Market will tank if Biden wins.

If Trump wins we will see north of 30K.

If that asshole duffus Biden wins we will probably see a 10-12K loss of the market.

No investor will want to have anything to do with a Biden economy. We saw how the economy was fucked up when he was part of the Obama administration.
Not really, since half the board knows thats what I do.

But to the point, it takes a real stupid person to think that taking money away from average people is going to be a net good for the economy.
Half the board? Nope. Nice try. I guessed it based on your posts. Taking money away? Do tell how we do that? LOL

By giving them $600 extra per week? I see.

Report that.
Taking money away? Do tell how we do that? LOL

By giving them $600 extra per week? I see.

That $600 a week is the only thing keeping the economy going right now, dummy. Businesses are closed and people are only spending what they have to. The idea that you can scare people back into unsafe workplaces by taking money from them is actually- kind of evil.
That $600 a week is the only thing keeping the economy going right now, dummy. Businesses are closed and people are only spending what they have to. The idea that you can scare people back into unsafe workplaces by taking money from them is actually- kind of evil.
Is that right? My clients are counting the days when the stimulus goes away and they can get their employees back. Unsafe? Only in your mind. Keep believing the media propaganda.

Report that.
some folks will vote for Biden because he's less of an asshole than Trump

that might make all the difference, my friends!
Our differences are reasonably based on media we trust as source for our opinions. Regarding the economy, I prefer randomly hitting online business and trade magazines and not the general news media. I seek articles written for professionals who are putting their money on the line. These articles rarely touch on politics other when there is specific legislation coming up or when there is an administration change and thus advise how investors might want to reallocate the holdings from one group of stocks to another. Because I've found that I'm not into keeping track of individual stocks the articles I read are not that technical and I invest in ETF's which I prefer over mutual funds.

Here is an example: Here's how far corporate profits could plummet in 2020
2021 looks like a good time to invest. I'm much more comfortable buying things when they're not selling at record high prices.

I didn't ask you any of that. If you can't answer the question I DID ask, then just say so. Don't waste my time answering the question you WISH I had asked.
Is that right? My clients are counting the days when the stimulus goes away and they can get their employees back. Unsafe? Only in your mind. Keep believing the media propaganda.

Again, your clients are the majority, working folks are. If your clients are such awful people that their employees would rather collect unemployment than work, what does that say about them? It tells me that they instill no loyalty to the company.

We have record numbers of new cases across the country, and Trump is trying to force schools and businesses back open on the hope of bringing unemployment back down in an effort to save his presidency.

That's kind of fucked up, yo! He's willing to kill people to get re-elected.
Again, your clients are the majority, working folks are. If your clients are such awful people that their employees would rather collect unemployment than work, what does that say about them? It tells me that they instill no loyalty to the company.

We have record numbers of new cases across the country, and Trump is trying to force schools and businesses back open on the hope of bringing unemployment back down in an effort to save his presidency.

That's kind of fucked up, yo! He's willing to kill people to get re-elected.
Not awful people. Why do you always deal in absolutes? If I can make more, not work, take care of my kids and sit at home and enjoy the summer, why would I work? durr...

This virus is overblown. I've had it. Europe is open. Are they trying to kill people? You're one messed up individual and the world would be better off without people like you in it, frankly.

Report that.
One of the most obese nations . - That is because we have a ton of fast food and Chinese food and such. Ancient wealthy Romans were obese too.
Lowest life expectancy. - Not true. "Lowest" ---- LMAO.
We rank low on housing and high on homelessness. -- Compare our home ownership rates to anywhere else in the world. Not true.
Low on education (costs a fortune) free in other countries. -- Yet foreign students pay a lot of money to go to school here. You can definitely argue the bang for the buck but we have the best schools in the world.
Most expensive health care system and most uninsured. -- Agreed on cost but most are NOT uninsured. Another lie. Again, people from foreign countries come here to get cured when they have some debilitating disease or condition.

The system is rigged for the rich, the low income and middle class are screwed. But you were brainwashed that anything good for the average Joe is socialism. -- Subjective. Everyone is born with equal rights and if you're remotely smart or remotely handy you can live very well and most people do.

Man, there's obviously a good reason I have that fool on ignore.
I didn't ask you any of that. If you can't answer the question I DID ask, then just say so. Don't waste my time answering the question you WISH I had asked.

I had already posted my opinion that presidents don't have major effect on the market and so your question in regards to Biden's effect on the market struck me as rather insincere. Not wishing to waste my time I used the opportunity to explain the basis of my view and as a challenge, if you'd take it that way, for you to provide us with the basis of your opinion. I guess your response is clear indication you're not up to that challenge.
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I had already posted my opinion that presidents don't have major effect on the market and so your question in regards to Biden's effect on the market struck me as rather insincere. Not wishing to waste my time I used the opportunity to explain the basis of my view and as a challenge, if you'd take it that way, for you to provide us with the basis of your opinion. I guess your response is clear indication you're not up to that challenge?

So you're basically saying you didn't even read my question, you just jumped right to, "I want to monologue." Got it.

I didn't ask you about "major effect on the market". I asked you if you thought Biden would have anti-business policies. Now I know better than to ask you anything serious, or to waste time being polite to you as though you're a real poster. You're just another mindless drone, parroting out your half of a conversation taking place in your head.

Never wonder why I'm polite to so few people on this board, because you just demonstrated it.
Again, your clients are the majority, working folks are. If your clients are such awful people that their employees would rather collect unemployment than work, what does that say about them? It tells me that they instill no loyalty to the company.

We have record numbers of new cases across the country, and Trump is trying to force schools and businesses back open on the hope of bringing unemployment back down in an effort to save his presidency.

That's kind of fucked up, yo! He's willing to kill people to get re-elected.
Opening the schools is a moronic idea. They'll be shut down in a week or two. I have a friend who's a teacher. She tells me if any student contracts COVID-19, that student has to be quarantined. The teacher and every other student in that class has to leave school and cannot return until they test negative and test results are taking as long as 10 days to be returned currently. That takes that one class of a couple of dozen students out of commission and my friend has 6 classes per day. Every student in every other class also has to leave school until they too test negative since the teacher may have caught it. That's about 150 students. But the quarantine doesn't end there... Every student and teacher in every other class that any of those 150 students are in also have to leave the school; and every other student and teacher in any of those classes as well.

Essentially, the first student to come down with coronavirus, which is inevitable, effectively shuts down the school.

Dumbfucking idea to open them by a dumbfucking impeached president.
So you're basically saying you didn't even read my question, you just jumped right to, "I want to monologue." Got it.

I didn't ask you about "major effect on the market". I asked you if you thought Biden would have anti-business policies. Now I know better than to ask you anything serious, or to waste time being polite to you as though you're a real poster. You're just another mindless drone, parroting out your half of a conversation taking place in your head.

Never wonder why I'm polite to so few people on this board, because you just demonstrated it.

Oh cry me a river. Your words:
"If you disagree, I'd be interested to know why. Do you not think Biden would have anti-business policies that would make a recovery difficult, or do you not think the market would expect him to have such policies?"​
Not only had my prior reply provided my answer, in reply I also attached a link to a Fortune article which addressed what real issues the market faced in terms of recovery.

Your fake interest in both the market and the opinions of others is blatantly obvious.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Course it would, but that's not going to happen.
Not awful people. Why do you always deal in absolutes? If I can make more, not work, take care of my kids and sit at home and enjoy the summer, why would I work? durr...

Actually, I couldn't imagine anyone doing that unless your "clients' were such awful people you'd rather be away from them. If they weren't in any hurry to go back before, they won't be in any hurry to go back now.

For instance, even if they are making more, they won't get their health coverage for their family's extended unless they pay COBRA rates, which is more than they would probably be making extra.

This virus is overblown. I've had it. Europe is open. Are they trying to kill people?

Europe did what Trump didn't do, they also have universal health care. This virus has proven how ineffective our system is if they can't get basic health care...

Also- reported.

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