Market Watch says a crash like 1929 is gonna come!

We are ready to buy if and when it happens.

The chart shows a sharp recession, not a great depression, if the bottom will be near 13,000.

Your time to buy is passed for now. Time to collect and spend the winnings in the new tax year!

If any of you took advantage of my WiFi recommendation, you're welcome!
We are ready to buy if and when it happens.

The chart shows a sharp recession, not a great depression, if the bottom will be near 13,000.

Your time to buy is passed for now. Time to collect and spend the winnings in the new tax year!

If any of you took advantage of my WiFi recommendation, you're welcome!

Can I borrow 50 grand? And I'll need one of your Tesla's too. Just a quick jaunt to Mexico, mind you.
I keep putting together what I think are zero plus bear hedges, the market goes up, I make money and then I ask how did that happen?
I predict there will be a significant down market period coming up some point in the future.
Bookmark this...and then when it happens someday...I will tell you I told you so.
I predict there will be a significant down market period coming up some point in the future.
Bookmark this...and then when it happens someday...I will tell you I told you so.

Basically, yeah. I'll actually go in on saying that by 2018, there will be a significant and catastrophic catalyst (there are plenty looming...OTC derivatives, FED balance sheet, real estate priming, etc) that will significiantly deteriorate the FRN and in so, cause a steep market downturn.

Mark it down and bring it back up in 4 years.
... the parallel they claim to have graphed:
Doom'n'gloom sure sells, especially when no one's checks the math. What they did is compared the 25% increase we just had over the past couple years to the 90% jump just before 1929. fwiw, there's a comparison of the past 15 years to the 1914-1929 era--

--this time with both in the same scale. Let's face it, 2014 is not 1929.
Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered. 2013 was a banner year for stocks. If you didn't take some money off the table you're a pig....:thup:

You covered your equities short, right?
Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered. 2013 was a banner year for stocks. If you didn't take some money off the table you're a pig....:thup:

You covered your equities short, right?

I have been short equities at various times since 2008. But only with my "fun money" account. You win some, you lose some. Market timing can be a humbling experience...:lol:

My serious money is in commercial real estate and a diversified portfolio of stock and bond mutual funds and ETF's.

Being a former commodities broker (series 3) who has seen many a fortune lost in a flash - I don't have a very high risk tolerance. Fortunately I am at a point in my life where I do not need to take on excessive risk.

I think that a crash like 1929 is coming within 22 months but I don't think it has anything to do with the pricing of US equities. The BRICS, EU and Emerging markets are all having structural problems. When the crash hits the US it will because of hot money fleeing less stable economies then running out of buyers as US stocks end up for a short period of time priced somewhere in the Ionsphere.

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