Market will tank if Biden wins.

NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Good thing the US is a country not a business.
Without business, you have no country.
Without consumer spending, you have no business.
No shit?
And now a word from a normal, rational person, and not a whacked out partisan nutter.
Making predictions on the market based on ignorant partisan dumbfuckery is, at best, foolish.
Last edited:
Yet my clients are counting the days, buddy, because they need them back. Since I work directly with mid market companies and you’re a resume writer you should yield to me on this.

Actually, I deal with job seekers every day... it sucks to be looking for a job right now. In IL, we went to Phase IV, which is almost full reopening, but a lot of places haven't reopened and a lot of places are letting people go that they don't need now. ANd it's just going to get worse, buddy.

And no, Trump being a “failed president” is 100% subjective. You likely don’t know what that word means and you showed your ignorance as you could not simply answer my question with a “yes” or a “no”. Report that.

Like I said, when you break the rules, I will report you, and when the word "Banned" appears under your name, I'm going to screen shot it and save it.

But anyway, back to the point. Trump is a failed president, and there's nothing subjective about it.

140,000 Dead
40 million lost jobs
Five weeks of Riots
10 Trillion in new debt.

Failed. By any objective definition you want.
Yet my clients are counting the days, buddy, because they need them back. Since I work directly with mid market companies and you’re a resume writer you should yield to me on this.

Actually, I deal with job seekers every day... it sucks to be looking for a job right now. In IL, we went to Phase IV, which is almost full reopening, but a lot of places haven't reopened and a lot of places are letting people go that they don't need now. ANd it's just going to get worse, buddy.

And no, Trump being a “failed president” is 100% subjective. You likely don’t know what that word means and you showed your ignorance as you could not simply answer my question with a “yes” or a “no”. Report that.

Like I said, when you break the rules, I will report you, and when the word "Banned" appears under your name, I'm going to screen shot it and save it.

But anyway, back to the point. Trump is a failed president, and there's nothing subjective about it.

140,000 Dead
40 million lost jobs
Five weeks of Riots
10 Trillion in new debt.

Failed. By any objective definition you want.
You’re just bad at your job as a resume writer. Jobs are coming back and we are only in Phase 3 in MA. But people don’t want to work as they get paid more staying home until Aug 1. All those things you listed is due to the Democrats. Pretty sure Trump isn’t a Democrat.

Report that.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

The market has already tanked and it's all the smelly skidmark. That's why I told you morons to get the fuck out when it was at 29. Do you have IRA's, 401K's, public or private retirement? If you are under 50, because of the smelly skidmark, you'll probably not be able to retire. You voted for a guy that uses bankruptcy protection as an earnings tool.
Nobody listens to you and your stupid ass predictions.

Biden raising taxes on businesses and citizens will not bode well for the market.
Then add in the fact that he is going to nullify all the regulatory EO's will be a death nail for the economy.
Cutting taxes didn’t help the economy. Raising is unlikely to have a negative effect.
Pretty sure it did. Again why would NBC post this since they hate Trump?
Had the tax cuts helped the economy, they wouldn't have had to lower the federal fund rate last year.
They being the Fed?
You demonstrate yet again you can't possibly be in banking. You're too fucking stupid.
See. Back to cussing. The Fed cut the rates, yes, but the tax cuts also helped businesses and lowered unemployment. Both can be true. You are such an immature loser old man.
Dumbfuck, the Fed cuts the rate when they need to stimulate the economy. they raise the rate when the economy is strong. When they cut it (twice) last year, they signaled the economy was weakening. If you were a banker, you'd know that.

As far as my language, TFB for you your snowflake feewings are too delicate.
The feds had quite a run jacking up the rates .25 every chance when Trump took office.
They got ahead of the market IMO.
They did so because the economy was improving and finally strong enough to support an increase. That's what they do.
Nope. They many a time guess and incorrectly. The Fed is many times too reactive or too proactive. Or neither. But you would not understand since you're a dunce. They are just human beings, prone to make mistakes. And the President does not control what the Fed does. You should watch the movie on HBO, "Too big to Fail". You would learn a lot. Maybe watch it a few times since you're a moron and likely won't understand it the first time around.

Good Luck

There is no way you're a banker. You're clearly too stupid. It has nothing to do with making mistakes. Being human, they're prone to making mistakes. Still, they generally lower the rate to stimulate the economy and raise it when the economy is growing and strong enough to absorb the increase.
Examples? Last few times they have totally f*cked up. I am a banker and have been one for 15 years.

I'll leave it to fate. If I am not a banker may I and my family die and quickly. If I am may your car have some annoying issue that costs you $$ to fix.
You shouldn't doom your family like that. :eusa_naughty:
I would have doomed yours but I am a banker so it would have been uncool. What is it you do again? Remind me please?
Software engineer.
Explains a lot. What do you design?
DVR's, casino video games, restaurant terminals, ER terminals, gift/credit card processing, billing systems, web hosting
Sounds like a blast. When will your job be outsourced to India?
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.
Don’t see it. Show a link or admit its BS. Rules of the board is for the poster to back up their claims with links. Don’t want to follow them then leave the board.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.
He's done a good job as a president, I'll vote for him. How about you? Oh, my bad
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.
He's done a good job as a president, I'll vote for him. How about you? Oh, my bad

I love it when idiots post shit like this. Look at my location fool.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

That's good. That means the. Corporations wont have cartels blanche....fuck them let's tax their asses more and pick up wages to give a decent life to Americans. Many are living in poverty with 2 jobs.
I said this and I have a sizable investments in the stock market.
Congratulations to you. So you do realize if they increase payroll their earnings decline and so does their stock price more than likely. So much for your wonderful portfolio
I dont mine. We have too much of gap between the 1 and 5% and the test if the nation. I hate to see Americans living in dire conditions. Quality of life for most is not great. We need to trickle more money down before it is too late if it is not already...cause people will rise up again.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.
He's done a good job as a president, I'll vote for him. How about you? Oh, my bad

I love it when idiots post shit like this. Look at my location fool.
I hate it when assholes from other countries try and get into our business of politics....especially the socialists/communists.
Fuck em

Trump all the way in 2020, especially after looking at Biden's tax plan, and his vision for this nation.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.
He's done a good job as a president, I'll vote for him. How about you? Oh, my bad

I love it when idiots post shit like this. Look at my location fool.
That was the point of his post. So who is the fool?
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

That's good. That means the. Corporations wont have cartels blanche....fuck them let's tax their asses more and pick up wages to give a decent life to Americans. Many are living in poverty with 2 jobs.
I said this and I have a sizable investments in the stock market.
Congratulations to you. So you do realize if they increase payroll their earnings decline and so does their stock price more than likely. So much for your wonderful portfolio
I dont mine. We have too much of gap between the 1 and 5% and the test if the nation. I hate to see Americans living in dire conditions. Quality of life for most is not great. We need to trickle more money down before it is too late if it is not already...cause people will rise up again.
Link that quality of life for “most” is not great. Thanks.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

The markets did better under Obama than they have done under your blob. You speak lies:
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

That's good. That means the. Corporations wont have cartels blanche....fuck them let's tax their asses more and pick up wages to give a decent life to Americans. Many are living in poverty with 2 jobs.
I said this and I have a sizable investments in the stock market.
Congratulations to you. So you do realize if they increase payroll their earnings decline and so does their stock price more than likely. So much for your wonderful portfolio
I dont mine. We have too much of gap between the 1 and 5% and the test if the nation. I hate to see Americans living in dire conditions. Quality of life for most is not great. We need to trickle more money down before it is too late if it is not already...cause people will rise up again.
Link that quality of life for “most” is not great. Thanks.

Find your own fucking links, and quit ordering others around. Lazy, fact challenged conservatives who can't use google.

Trickle down has never worked. Money has never "trickled down". Instead it trickled up.

If companies increase their payroll, people's portfolios won't do so well. Golly whiz. How sad. Workers who actually created that income by earning that money for you, won't have to apply for food stamps to feed their family, so while your stock portfolio doesn't do as well, your tax bill goes down, the size of government shrinks because you don't need all those government workers to take food stamp applications, calculate eligibillity, and send out the money to the EDT cards every month.

Of the top 10% of wealthiest Americans, fewer than 40% are gainfully employed. The rest - more than 60% of then, are sitting on their asses waiting for their dividend cheques. These are the real "welfare bums". Living off the labour of others, just because they were born rich. These people own 80% of the wealth of the nation, and that amount is going up every year.

The rest of the people - the 90% who aren't rich, are working for a living. 84% of the other 90% are gainfully employed. A lot more than those wealthy layabouts.

You can google it.
Yet my clients are counting the days, buddy, because they need them back. Since I work directly with mid market companies and you’re a resume writer you should yield to me on this.

Actually, I deal with job seekers every day... it sucks to be looking for a job right now. In IL, we went to Phase IV, which is almost full reopening, but a lot of places haven't reopened and a lot of places are letting people go that they don't need now. ANd it's just going to get worse, buddy.

And no, Trump being a “failed president” is 100% subjective. You likely don’t know what that word means and you showed your ignorance as you could not simply answer my question with a “yes” or a “no”. Report that.

Like I said, when you break the rules, I will report you, and when the word "Banned" appears under your name, I'm going to screen shot it and save it.

But anyway, back to the point. Trump is a failed president, and there's nothing subjective about it.

140,000 Dead
40 million lost jobs
Five weeks of Riots
10 Trillion in new debt.

Failed. By any objective definition you want.
You’re just bad at your job as a resume writer. Jobs are coming back and we are only in Phase 3 in MA. But people don’t want to work as they get paid more staying home until Aug 1. All those things you listed is due to the Democrats. Pretty sure Trump isn’t a Democrat.

Report that.
JoeB131 refuses to acknowledge that treated COVID-19 patients were purposely sent to nursing homes to convalesce at the risk of the health of the elderly...even after all the proof I have presented. Joe, the bloated blowhard is not only a fat, lying sack of shit but an admitted commie.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

That's good. That means the. Corporations wont have cartels blanche....fuck them let's tax their asses more and pick up wages to give a decent life to Americans. Many are living in poverty with 2 jobs.
I said this and I have a sizable investments in the stock market.
Congratulations to you. So you do realize if they increase payroll their earnings decline and so does their stock price more than likely. So much for your wonderful portfolio
I dont mine. We have too much of gap between the 1 and 5% and the test if the nation. I hate to see Americans living in dire conditions. Quality of life for most is not great. We need to trickle more money down before it is too late if it is not already...cause people will rise up again.
Link that quality of life for “most” is not great. Thanks.

Find your own fucking links, and quit ordering others around. Lazy, fact challenged conservatives who can't use google.

Trickle down has never worked. Money has never "trickled down". Instead it trickled up.

If companies increase their payroll, people's portfolios won't do so well. Golly whiz. How sad. Workers who actually created that income by earning that money for you, won't have to apply for food stamps to feed their family, so while your stock portfolio doesn't do as well, your tax bill goes down, the size of government shrinks because you don't need all those government workers to take food stamp applications, calculate eligibillity, and send out the money to the EDT cards every month.

Of the top 10% of wealthiest Americans, fewer than 40% are gainfully employed. The rest - more than 60% of then, are sitting on their asses waiting for their dividend cheques. These are the real "welfare bums". Living off the labour of others, just because they were born rich. These people own 80% of the wealth of the nation, and that amount is going up every year.

The rest of the people - the 90% who aren't rich, are working for a living. 84% of the other 90% are gainfully employed. A lot more than those wealthy layabouts.

You can google it.
Dragonclunt, you haven't the slightest clue about how this debt based monetary system works. Until you understand how the central banks (that are privately owned) control the economies of all nations that have one? You are simply pissing in the wind and all the angst and whining about it doesn't mean diddlysquat. Those in control depend on the ignorance of stupid fucks like yourself.
You’re just bad at your job as a resume writer. Jobs are coming back and we are only in Phase 3 in MA. But people don’t want to work as they get paid more staying home until Aug 1. All those things you listed is due to the Democrats. Pretty sure Trump isn’t a Democrat.

Jobs ain't coming back any time soon... A lot of people are still too scared to go back, others there are no jobs out there waiting for them.

My resumes do their job. People get interviews. That's all a resume does, it gets you an interview. But the jobs aren't following. You just don't think these things through at all, do you?

This is the problem you guys don't get. The economy has to work for working people. Not investors, not business owners, but WORKING PEOPLE. If there are no jobs, if they are being offered less money, if they are too scared to go to work because they might die, then the economy is not working for them.

And there are more of us than there are of them. Bye-bye, Trump.
JoeB131 refuses to acknowledge that treated COVID-19 patients were purposely sent to nursing homes to convalesce at the risk of the health of the elderly...even after all the proof I have presented. Joe, the bloated blowhard is not only a fat, lying sack of shit but an admitted commie.

You presented articles you clearly didn't understand. People were sent back to assisted living facitilies because they needed to be at assisted living facilities. They did not send young healthy people back there, that was the thing.

Dragonclunt, you haven't the slightest clue about how this debt based monetary system works. Until you understand how the central banks (that are privately owned) control the economies of all nations that have one? You are simply pissing in the wind and all the angst and whining about it doesn't mean diddlysquat. Those in control depend on the ignorance of stupid fucks like yourself.

Yes, it's all the Trilateralists Bilderberger Conspiracy of the Lizard People and the Five Jew Bankers. No, really.

It has nothing to do with Trump's incompetence at all.

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