tariff like Dr Savage suggested, then buy anything you want.

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