Market will tank if Biden wins.

If you disagree, I'd be interested to know why. Do you not think Biden would have anti-business policies that would make a recovery difficult, or do you not think the market would expect him to have such policies?
Our differences are reasonably based on media we trust as source for our opinions. Regarding the economy, I prefer randomly hitting online business and trade magazines and not the general news media. I seek articles written for professionals who are putting their money on the line. These articles rarely touch on politics other when there is specific legislation coming up or when there is an administration change and thus advise how investors might want to reallocate the holdings from one group of stocks to another. Because I've found that I'm not into keeping track of individual stocks the articles I read are not that technical and I invest in ETF's which I prefer over mutual funds.

Here is an example: Here's how far corporate profits could plummet in 2020
2021 looks like a good time to invest. I'm much more comfortable buying things when they're not selling at record high prices.
Weak recoveries and excuses happen when Democrats are in charge, or did you miss the Obama years.

Weak recovery because the working class was essentially cleaned out by W’s crash. Wages stagnate when unemployment is high. Employers have their pick of candidates.

If you lost your house and your good paying job was off-shored in the Great Recession, you probably don’t make enough to buy another house right now.

Wages don’t rise when unemployment is above 6%.
you believe him when he says he's that wealthy? lol....

if he really was, he'd have a televised 'event' complete with red carpet & search lights to show his tax returns proving it.

success is having a marriage of trust & fidelity... having morals & ethics by not screwing people outa their money from a fraudulent university & foundation... for starters.

money is secondary to those that value people over benjamins.
He lives in Trump Tower on pennies....he is wealthy. Not Bill Gates wealthy but definitely top 1 of 1%
Actually, I'd be just as fine if I never discuss anything with you again... but don't worry, Congress will extend the increased benefit. Then Trump will either veto it (and alienate working folks, including his base) or he won't, and unemployment will still suck. Actually, it'll suck either way.

This tells me you have no idea how this works. Half the job postings you see on Indeed are fake. They don't actually have openings, they are just checking the labor market to see what's available.

Educate yourself, buddy.

Well, no, they don't. And even if they did, most people would rather be working. Staying at home works good for about two weeks. But people are rightfully terrified of TRUMP PLAGUE.

here's another point you don't get. You have to certify that you haven't gotten a job every two weeks. If you are offered your old job back and you don't take it, your employer can challenge your benefits. Of course, right now, there are no jobs to go back to, anyway. Probably going to spike in July and August because of Round Two of TRUMP PLAGUE.
Feel free to no longer respond. You're the stupidest person on these boards.
Actually, I'd be just as fine if I never discuss anything with you again... but don't worry, Congress will extend the increased benefit. Then Trump will either veto it (and alienate working folks, including his base) or he won't, and unemployment will still suck. Actually, it'll suck either way.

This tells me you have no idea how this works. Half the job postings you see on Indeed are fake. They don't actually have openings, they are just checking the labor market to see what's available.

Educate yourself, buddy.

Well, no, they don't. And even if they did, most people would rather be working. Staying at home works good for about two weeks. But people are rightfully terrified of TRUMP PLAGUE.

here's another point you don't get. You have to certify that you haven't gotten a job every two weeks. If you are offered your old job back and you don't take it, your employer can challenge your benefits. Of course, right now, there are no jobs to go back to, anyway. Probably going to spike in July and August because of Round Two of TRUMP PLAGUE.
Link that half the openings are fake. Your words. Only plague I see consists of people like you. Report that.
Link that quality of life for “most” is not great. Thanks.
Compared to the G8 countries and given that " we are the best country that ever existed"
One of the most obese nations .
Lowest life expectancy.
We rank low on housing and high on homelessness.
Low on education (costs a fortune) free in other countries.
Most expensive health care system and most uninsured.
The system is rigged for the rich, the low income and middle class are screwed. But you were brainwashed that anything good for the average Joe is socialism.
Find your own fucking links, and quit ordering others around. Lazy, fact challenged conservatives who can't use google.

Trickle down has never worked. Money has never "trickled down". Instead it trickled up.

If companies increase their payroll, people's portfolios won't do so well. Golly whiz. How sad. Workers who actually created that income by earning that money for you, won't have to apply for food stamps to feed their family, so while your stock portfolio doesn't do as well, your tax bill goes down, the size of government shrinks because you don't need all those government workers to take food stamp applications, calculate eligibillity, and send out the money to the EDT cards every month.

Of the top 10% of wealthiest Americans, fewer than 40% are gainfully employed. The rest - more than 60% of then, are sitting on their asses waiting for their dividend cheques. These are the real "welfare bums". Living off the labour of others, just because they were born rich. These people own 80% of the wealth of the nation, and that amount is going up every year.

The rest of the people - the 90% who aren't rich, are working for a living. 84% of the other 90% are gainfully employed. A lot more than those wealthy layabouts.

You can google it.
Well said. I have no beef between cons and liberals as an immigrant who has traveled extensively and have family and friends all over.
The cons of the US are the most brainwashed group I have seen so far , they vote against their own interest.
I desperately miss the Obama years.

I miss not having Double Digit Unemployment.
I miss not walking around wearing a mask.
I miss not having to check my route to make sure I won't run into a riot.
I miss not having a president who is a raving maniac who attacks veterans, the disabled, minorities, etc.

I miss all those things.

i miss not turning on the tv or my little netbook, & wondering what fresh new hell has the ' president ' created for us today?
He lives in Trump Tower on pennies....he is wealthy. Not Bill Gates wealthy but definitely top 1 of 1%

how much of that cash was acquired legally & ethically? donny has had a looooooong history of lying, cheating, & stealing.

is that your idea of ' success '?

you can have all the money in the world - but if most of the world thinks you are a pariah ... then is that a real measure of true success?
Compared to the G8 countries and given that " we are the best country that ever existed"
One of the most obese nations .
Lowest life expectancy.
We rank low on housing and high on homelessness.
Low on education (costs a fortune) free in other countries.
Most expensive health care system and most uninsured.
The system is rigged for the rich, the low income and middle class are screwed. But you were brainwashed that anything good for the average Joe is socialism.
One of the most obese nations . - That is because we have a ton of fast food and Chinese food and such. Ancient wealthy Romans were obese too.
Lowest life expectancy. - Not true. "Lowest" ---- LMAO.
We rank low on housing and high on homelessness. -- Compare our home ownership rates to anywhere else in the world. Not true.
Low on education (costs a fortune) free in other countries. -- Yet foreign students pay a lot of money to go to school here. You can definitely argue the bang for the buck but we have the best schools in the world.
Most expensive health care system and most uninsured. -- Agreed on cost but most are NOT uninsured. Another lie. Again, people from foreign countries come here to get cured when they have some debilitating disease or condition.

The system is rigged for the rich, the low income and middle class are screwed. But you were brainwashed that anything good for the average Joe is socialism. -- Subjective. Everyone is born with equal rights and if you're remotely smart or remotely handy you can live very well and most people do.

NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Neither Biden nor Trump represent my self-interest and neither will get my vote.
Only because his Family Trust still owns $300,000,000 of his father’s properties and his siblings refuse to sell it.

Otherwise he would have squandered all of his father’s money years ago.
He is still wealthy. If my dad leaves me $1Bn and I play XBox all day does that make me less wealthy than someone who earned $1Bn? You're all over the place. Sober up and respond to me then.
Weak recovery because the working class was essentially cleaned out by W’s crash. Wages stagnate when unemployment is high. Employers have their pick of candidates.

If you lost your house and your good paying job was off-shored in the Great Recession, you probably don’t make enough to buy another house right now.

Wages don’t rise when unemployment is above 6%.

Great, supporting my claim, EXCUSES....go figure.

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