Market will tank if Biden wins.

NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

He will put us into a Great Depression......I don't know how we will get out of it.

The only reason why we got out of the Roosevelt Depression was that the Empire of Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor job on us in Hawaii. I don't know who will be lighting a bomb under America this time.

You dumbass, the Great Depression started under Hoover, not FDR; and it was over before the Pearl Harbor attack. :eusa_doh:

The US unemployment rate in December 1941 was 9.9%, that a Depression level rate. Particularly, as a million able bodied men were conscripted into the military BEFORE Pearl Harbor.

9.9% unemployment is a "depression level rate??" So you're saying we were in a depression while Reagan was president (10.8%)? And you're saying we're in a depression now (11.1%)?

If we continue to have high unemployment rates for a minimum of 6 months AFTER the pandemic, I'd call it a "depression".

And sure, the late 70's/ early 80's were depression

The key is that the economy hadn't recovered until after the Japanese bombed Hawaii. FDR's efforts at recovery were a complete failure.

The economy only recovered because the industrial base of the rest of the world was destroyed by the war and we had the only thing going........FDR would have kept us in a Depression for decades had he lived.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

He will put us into a Great Depression......I don't know how we will get out of it.

The only reason why we got out of the Roosevelt Depression was that the Empire of Japan pulled a Pearl Harbor job on us in Hawaii. I don't know who will be lighting a bomb under America this time.

You dumbass, the Great Depression started under Hoover, not FDR; and it was over before the Pearl Harbor attack. :eusa_doh:

The US unemployment rate in December 1941 was 9.9%, that a Depression level rate. Particularly, as a million able bodied men were conscripted into the military BEFORE Pearl Harbor.

9.9% unemployment is a "depression level rate??" So you're saying we were in a depression while Reagan was president (10.8%)? And you're saying we're in a depression now (11.1%)?

If we continue to have high unemployment rates for a minimum of 6 months AFTER the pandemic, I'd call it a "depression".

And sure, the late 70's/ early 80's were depression

The key is that the economy hadn't recovered until after the Japanese bombed Hawaii. FDR's efforts at recovery were a complete failure.

Sorry, you don't get to make up your own definitions for what constitutes a depression.

  • A depression is characterized as a dramatic downturn in economic activity in conjunction with a sharp fall in growth, employment, and production.
  • Depressions are often identified as recessions lasting longer than three years or resulting in a drop in annual GDP of at least 10%.
  • The U.S. economy has experienced several recessions but just a handful of major economic depressions.

And that is what biden will do to the country.

Your delusions are noted and laughed at.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.

in the 90s - wall street had to put donny on an allowance because he has no self control.

he never did & it's painfully obvious, that he never will.
Another lie. Amazing how you live with yourself.

i don't lie. but i guess you like staying ignorant. i guess that makes it easier for you to live with the fact you got duped & voted for a spoiled man child. keep on keepin' on.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

lol... spin ^^^ THAT ^^^ zoggie. it'll be fun watching you twist a pretzil just to make donny come out looking good.
Last edited:
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.

in the 90s - wall street had to put donny on an allowance because he has no self control.

he never did & it's painfully obvious, that he never will.
Another lie. Amazing how you live with yourself.

i don't lie. but i guess you like staying ignorant. i guess that makes it easier for you to live with the fact you got duped & voted for a spoiled man child. keep on keepin' on.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

lol... spin ^^^ THAT ^^^ zoggie. it'll be fun watching you twist a pretzil just to make donny come out looking good.
Its in the news so it must be're so gullible.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.

in the 90s - wall street had to put donny on an allowance because he has no self control.

he never did & it's painfully obvious, that he never will.
Another lie. Amazing how you live with yourself.

i don't lie. but i guess you like staying ignorant. i guess that makes it easier for you to live with the fact you got duped & voted for a spoiled man child. keep on keepin' on.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

lol... spin ^^^ THAT ^^^ zoggie. it'll be fun watching you twist a pretzil just to make donny come out looking good.
Its in the news so it must be're so gullible.

yaaaaaaaa........... you go with that.

i remember donny back in the day. i've seen him in action. i even remember the lame ass commercials for his failed business ventures.

he was a spoiled child who loved to spend his money like a fool....

NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.

in the 90s - wall street had to put donny on an allowance because he has no self control.

he never did & it's painfully obvious, that he never will.
Another lie. Amazing how you live with yourself.

i don't lie. but i guess you like staying ignorant. i guess that makes it easier for you to live with the fact you got duped & voted for a spoiled man child. keep on keepin' on.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

lol... spin ^^^ THAT ^^^ zoggie. it'll be fun watching you twist a pretzil just to make donny come out looking good.
Its in the news so it must be're so gullible.

yaaaaaaaa........... you go with that.

i remember donny back in the day. i've seen him in action. i even remember the lame ass commercials for his failed business ventures.

he was a spoiled child who loved to spend his money like a fool....


Yes...he is a fool....

who is a billionaire
who dated and married really hot women
Who has a business empire that spans the globe
who associated with the most powerful people in the world including oprah, and the elites of the world
who had a long running and highly popular television show
who defeated 16 professional republican politicians
who defeated the Bush family
who defeated the clinton crime family
who defeated the obama crime machine

Who is now the President of the United States.... sure as F**k got his number.....
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.

in the 90s - wall street had to put donny on an allowance because he has no self control.

he never did & it's painfully obvious, that he never will.
Another lie. Amazing how you live with yourself.

i don't lie. but i guess you like staying ignorant. i guess that makes it easier for you to live with the fact you got duped & voted for a spoiled man child. keep on keepin' on.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

lol... spin ^^^ THAT ^^^ zoggie. it'll be fun watching you twist a pretzil just to make donny come out looking good.
Its in the news so it must be're so gullible.

yaaaaaaaa........... you go with that.

i remember donny back in the day. i've seen him in action. i even remember the lame ass commercials for his failed business ventures.

he was a spoiled child who loved to spend his money like a fool....

Net worth of $3bn...yeah a real do you define success?
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.

in the 90s - wall street had to put donny on an allowance because he has no self control.

he never did & it's painfully obvious, that he never will.
Another lie. Amazing how you live with yourself.

i don't lie. but i guess you like staying ignorant. i guess that makes it easier for you to live with the fact you got duped & voted for a spoiled man child. keep on keepin' on.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

lol... spin ^^^ THAT ^^^ zoggie. it'll be fun watching you twist a pretzil just to make donny come out looking good.
Its in the news so it must be're so gullible.

yaaaaaaaa........... you go with that.

i remember donny back in the day. i've seen him in action. i even remember the lame ass commercials for his failed business ventures.

he was a spoiled child who loved to spend his money like a fool....

Net worth of $3bn...yeah a real do you define success?
He was worth $10 billion.

NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Donald Trump has been in business for 40 years and he's been an abject failure. 7 bankruptcies, and a crashed US economy. Donald Trump isn't a billionaire, but he plays one on TV.

Trump has lost more money than any American businessman in history. If not for cons, scams, and having been born wealthy, Trump would be dead broke and on the run from the law.
Link to this or is this just a drunk diatribe?

Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.

in the 90s - wall street had to put donny on an allowance because he has no self control.

he never did & it's painfully obvious, that he never will.
Another lie. Amazing how you live with yourself.

i don't lie. but i guess you like staying ignorant. i guess that makes it easier for you to live with the fact you got duped & voted for a spoiled man child. keep on keepin' on.

Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?
By Kurt Eichenwald June 26, 1990

Donald J. Trump, who has lectured America about architecture, foreign policy and, most of all, how to do deals, may be about to learn a lesson of his own: how to live in Manhattan on $450,000 a month.
That scarcely onerous restriction is being imposed by Mr. Trump's bankers, who have insisted that the man who has made conspicuous consumption a personal trademark must curb his spending a bit.
Moreover, the $450,000-a-month allowance excludes some of the largest of Mr. Trump's daunting expenses, the bankers say. These extras, based on Mr. Trump's spending in May, include the costs of maintaining his personal 727 jetliner ($246,000) and his 282-foot yacht ($841,000). The yacht and the personal jet, to be sure, may be sold to trim the real estate developer's mountainous debts.
In May, Mr. Trump also paid interest of $2.1 million on his personal debt, while his legal, charitable and business expenses totaled $382,000. His interest payments and various expenses do not count as personal spending, either.

Still, the $450,000-a-month limit will require some belt-tightening on Mr. Trump's part. In May, his bankers report, Mr. Trump's personal spending amounted to $583,000 for day-to-day necessities of the ultrarich life style, which range from his $2,000 suits to the costs of maids, gardeners and chefs at his three homes.
So to meet the bankers' target, Mr. Trump must trim his personal expenses by more than $100,000 from the May level. If he can do that, the banks will agree to lend Mr. Trump even more money.

The terms are being required by the banks, which are attempting to structure a loan to Mr. Trump to keep his faltering empire out of bankruptcy court.
The personal spending limits agreed to by the banks, though a cutback for Mr. Trump, still come to $5.4 million a year. If the banks agree to the terms of the new loan, in the month of July, for example, Mr. Trump would have to hold his expenses to just $14,516.13 a day, or $10.08 every minute of the day and night.
'It's Just Phenomenal'
Even the truly wealthy found Mr. Trump's manner of spending, reduced circumstances or not, to be remarkable.

''I would have no idea how to spend $450,000 a month,'' said one billionaire, who asked not to be identified. ''It's just phenomenal.''
Financial planners for the well heeled agreed.
''We have handled a lot of entertainers, some of whom lived very extravagantly, but I have never come across anybody who spent that way,'' said Lawrence B. Eichler, president of Sentinel Asset Management. ''Donald Trump lives in strata few of us approach, or even want to approach.''
Even Mr. Trump, who declined to comment, once said: ''A little more moderation would be good.'' But he was quick to add, ''Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.''
Deadline on a Payment
Mr. Trump's unfolding financial drama may reach a climax tonight as the developer faces a deadline to make a payment on a high-yield ''junk bond'' issue. No matter what the outcome, the glimpse of Mr. Trump's spending habits is certain to add another layer to the high-spending lore to the 1980's.

Mr. Trump's new allowance may be absorbed easily, given the style of living to which he has become accustomed. The developer owns three homes, including Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Fla. That home, which was willed to the State of Florida by Marjorie Merriweather Post, was sold to Mr. Trump because the state could not afford to pay for its upkeep. Scores of household staff members are paid to help keep up the 118-room residence.
Mr. Trump will also have to continue to maintain his 50-room penthouse triplex in Manhattan's Trump Tower, which comes complete with an 80-foot living room, bronze-edged floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and a 12-foot waterfall.
Quick: Who'd Have Trouble Living on $450,000 a Month?

lol... spin ^^^ THAT ^^^ zoggie. it'll be fun watching you twist a pretzil just to make donny come out looking good.
Its in the news so it must be're so gullible.

yaaaaaaaa........... you go with that.

i remember donny back in the day. i've seen him in action. i even remember the lame ass commercials for his failed business ventures.

he was a spoiled child who loved to spend his money like a fool....

Net worth of $3bn...yeah a real do you define success?

you believe him when he says he's that wealthy? lol....

if he really was, he'd have a televised 'event' complete with red carpet & search lights to show his tax returns proving it.

success is having a marriage of trust & fidelity... having morals & ethics by not screwing people outa their money from a fraudulent university & foundation... for starters.

money is secondary to those that value people over benjamins.
Trump wasn't handed an economy just coming out of recession. It was a pretty easy post to understand, Marc.
What was the state of the economy, and it's record, when Trump got it?

At what point did Trump start to tout how great the economy was?

Why didn't you simply post the numbers as I originally asked? That would have been the clearest answer possible,
Scared but have to pay bills. Lets discuss Sept. 1st. Shall we?

Actually, I'd be just as fine if I never discuss anything with you again... but don't worry, Congress will extend the increased benefit. Then Trump will either veto it (and alienate working folks, including his base) or he won't, and unemployment will still suck. Actually, it'll suck either way.

If a company is interviewing candidates then it has job openings. Your candidates just aren't qualified enough. Maybe some interview coaching is required.

This tells me you have no idea how this works. Half the job postings you see on Indeed are fake. They don't actually have openings, they are just checking the labor market to see what's available.

Educate yourself, buddy.

There are a lot of jobs but people (working class) get paid more staying home until Aug 1st.

Well, no, they don't. And even if they did, most people would rather be working. Staying at home works good for about two weeks. But people are rightfully terrified of TRUMP PLAGUE.

here's another point you don't get. You have to certify that you haven't gotten a job every two weeks. If you are offered your old job back and you don't take it, your employer can challenge your benefits. Of course, right now, there are no jobs to go back to, anyway. Probably going to spike in July and August because of Round Two of TRUMP PLAGUE.
He will put us into a Great Depression......I don't know how we will get out of it.

again, Recessions and Depressions happen when Republicans are in charge, not Democrats. It's not a bug, it's a design feature to keep the working man in his place.

Weak recoveries and excuses happen when Democrats are in charge, or did you miss the Obama years.
The economy only recovered because the industrial base of the rest of the world was destroyed by the war and we had the only thing going........FDR would have kept us in a Depression for decades had he lived.

Ah, yes, the right wing myth that FDR didn't get us out of the Depression, eventhough he clearly did and he established a middle class. The Right Wing has been trying to dismantle the middle class ever since.

Aided by stupid people clinging to their guns and their bibles.
Weak recoveries and excuses happen when Democrats are in charge, or did you miss the Obama years.

I desperately miss the Obama years.

I miss not having Double Digit Unemployment.
I miss not walking around wearing a mask.
I miss not having to check my route to make sure I won't run into a riot.
I miss not having a president who is a raving maniac who attacks veterans, the disabled, minorities, etc.

I miss all those things.
Weak recoveries and excuses happen when Democrats are in charge, or did you miss the Obama years.

I desperately miss the Obama years.

I miss not having Double Digit Unemployment.
I miss not walking around wearing a mask.
I miss not having to check my route to make sure I won't run into a riot.
I miss not having a president who is a raving maniac who attacks veterans, the disabled, minorities, etc.

I miss all those things.

Ain't that a surprise, most of the things you miss not doing were were caused by liberals.
Trump wasn't handed an economy just coming out of recession. It was a pretty easy post to understand, Marc.
What was the state of the economy, and it's record, when Trump got it?

At what point did Trump start to tout how great the economy was?

Why didn't you simply post the numbers as I originally asked? That would have been the clearest answer possible,
You want to deflect, feel free.
I could have brought better numbers than Obama, his EO's were costly to the
private sector. Slowed the recovery, but I know you would never admit that, Marc.
Weak recoveries and excuses happen when Democrats are in charge, or did you miss the Obama years.

I desperately miss the Obama years.

I miss not having Double Digit Unemployment.
I miss not walking around wearing a mask.
I miss not having to check my route to make sure I won't run into a riot.
I miss not having a president who is a raving maniac who attacks veterans, the disabled, minorities, etc.

I miss all those things.

Ain't that a surprise, most of the things you miss not doing were were caused by liberals.
You think conservatism is a panacea, don'tcha?
Ain't that a surprise, most of the things you miss not doing were were caused by liberals.

Funny, then why did everything go to shit when Trump was in charge?

You want to deflect, feel free.
I could have brought better numbers than Obama, his EO's were costly to the
private sector. Slowed the recovery, but I know you would never admit that, Marc.

But the point is, you didn't. This is an old story. REpublicans crash the economy. A Democrat comes in and fixes it... then you guys get back in by playing the whole Moral Issues Game, and proceed to fuck up the economy again.

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