Market will tank if Biden wins.

Joe Biden is on a mission to eliminate as many American jobs as possible.

No wonder union workers in Pennsylvania tell the Washington Examiner, “Joe Biden scares me now.”
UK has less crime. So if someone comes at them with a knife they should not shoot to kill? Are you sure you were in the military?

yes, the UK has less crime than we have. As for a knife, they have a lot of options that don't involve shooting. The problem is, of course, that they just go around shooting people because they MIGHT have a knife.
What options? Someone is running at you with a knife. What options do you have?
We don't need a 'business-friendly' President; although it would be nice bonus sidebar, if more important criteria are satisfied.

We need a President who is American People -friendly.

We need a President who is Constitution -friendly.

We need a President who is Truth -friendly.

We need a President who is Congress -friendly.

We need a President who is Allies -friendly.

We need a President who is Free Press -friendly.

Come to think of it, we really just need a President, even a one-term placeholder.

It would beat-the-hell outta what we've got on our hands now.

Consider the rejection of Rump on November 3rd and the inauguration of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe on January 20th to be a Market Correction... :p

Fixing America's bad case of Buyer's Remorse.
So far he is defunding the police and raising taxes.


Fake news. Missing context. Par for the course for you.

Trump flails in interview with Wallace, citing false and nonexistent data on COVID-19
Christopher Wilson Senior Writer July 19, 2020, 11:16 AM

Trump flails in interview with Wallace, citing false and nonexistent data on COVID-19

holy crap - he's insane. those quotes are made from a deranged mind.

start spinning, zog.
What options? Someone is running at you with a knife. What options do you have?

Um, backing up and calling for backup. Tasering him. Engaging him with a billy club. Attempting de-escalation.
Dumbass. What a dumbass comment. You shoot them. You’re a pathetic loser. Police are trained to shoot when attacked with a deadly weapon. You were never in the military. You’re a liar.

Report that.
Dumbass. What a dumbass comment. You shoot them.

Um, that's why we have a problem.... Panicky cops shooting people they shouldn't be shooting.

Police are trained to shoot when attacked with a deadly weapon.

And that's the problem. They are too quick to shoot and too reluctant to try other things.

We aren't here because cops are shooting people who are charging at them. We are here because they are shooting people who are either unarmed or not presenting a threat - LaQuan McDonald, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, George Floyd... That's why were are here... I'm sorry you are such a stupid person you don't get this.

You were never in the military.

11 years... got out at the rank of E-6. MOS 76Y. (You see, unlike you, I know what an MOS is.)
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Biden has a lot more experience dealing with a recession than Trump. Trump has attempted to divorce the economy from the pandemic; that is ignore the pandemic and urge full speed ahead expanding the economy. Business leaders know that will not work because the pandemic is the cause our economic slow down. You can't fix the economy without fixing the underlying healthcare problem. They go hand in hand.

The stock market has already discounted a vaccine in early 2021. If it becomes a fact, offers acceptable immunity, and inoculations go well then the market will probably hit new highs in 2021. Consumer confidence will increase as customers feel safer and businesses will recover. However, there are a lot of ifs in this scenario. If for any reason, the vaccine fails, then the economy will be in for a very slow recovery which could take several years or longer and the stock market will look over priced.

Like NBC I am anti-Trump but honesty I don't think it will make a lot difference in economy who's president. The most important factor right now is the vaccine. If we get a working vaccine and it increases immunity, the economy will recovery.

I think many economist are ignoring the huge deficit because there's not a lot we can do about it right now. The deficit will hit ten trillion this year and will certainly add trillions more to the debt next year. Most of the world has not been hit near as hard as the US health-wise or financially. So as we come out of this economic slump, there will be concern once again about America's ability to carry such a high debt load and of course the issue of ratings of US treasuries will on the table again.
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Your lies are atrocious. IDC what you post. You were never in the military. Ever.

So if I publish a picture of myself in uniform, you'll go away and never come back?

You want to change the world according to your odd beliefs. Eliminate the EC.

Yes, the EC is an awful system that subverts democracy and disenfranchises millions of people.

Change police protocol. Based on what?

On the fact the cops kill 1000 people every year.
Of course the economy will tank if Joe Biden wins. Months down the road. Because his plan for the economy has nothing that would make positive advancements
It's definitely enjoyable to read the macroeconomic experts on this thread.

There are several financial industry journals who would love to publish this stuff. Most folks in the industry would tell you there are far too many variables out there to make such bold assumptions and predictions.

We need to get this stuff submitted ASAP! It could save America!
The Biden economy wouldn't take long to crash, maybe a day. The companies that are too shallow or greedy to see that outsourcing production to China is evil, will do OK for a while. But eventually the Communist Chinese will just take the American companies over there and they will become the property of the CCP. Agreements, morality and laws mean nothing to Red China. They'll kick pussies like Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Gates and Cook to the curb after they take their companies over. And how will a weakened Biden military deter this? It won't. Goodbye America.
...cops kill 1000 people every year...
There's a way for an individual to prevent that from happening to him-or-her...

1. don't commit crimes

2. when stopped, obey all commands, shut-the-phukk up, and only speak (respectfully) when spoken to

The mortality head-count would drop from 1000 to 4 or 5.

Problem solved.
There's a way for an individual to prevent that from happening to him-or-her...

1. don't commit crimes

2. when stopped, obey all commands, shut-the-phukk up, and only speak (respectfully) when spoken to

The mortality head-count would drop from 1000 to 4 or 5.

Problem solved.

Guy, you are describing how people live in a fascist country, not a free one. The police work for us, not the other way around.

There's another way

1. Don't hire thugs to be cops.
2. When a cop kills someone without a damned good reason, hold him accountable.
3. Don't racially profile
4. Train them to de-escalate.
...Guy, you are describing how people live in a fascist country, not a free one...

What I described ( don't commit crimes, obey police commands when stopped ) precisely articulates what American citizens are obliged to do.

Fail to do so and you are subject to arrest and/or the application of force to compel you to comply... and rightfully so.

...The police work for us, not the other way around...
Quite true... we commission them to deal with society's lawbreakers, dregs and miscreants, so that the rest of us don't have to. Agreed.

...There's another way 1. Don't hire thugs to be cops. 2. When a cop kills someone without a damned good reason, hold him accountable. 3. Don't racially profile
4. Train them to de-escalate.
I agree with all four of your points.

Abiding by those should reduce the death rate from 1000 to 950... hell, maybe even 900.

My way reduces the death rate from 1000 to 4 or 5.

If anywhere NEAR true, then, I think I'll continue to keep my own counsel on this particular matter.
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