Market will tank if Biden wins.

One of the most obese nations . - That is because we have a ton of fast food and Chinese food and such. Ancient wealthy Romans were obese too.
Lowest life expectancy. - Not true. "Lowest" ---- LMAO.
We rank low on housing and high on homelessness. -- Compare our home ownership rates to anywhere else in the world. Not true.
Low on education (costs a fortune) free in other countries. -- Yet foreign students pay a lot of money to go to school here. You can definitely argue the bang for the buck but we have the best schools in the world.
Most expensive health care system and most uninsured. -- Agreed on cost but most are NOT uninsured. Another lie. Again, people from foreign countries come here to get cured when they have some debilitating disease or condition.

The system is rigged for the rich, the low income and middle class are screwed. But you were brainwashed that anything good for the average Joe is socialism. -- Subjective. Everyone is born with equal rights and if you're remotely smart or remotely handy you can live very well and most people do.
Oh so you blame obesity it on fast food? isn't that an american concept? so Americans killing Americans?
Home ownership is lower than Canada for example, and we have a higher number of homeless were saying?

We have the worst education system, and it's proven time and time again....Americans are less likely to have a higher degree compared to G8 countries due mainly to cost.
I grow up abroad I spoke 4 languages fluently at the age of 21, and when I moved here and took some college classes I was shocked at the level of ignorance.

Foreign students that come here, are mostly either wealthy or have scholarships....and yes higher education is better compared to the rest of education system because is built around money.
While I got my degree with almost $0 out of pocket, I know of the same people I worked with here and went to American schools, they are still in debt and paying their student loans after 20 years. I don't know what makes you so happy about that type of system.

Dude I just did a procedure that other guys I know of in Europe and Australia paid pennies, my insurance paid 200k , and many I know of can't do it because they either don't have insurance or their insurance wouldn't approve it.

We also have so many go to other countries for procedures, I know many that went to Europe, Japan and even China and don't get me started on the millions of Americans that cross the border to get care from Mexico.

Oh so if you are smart and fortunate enough fuck the rest? Those that work for you, that clean your house, service your car....that's what I don't like about the savage capitalism is all about the dollar sign.
...Biden... has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president...
We don't need a 'business-friendly' President; although it would be nice bonus sidebar, if more important criteria are satisfied.

We need a President who is American People -friendly.

We need a President who is Constitution -friendly.

We need a President who is Truth -friendly.

We need a President who is Congress -friendly.

We need a President who is Allies -friendly.

We need a President who is Free Press -friendly.

Come to think of it, we really just need a President, even a one-term placeholder.

It would beat-the-hell outta what we've got on our hands now.

Consider the rejection of Rump on November 3rd and the inauguration of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe on January 20th to be a Market Correction... :p

Fixing America's bad case of Buyer's Remorse.
We don't need a 'business-friendly' President; although it would be nice bonus sidebar, if more important criteria are satisfied.

We need a President who is American People -friendly.

We need a President who is Constitution -friendly.

We need a President who is Truth -friendly.

We need a President who is Congress -friendly.

We need a President who is Allies -friendly.

We need a President who is Free Press -friendly.

Come to think of it, we really just need a President, even a one-term placeholder.

It would beat-the-hell outta what we've got on our hands now.

Consider the rejection of Rump on November 3rd and the inauguration of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe on January 20th to be a Market Correction... :p

Fixing America's bad case of Buyer's Remorse.
So far he is defunding the police and raising taxes.
Nor do I have to, since it's not relevant to anything.

The Europeans enforced social distancing early, the isolated this quickly, which is why they aren't suffering the effects we have. Pretty much everything Trump did wrong, they did right... which is why they are at 7% unemployment while we are at 12%.

Also, I'm terribly sorry I hurt your feelings because the Mods Spanked you. Oh, wait, I'm totally not.
The country with the greatest success story was South Korea. In a nutshell, they took action immediately in early January before the virus arrived in the country. The seriousness of virus was never downplayed plus they had a plan to deal with it, including emergency supplies and equipment.

The South Korean president, Moon Jae-in recognizing the threat the virus posed to his country and knowing immediate action was needed to stop this airborne virus, he met with the top pharmaceutical company in South Korea capable of producing test kits in volume only a few days after China release the genome for the virus in early January. He ordered 3 million test kits deliverable in 30 days with a follow up order for tens of millions of kits. This was before the first cases were discovered in South Korea. For prompt delivery, he offered a million dollar bonus. The test kits were delivered in mid February. In the first week of March, South Korea put healthcare workers and the military on the street of Seoul and other cities in South Korea administering tests and quarantining those that were positive. By the end of March, South Korea had reduced the number of new cases by 90%. They continued their testing and quarantining program. As of today, South Korea with a population of 18% of the US have only 2% of the deaths. They have closed 300 schools vs 124,000 in the US. They have closed businesses based on occurrence of the virus but only a small fraction of US closures. The unemployment rate as of June is 4.3%. In the US it's 11.3%. The US could have duplicated South Korea's success if they had a plan to deal with a nationwide epidemic, a president willing to tackle the job, and the willingness to act immediately. The US had none of the above and now we see the results.
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The country with the greatest success story was South Korea. In a nutshell, they took action immediately in early January before the virus arrived in the country. The seriousness of virus was never downplayed plus they had a plan to deal with it, including emergency supplies and equipment.

The South Korean president, Moon Jae-in recognizing the threat the virus posed to his country and knowing immediate action was needed to stop this airborne virus, he met with the top pharmaceutical company in South Korea capable of producing test kits in volume only a few days after China release the genome for the virus in early January. He ordered 3 million test kits deliverable in 30 days with a follow up order for tens of millions of kits. This was before the first cases were discovered in South Korea. For prompt delivery, he offered a million dollar bonus. The test kits were delivered in mid February. In the first week of March, South Korea put healthcare workers and the military on the street of Seoul and other cities in South Korea administering tests and quarantining those that were positive. By the end of March, South Korea had reduced the number of new cases by 90%. They continued their testing and quarantining program. As of today, South Korea with a population of 18% of the US have only 2% of the deaths. They have closed 300 schools vs 124,000 in the US. They have closed businesses based on occurrence of the virus but only a small fraction of US closures. The unemployment rate as of June is 4.3%. In the US it's 11.3%. The US could duplicated South Korea's success if they had a plan to deal with a nationwide epidemic and a president willing to tackle the job. The US had neither and now we see the results.

Hmmm, guessing South Korea doesn't have Senators and Mayors running around telling people not to worry and go out and mingle.
Hmmm, guessing South Korea doesn't have Senators and Mayors running around telling people not to worry and go out and mingle.
Probably not, because their president didn't tell the people obeying the rules was a personal choice. The one most important thing in an epidemic is unity of purpose. To control and epidemic, you can't have the president telling people that he thinks wearing a mask is a personal choice when governors and mayors are requiring. You can't have the president saying we are doing enough testing while his medical advisors are saying we need 5 times the amount testing.

Trump could have been a real hero in this epidemic if he had supported his response team, used the Defense Production Act to produce sufficient equipment, medical, supplies, and testing kits, and supported the governors instead of playing politics. What a president should be doing is offering the governors help, not criticizing their decisions and creating distention. Does he not realize a thousand people a day are dying and there are things more important than winning an election?
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Probably not, because their president didn't tell the people obeying the rules was a personal choice. The one most important thing in an epidemic is unity of purpose. To control and epidemic, you can't have the president telling people that he thinks wearing a mask is personal choice when governors and mayors are requiring. You can't have the president saying we are doing enough testing while his medical advisors are saying we need 5 times the amount testing.

Trump could have been a real hero in this epidemic if he had supported the his response team, used the Defense Production Act to produce sufficient equipment, medical, supplies, and testing kits, and supported the governors instead of playing politics. What a president should be doing is offering the governors help, not criticizing their decisions.
How would I endanger your health if you’re social distancing and me specifically I had it. Can no longer spread it and funny how you run away from your lunacy that we did worse than Europe. NYC and NJ did because their governors are morons.

No, NJ and NY is where it hit first... it's now hitting all the red states in Jesusland.

Europe did a FAR better job of containing this than we did with less prep time and less resources in some countries.

It's why the US had 4% of the world's population and 25% of the deaths. Because Trump done fucked up.

We need to improve and amend the police not defund it!

Okay. the first way we improve it is to clean out all the thugs with badges and guns. Some of these departments really do need to be thrown out and start over again.
We don't need a 'business-friendly' President; although it would be nice bonus sidebar, if more important criteria are satisfied.

We need a President who is American People -friendly.

We need a President who is Constitution -friendly.

We need a President who is Truth -friendly.

We need a President who is Congress -friendly.

We need a President who is Allies -friendly.

We need a President who is Free Press -friendly.

Come to think of it, we really just need a President, even a one-term placeholder.

It would beat-the-hell outta what we've got on our hands now.

Consider the rejection of Rump on November 3rd and the inauguration of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe on January 20th to be a Market Correction... :p

Fixing America's bad case of Buyer's Remorse.
So far he is defunding the police and raising taxes.

Nor do I have to, since it's not relevant to anything.

The Europeans enforced social distancing early, the isolated this quickly, which is why they aren't suffering the effects we have. Pretty much everything Trump did wrong, they did right... which is why they are at 7% unemployment while we are at 12%.

Also, I'm terribly sorry I hurt your feelings because the Mods Spanked you. Oh, wait, I'm totally not.
The country with the greatest success story was South Korea. In a nutshell, they took action immediately in early January before the virus arrived in the country. The seriousness of virus was never downplayed plus they had a plan to deal with it, including emergency supplies and equipment.

The South Korean president, Moon Jae-in recognizing the threat the virus posed to his country and knowing immediate action was needed to stop this airborne virus, he met with the top pharmaceutical company in South Korea capable of producing test kits in volume only a few days after China release the genome for the virus in early January. He ordered 3 million test kits deliverable in 30 days with a follow up order for tens of millions of kits. This was before the first cases were discovered in South Korea. For prompt delivery, he offered a million dollar bonus. The test kits were delivered in mid February. In the first week of March, South Korea put healthcare workers and the military on the street of Seoul and other cities in South Korea administering tests and quarantining those that were positive. By the end of March, South Korea had reduced the number of new cases by 90%. They continued their testing and quarantining program. As of today, South Korea with a population of 18% of the US have only 2% of the deaths. They have closed 300 schools vs 124,000 in the US. They have closed businesses based on occurrence of the virus but only a small fraction of US closures. The unemployment rate as of June is 4.3%. In the US it's 11.3%. The US could have duplicated South Korea's success if they had a plan to deal with a nationwide epidemic, a president willing to tackle the job, and the willingness to act immediately. The US had none of the above and now we see the results.

back in march/april, the gov'nor of maryland managed to acquire 500K test kits from SK, because his wife is south korean & pulled some strings ... because the US was failing in our covid 19 response due to the sheer lack of competence donny has shown.

there have been reports of FEMA stealing PPE supplies from the states as they were being ordered & transported, so the gov'nor had the kits shipped on the sly & had his national guard actually guard them in a warehouse secretly located.

this the the amerika we now live in.
Probably not, because their president didn't tell the people obeying the rules was a personal choice. The one most important thing in an epidemic is unity of purpose. To control and epidemic, you can't have the president telling people that he thinks wearing a mask is personal choice when governors and mayors are requiring. You can't have the president saying we are doing enough testing while his medical advisors are saying we need 5 times the amount testing.

Trump could have been a real hero in this epidemic if he had supported the his response team, used the Defense Production Act to produce sufficient equipment, medical, supplies, and testing kits, and supported the governors instead of playing politics. What a president should be doing is offering the governors help, not criticizing their decisions.

uh - how long ago was that - when pretty much NOBODY knew what devastation or how contagious this 'novel' virus was?

& as soon as the scientific experts started saying how contagious it was - did pelosi or any critical thinking biped continue down that path?

lol.... your old tired excuses for just how inept & willfully ignorant donny has been re:covid 19 just isn't cutting it. shall i dig up alllllllllllllll the times donny praised china for it's 'excellent handling' of the outbreak they were showing?

Probably not, because their president didn't tell the people obeying the rules was a personal choice. The one most important thing in an epidemic is unity of purpose. To control and epidemic, you can't have the president telling people that he thinks wearing a mask is personal choice when governors and mayors are requiring. You can't have the president saying we are doing enough testing while his medical advisors are saying we need 5 times the amount testing.

Trump could have been a real hero in this epidemic if he had supported the his response team, used the Defense Production Act to produce sufficient equipment, medical, supplies, and testing kits, and supported the governors instead of playing politics. What a president should be doing is offering the governors help, not criticizing their decisions.

oh what the hell, spidey ... i got that info for you:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
04/15/2020 06:27 PM EDT

POLITICO has compiled a list of 15 times the president hailed China for its push to prevent a pandemic in the early months of 2020 — an effort that ultimately failed:

Jan. 22, Twitter:
“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”
Jan. 24, Twitter:
“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:
“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it's been in a long, long time. And now it's reciprocal. Before, we were being ripped off badly. Now we have a reciprocal relationship, maybe even better than reciprocal for us.”

Jan. 30, Fox News interview:
"China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:
"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!

Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
"Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job.”

Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”

Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."

Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”

Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:
"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:
“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”

Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

When Trump covered for China’s alleged coronavirus coverup

The Wall Street Journal reports that Trump was advised twice in January to press China to be more transparent about the outbreak in Wuhan. But Trump ignored the advice:

Early this year, several of Mr. Trump’s political advisers inside and outside the campaign urged him to take on China more directly, which they argued would have bipartisan appeal. One idea they suggested was a special commission to investigate the origins of the virus and whether Beijing responded sufficiently to control the outbreak.
Mr. Trump twice declined suggestions from his team in January to press [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping] for more transparency about the virus’s causes and symptoms, in one case saying that the criticism could cause Beijing to be less helpful, said White House officials.

Click to expand...
In fact, Trump didn’t just decline the suggestions; he actually went in the opposite direction. Trump repeatedly praised China’s coronavirus response through late February. And on two different occasions, he actually vouched for China’s transparency, despite the advice.
Trump did so voluntarily on Jan. 24, tweeting, “The United States greatly appreciates [China’s] efforts and transparency.” He was then asked directly on Feb. 7 whether he was “concerned that China is covering up the full extent of coronavirus.” He said flatly, “No. … They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job.”

you're welcome.
Everything? Then feel free not to respond. Amend meaning more money and more training.
The deception by you is that police aren't well trained?
Navy Seals train for 18 mos for a 6 mos mission. Cops train 3 and are on the streets. The deception by you is that you have a brain. You don’t. You’re stupid.
How would I endanger your health if you’re social distancing and me specifically I had it. Can no longer spread it and funny how you run away from your lunacy that we did worse than Europe. NYC and NJ did because their governors are morons.

No, NJ and NY is where it hit first... it's now hitting all the red states in Jesusland.

Europe did a FAR better job of containing this than we did with less prep time and less resources in some countries.

It's why the US had 4% of the world's population and 25% of the deaths. Because Trump done fucked up.

We need to improve and amend the police not defund it!

Okay. the first way we improve it is to clean out all the thugs with badges and guns. Some of these departments really do need to be thrown out and start over again.
Wrong Texas has like 3k deaths. You and your fake news media. You. You need to be cleaned out not the cops.

Report that.
We don't need a 'business-friendly' President; although it would be nice bonus sidebar, if more important criteria are satisfied.

We need a President who is American People -friendly.

We need a President who is Constitution -friendly.

We need a President who is Truth -friendly.

We need a President who is Congress -friendly.

We need a President who is Allies -friendly.

We need a President who is Free Press -friendly.

Come to think of it, we really just need a President, even a one-term placeholder.

It would beat-the-hell outta what we've got on our hands now.

Consider the rejection of Rump on November 3rd and the inauguration of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe on January 20th to be a Market Correction... :p

Fixing America's bad case of Buyer's Remorse.
So far he is defunding the police and raising taxes.


Fake news. Missing context. Par for the course for you.
Navy Seals train for 18 mos for a 6 mos mission. Cops train 3 and are on the streets. The deception by you is that you have a brain. You don’t. You’re stupid.

Uh, guy, most MOS's in the Army, you only get 8 weeks of Boot and 8-12 weeks of AIT, and then they send you out. (You'd know this if you were ever actually in.) Cops don't need to be trained at the level of Navy Seals.

Wrong Texas has like 3k deaths. You and your fake news media. You. You need to be cleaned out not the cops.

Whining again? Texas has 319K cases...

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