Market Watch says a crash like 1929 is gonna come!


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Scary 1929 market chart gains traction - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

Full disclosure: I came upon this link by going through my Freeper rss-feeds....


Go read the article. This is the parallel they claim to have graphed:


Have fun...
I'm ready

I have been stocking up on incandescent lightbulbs
Damn I wasn't sure we had even finished up all the "hah told you so threads" from the 7% dip to start the year.
Willie and Toro; Your thoughts. You two are only ones on this board who opinions on such things are worth a damn...o)
Willie and Toro; Your thoughts. You two are only ones on this board who opinions on such things are worth a damn...o)
I'll let Toro handle that. I got so confused by an email from my broker today I almost passed on having 100 shares of DDD put to me at 1.5 points below market. That was me trying to avoid $120 after commissions being stuffed in my pocket and paying for the privilege of doing so to boot.

So, I'll get back to you on this when my brain is functioning at least imtermittantly.
We are ready to buy if and when it happens.

The chart shows a sharp recession, not a great depression, if the bottom will be near 13,000.
If we were to experience another great depression, that of 1929 would pale in comparison.

To prepare for one would not be that simple. If given warning, some might decide to withdraw life savings from the various banks and keep the money at home. This is not a good strategy as the value of the dollar would drop drastically. The better solution would be to withdraw the money and invest it in real estate quickly. Problem is that there would not be any warning before the stock market crash, so most of us would be caught off guard.
Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered. 2013 was a banner year for stocks. If you didn't take some money off the table you're a pig....:thup:
Yes!!! Clueless obama has us on that sad road to destruction.
Not exactly. the EU is flirting with a deflationary spiral and wealthy Chinese are fleeing the expected crash landing there.

While not an Obama fan blaming him for the idiots running the PRC politburo and the EU is unfair.

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