Market will tank if Biden wins.

Actually, I couldn't imagine anyone doing that unless your "clients' were such awful people you'd rather be away from them. If they weren't in any hurry to go back before, they won't be in any hurry to go back now.

For instance, even if they are making more, they won't get their health coverage for their family's extended unless they pay COBRA rates, which is more than they would probably be making extra.

Europe did what Trump didn't do, they also have universal health care. This virus has proven how ineffective our system is if they can't get basic health care...

Also- reported.
Europe also doesn’t give automatic citizenship to people. Funny how you don’t mention that. What did you report? That you’re an idiot?

Report that.
Opening the schools is a moronic idea. They'll be shut down in a week or two. I have a friend who's a teacher. She tells me if any student contracts COVID-19, that student has to be quarantined. The teacher and every other student in that class has to leave school and cannot return until they test negative and test results are taking as long as 10 days to be returned currently. That takes that one class of a couple of dozen students out of commission and my friend has 6 classes per day. Every student in every other class also has to leave school until they too test negative since the teacher may have caught it. That's about 150 students. But the quarantine doesn't end there... Every student and teacher in every other class that any of those 150 students are in also have to leave the school; and every other student and teacher in any of those classes as well.

Essentially, the first student to come down with coronavirus, which is inevitable, effectively shuts down the school.

Dumbfucking idea to open them by a dumbfucking impeached president.

there's a paywall for this article, but the title & first paragraph is enough to make the point:

Israelis Fear Schools Reopened Too Soon as Covid-19 Cases Climb
Outbreaks in schools had infected at least 1,335 students and 691 staff by Monday since the reopening in early May
By Felicia Schwartz and Dov Lieber
July 14, 2020 4:53 pm ET

TEL AVIV—Some Israeli public-health officials are blaming the country’s decision to reopen schools in May for helping fuel a large new wave of coronavirus infections that has prompted authorities to shut down sections of the economy once again.
Israelis Fear Schools Reopened Too Soon as Covid-19 Cases Climb
Google it fool. Everyone on the face of the planet knows about the bankruptcies. The $1billion dollars in losses in the 1980's - all bailed out by his father. Google a list of Dumb Donald's failed business ventures - Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Steaks, Trump mortgages.

I'm done linking to stuff you SHOULD have known before you voted for him the first time.

If you walked into my office as a IT Consultant and you are this ill informed and ignorant, I'd fire your lazy ignorant ass.
Ms. Dragonlady, I had a basketball coach when I was young, and when someone fouled out and started crying, she'd say "Don't worry. Only the best ball players foul out from time to time."

I can envision our President's father (who left him the lion's share of his fortune) knew that Trump made some serious errors, and he supported him because one thing about Donald Trump? He loves to see people have jobs, and he made up his mind to put as many people to work as he possibly could in his lifetime of business work. He just wanted everybody to have good-paying jobs, and he still does. He thoroughly enjoyed putting many minority men and women into jobs that paid well the years before Covid assaulted this nation, and he's working on a comeback for the Americans to have good jobs and steady work from now on as best he can.

That man Trump puts his heart and soul into making America great again so Americans will always have jobs to do that pay them enough to enjoy their fair share of the American dream. And the better he does, the more lies Nancy, Jerrold, Diane, Joe, Adam, and Maxine cook up against him, hoping they will be the one who discourages him the most. The Democrats just keep on saying "Ready. Take Aim! Shoot self in foot!"
Europe also doesn’t give automatic citizenship to people. Funny how you don’t mention that.

Nor do I have to, since it's not relevant to anything.

The Europeans enforced social distancing early, the isolated this quickly, which is why they aren't suffering the effects we have. Pretty much everything Trump did wrong, they did right... which is why they are at 7% unemployment while we are at 12%.

Also, I'm terribly sorry I hurt your feelings because the Mods Spanked you. Oh, wait, I'm totally not.
Opening the schools is a moronic idea. They'll be shut down in a week or two. I have a friend who's a teacher. She tells me if any student contracts COVID-19, that student has to be quarantined. The teacher and every other student in that class has to leave school and cannot return until they test negative and test results are taking as long as 10 days to be returned currently. That takes that one class of a couple of dozen students out of commission and my friend has 6 classes per day. Every student in every other class also has to leave school until they too test negative since the teacher may have caught it. That's about 150 students. But the quarantine doesn't end there... Every student and teacher in every other class that any of those 150 students are in also have to leave the school; and every other student and teacher in any of those classes as well.

Essentially, the first student to come down with coronavirus, which is inevitable, effectively shuts down the school.

Dumbfucking idea to open them by a dumbfucking impeached president.
Acquitted. You should be embarrassed.

I think opening the schools is good for the children. The adults can adjust come what may. We can get substitutes for the whiney-eyeners.
The market is a complete distortion. You have very, very little purchasing power. About 3 or 4 cents worth on the dollar now, I think. And your savings are being robbed with every note they print. This will continue, no matter which one of em gets elected.
The only thing that is going to send the market to new highs is convincing evidence that Coronavirus is under control and we are a long way from that happening. The chance of getting control of the virus and avoiding the recession died in February when the president decided it was just the flu and it should be treated as such. We may have to wait until a couple hundred million Americans are inoculated with a vaccine that does not exist.
Nor do I have to, since it's not relevant to anything.

The Europeans enforced social distancing early, the isolated this quickly, which is why they aren't suffering the effects we have. Pretty much everything Trump did wrong, they did right... which is why they are at 7% unemployment while we are at 12%.

Also, I'm terribly sorry I hurt your feelings because the Mods Spanked you. Oh, wait, I'm totally not.
Sweden did? Nope. You are sorry. We agree there. How did Spain and Italy do? You remain a very stupid person.

Report that.
Sweden did? Nope. You are sorry. We agree there. How did Spain and Italy do? You remain a very stupid person.

Spain and Italy did better than us. They are done with it already and have reopened their economies. Trump wants to rush us all back into a burning building because he doesn't want the economy to get worse than it already is.
If you disagree, I'd be interested to know why. Do you not think Biden would have anti-business policies that would make a recovery difficult, or do you not think the market would expect him to have such policies?
Why we need a recovery. 1987, 2001, 2008. 2020. QUIT VOTING REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!
Spain and Italy did better than us. They are done with it already and have reopened their economies. Trump wants to rush us all back into a burning building because he doesn't want the economy to get worse than it already is.
Link it. Percentage wise sans NJ and NY we are way better and we test way more. You’re a very stupid person. We have a free country. Let people make their own decisions. Funny how you are OK with the rioting but not OK with businesses opening.

Report that.
Link it. Percentage wise sans NJ and NY we are way better and we test way more. You’re a very stupid person. We have a free country. Let people make their own decisions. Funny how you are OK with the rioting but not OK with businesses opening.

I'm not okay with rioting. I wish that we could have reformed our police without people having to resort to rioting, but frankly White People, being kind of awful, only listen when they are being threatened with violence.

Your freedom does not give you the right to endanger my health. But you aren't even talking about freedom. YOu want to end payments to the unemployed so they go back to work when it's still dangerous to do so.
Yes...he is a fool....

who is a billionaire
who dated and married really hot women
Who has a business empire that spans the globe
who associated with the most powerful people in the world including oprah, and the elites of the world
who had a long running and highly popular television show
who defeated 16 professional republican politicians
who defeated the Bush family
who defeated the clinton crime family
who defeated the obama crime machine

Who is now the President of the United States.... sure as F**k got his number.....
Ignorance of voters.
I'm not okay with rioting. I wish that we could have reformed our police without people having to resort to rioting, but frankly White People, being kind of awful, only listen when they are being threatened with violence.

Your freedom does not give you the right to endanger my health. But you aren't even talking about freedom. YOu want to end payments to the unemployed so they go back to work when it's still dangerous to do so.
How would I endanger your health if you’re social distancing and me specifically I had it. Can no longer spread it and funny how you run away from your lunacy that we did worse than Europe. NYC and NJ did because their governors are morons.

We need to improve and amend the police not defund it! Durr

Report that.
How would I endanger your health if you’re social distancing and me specifically I had it. Can no longer spread it and funny how you run away from your lunacy that we did worse than Europe. NYC and NJ did because their governors are morons.

We need to improve and amend the police not defund it! Durr

Report that.
Since everything you post is a lie or deception, I don't believe you.

Why do we need to "amend" the police, get in trouble again?

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