Market will tank if Biden wins.

NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

Good thing the US is a country not a business.

The amount of business in our country and our wealth, determines the nation's standard of living.

If Biden were to get in, employment would sink, America would be more on par with nations like Haitis or other Shit Holes
You sound like a fucking idiot. There is nowhere to go but up once Biden gets elected.

If that is the case, what policies would Biden and the Democrats pursue to expedite US economically where we need to be? Blame Trump is not a strategy. We tried that pussy-style, lack of accountability under Obama and Biden in 2008. What’s Biden going to do differently?
There's a way for an individual to prevent that from happening to him-or-her...

1. don't commit crimes

2. when stopped, obey all commands, shut-the-phukk up, and only speak (respectfully) when spoken to

The mortality head-count would drop from 1000 to 4 or 5.

Problem solved.

Guy, you are describing how people live in a fascist country, not a free one. The police work for us, not the other way around.

There's another way

1. Don't hire thugs to be cops.
2. When a cop kills someone without a damned good reason, hold him accountable.
3. Don't racially profile
4. Train them to de-escalate.

Cops work for us and are hired to stop thugs. How often have cops killed an unarmed person? People need to comply with the officer and hold the officer accountable if he/she does not follow protocol. HINT: Flailing your arms around , not listening to instructions and going for an officer’s gun are not smart moves.

What I described ( don't commit crimes, obey police commands when stopped ) precisely articulates what American citizens are obliged to do.

I'm not obliged to obey the cops. I have every right to dispute them if they are out of line. This isn't a police state.

Fail to do so and you are subject to arrest and/or the application of force to compel you to comply... and rightfully so.

Awesome. Last year Chicago had to pay out $180 MILLION in damages to people who got force applied to them. Now, I realize that you racists don't really care they are abusing poor people of color, but you should be concerned about the pure fiscal irresponsiblity of shelling out billions to cover rogue cops.

My way reduces the death rate from 1000 to 4 or 5.

If anywhere NEAR true, then, I think I'll continue to keep my own counsel on this particular matter.

And if you get shot by a cop who panics or should have never been a cop, just remember, you're on their side.
Cops work for us and are hired to stop thugs. How often have cops killed an unarmed person?

Too many times. That's why people are rioting in the street right now.

People need to comply with the officer and hold the officer accountable if he/she does not follow protocol. HINT: Flailing your arms around , not listening to instructions and going for an officer’s gun are not smart moves.

I agree. They aren't. People do dumb things when they are under stress. A cop SHOULD know how to handle it without shooting anyone.
so i take it the non response from azog about the pitiful interview on FOX sunday night, means he acknowledges that donny has gone nuts & needs to lose the election bigley.
So you're basically saying you didn't even read my question, you just jumped right to, "I want to monologue." Got it.

I didn't ask you about "major effect on the market". I asked you if you thought Biden would have anti-business policies. Now I know better than to ask you anything serious, or to waste time being polite to you as though you're a real poster. You're just another mindless drone, parroting out your half of a conversation taking place in your head.

Never wonder why I'm polite to so few people on this board, because you just demonstrated it.

Oh cry me a river. Your words:
"If you disagree, I'd be interested to know why. Do you not think Biden would have anti-business policies that would make a recovery difficult, or do you not think the market would expect him to have such policies?"​
Not only had my prior reply provided my answer, in reply I also attached a link to a Fortune article which addressed what real issues the market faced in terms of recovery.

Your fake interest in both the market and the opinions of others is blatantly obvious.

Oh, spare me your misdirection. My words: "If you disagree, I'd be interested to know why. Do you not think Biden would have anti-business policies that would make a recovery difficult, or do you not think the market would expect him to have such policies?"

You have yet to address the question, and attempting to insist that the only POSSIBLE question is the one you WANT to answer impresses me not at all.

And no, attaching link doesn't answer the question, which is about what YOU think.

I will just assume that 1) you don't think at all, but only believe whatever you're told to believe without any messy nonsense about understanding it or having opinions, and 2) you know these are real problems for Biden, but you don't want them to be, so you've just decided they don't exist.

Thank you. You are dismissed.
I'm not okay with rioting. I wish that we could have reformed our police without people having to resort to rioting, but frankly White People, being kind of awful, only listen when they are being threatened with violence.

Your freedom does not give you the right to endanger my health. But you aren't even talking about freedom. YOu want to end payments to the unemployed so they go back to work when it's still dangerous to do so.
How would I endanger your health if you’re social distancing and me specifically I had it. Can no longer spread it and funny how you run away from your lunacy that we did worse than Europe. NYC and NJ did because their governors are morons.

We need to improve and amend the police not defund it! Durr

Report that.

I actually had a leftist retard tell me over the weekend, in answer to the question, "Why should people who have already had Covid-19 and gotten over it wear masks?" that it was "because you can get it again, and spread it." This person had earlier been announcing that everyone had to "wear masks to protect each other until a vaccine is found." So I then asked, "Well, if getting it and developing antibodies doesn't keep you from catching it again, how is a vaccine supposed to help, since that's what a vaccine DOES?" She vanished. I never did get an answer.

I swear to God, these people are just making it all up on the fly at this point.
Neither Biden nor Trump represent my self-interest and neither will get my vote.
Democrats are for wage increases for Working Americans, Republicans are for stagnant wages.

Democrats are far controlling and micro-managing everything to give themselves power, and idiots like you are for believing whatever they tell you, because it's easier than running your own life.
...Biden... has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president...
We don't need a 'business-friendly' President; although it would be nice bonus sidebar, if more important criteria are satisfied.

We need a President who is American People -friendly.

We need a President who is Constitution -friendly.

We need a President who is Truth -friendly.

We need a President who is Congress -friendly.

We need a President who is Allies -friendly.

We need a President who is Free Press -friendly.

Come to think of it, we really just need a President, even a one-term placeholder.

It would beat-the-hell outta what we've got on our hands now.

Consider the rejection of Rump on November 3rd and the inauguration of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe on January 20th to be a Market Correction... :p

Fixing America's bad case of Buyer's Remorse.

You get to sententiously lecture us about the need for all these things when YOU are any of them, Sparky. Not before.
NBC is anti Trump and even they agree. Biden has been in Gov't for the past 40+ years, has zero business acumen and will not be seen as a business friendly president. Usually the economy decides the next President but this is an odd time with the virus. Should be interesting but those with 401Ks, you're voting against your self interests if you vote for Biden.

No place for the economy to go but up after our current exigency.
If Democrats raise taxes and impose the New Green Deal, Daniel then we WILL see the economy and jobs go in the shitter! If you want someone to lead the way out of the Covid 19 economic crisis...then Joe Biden is NOT your man and the Democrats are not your Party of choice!
The country with the greatest success story was South Korea. In a nutshell, they took action immediately in early January before the virus arrived in the country. The seriousness of virus was never downplayed plus they had a plan to deal with it, including emergency supplies and equipment.

The South Korean president, Moon Jae-in recognizing the threat the virus posed to his country and knowing immediate action was needed to stop this airborne virus, he met with the top pharmaceutical company in South Korea capable of producing test kits in volume only a few days after China release the genome for the virus in early January. He ordered 3 million test kits deliverable in 30 days with a follow up order for tens of millions of kits. This was before the first cases were discovered in South Korea. For prompt delivery, he offered a million dollar bonus. The test kits were delivered in mid February. In the first week of March, South Korea put healthcare workers and the military on the street of Seoul and other cities in South Korea administering tests and quarantining those that were positive. By the end of March, South Korea had reduced the number of new cases by 90%. They continued their testing and quarantining program. As of today, South Korea with a population of 18% of the US have only 2% of the deaths. They have closed 300 schools vs 124,000 in the US. They have closed businesses based on occurrence of the virus but only a small fraction of US closures. The unemployment rate as of June is 4.3%. In the US it's 11.3%. The US could duplicated South Korea's success if they had a plan to deal with a nationwide epidemic and a president willing to tackle the job. The US had neither and now we see the results.

Hmmm, guessing South Korea doesn't have Senators and Mayors running around telling people not to worry and go out and mingle.

They're also a tiny country with a total population of just over 51 million. Not really comparable to the US in any way.
Everything? Then feel free not to respond. Amend meaning more money and more training.
The deception by you is that police aren't well trained?
Navy Seals train for 18 mos for a 6 mos mission. Cops train 3 and are on the streets. The deception by you is that you have a brain. You don’t. You’re stupid.
You still haven't proven that police officers aren't well trained.

So you think they ARE?
It's definitely enjoyable to read the macroeconomic experts on this thread.

There are several financial industry journals who would love to publish this stuff. Most folks in the industry would tell you there are far too many variables out there to make such bold assumptions and predictions.

We need to get this stuff submitted ASAP! It could save America!
OK, whats Biden's plan that will achieve economic growth?
There's a way for an individual to prevent that from happening to him-or-her...

1. don't commit crimes

2. when stopped, obey all commands, shut-the-phukk up, and only speak (respectfully) when spoken to

The mortality head-count would drop from 1000 to 4 or 5.

Problem solved.

Guy, you are describing how people live in a fascist country, not a free one. The police work for us, not the other way around.

There's another way

1. Don't hire thugs to be cops.
2. When a cop kills someone without a damned good reason, hold him accountable.
3. Don't racially profile
4. Train them to de-escalate.
What's your expertise in the criminal justice system?
It's definitely enjoyable to read the macroeconomic experts on this thread.

There are several financial industry journals who would love to publish this stuff. Most folks in the industry would tell you there are far too many variables out there to make such bold assumptions and predictions.

We need to get this stuff submitted ASAP! It could save America!
OK, whats Biden's plan that will achieve economic growth?
You're on "the internet". You could look it up pretty easily. If you're allowed to.

(Hint: Build Back Better: Joe Biden’s Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan for Working Families – Joe Biden for President)

Hopefully he wouldn't be the over the top hyper-Keynesian Trump has been. We need a more rational long term fiscal/economic policy.
It's definitely enjoyable to read the macroeconomic experts on this thread.

There are several financial industry journals who would love to publish this stuff. Most folks in the industry would tell you there are far too many variables out there to make such bold assumptions and predictions.

We need to get this stuff submitted ASAP! It could save America!
OK, whats Biden's plan that will achieve economic growth?
You're on "the internet". You could look it up pretty easily. If you're allowed to.

(Hint: Build Back Better: Joe Biden’s Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan for Working Families – Joe Biden for President)

Hopefully he wouldn't be the over the top hyper-Keynesian Trump has been. We need a more rational long term fiscal/economic policy.
That plan does not achieve economic growth
Try again.

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