Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

All of the clerks are with her, as are the people who elected her. People are sick of judges arbitrarily leveling crap laws against us.

That is false. At least one, probably two clerks would have issued licenses.

"Davis has previously testified that of her six employees, four share her beliefs, one is uncertain, and one employee doesn't have a problem issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples."

News from The Associated Press

Never know. At least 1 lawyer seems to think she has a case worth filing. Good luck to her.

Not one lawyer- a Conservative activist group.
Its actually a religious rights group so its a large group of lawyers who think they have a case and they do against the governor. He can't pick and choose what laws get enforced.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.

There's no such thing as having religious beliefs in a government job.
Sure there is. Unless you live in China, North Korea or Nazi Germany.
Yeah there are many countries that actually encourage injecting religion into government. Like Yemen, Sudan, and Iran.
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.

There's no going back. <psst> Interracial marriage is here to stay too. :ack-1:
All of the clerks are with her, as are the people who elected her. People are sick of judges arbitrarily leveling crap laws against us.

That is false. At least one, probably two clerks would have issued licenses.

"Davis has previously testified that of her six employees, four share her beliefs, one is uncertain, and one employee doesn't have a problem issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples."

News from The Associated Press

So? They were willing to issue the licenses, but the fags don't want licenses from the ones who want to do it.

They want the license to be signed by HER. So she shut it down.
This is fucking ridiculous. She has to follow the law. She does not, as a court clerk, get to make or interpret the law. I am not crazy about homos getting hitched either. But if you start supporting shit like this then you undermine the rule of law.
Odium doesn't believe in the rule of law. He believes in the Rule of Bitch, and Bigots...
There is no law. There is an OPINION of 5 people. That's it. The STATES made LAWS and were overruled with an OPINION which holds NO WATER.
NOMblog: Kim Davis is Why We Must Fight

Indeed we must! I am no christian but support religious freedom!
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
Odium hates Jews too. Maybe instead of Jews try white people. That'll really get him excited.
Its up to her who she marries white,black,asian,jew,straight idc....
The opinion of five is the law here, dumbass. The highest law in the land...
Opinions are just that. Opinions. State legislatures and Congress make laws. the SC issues OPINIONS not facts.

It's the law. As distasteful as Supreme Court decisions can be sometimes, and they can be, the holding in a particular is the law of the land. I believe that the real power in our republic ought to lie with Congress, as they are the closest link to the people. I also believe that when courts have to decide whether a law runs afoul of the constitution they ought to presume that it is constitutional and only overturn the will of the people in extraordinary circumstances when it is clear that a law contravenes the constitution or exceeds the scope of Article II (ie, when exceeds its authority).

That being said, you obviously cannot pick and choose what legal decisions you are going to follow or not follow, as you are upsetting checks and balances by usurping Article III powers of the federal courts, undermining rule of law and public confidence, as there will be no certainty of law if we can just cast aside a court decision we do not like.

However, the foregoing is academic. This clerk is a public functionary and she is not allowing for equal protection as required under current and valid 14th Amendment jurisprudence. Yes, she has rights too. However, she does not get to deny others their rights just to exercise her own.

This is not even a close call. It is pretty fucking stupid that there is a conversation being held over this. If she refuses the court order she will be in contempt of the federal court order. She may even be removed, which will create a real constitutional clusterfuck if a federal judge attempts to somehow strip the power from a duly elected state official.

If she is sincere in her position, then she should do the decent thing and resign.
Jim Crow used to be the law, too. Ask guno. He still supports that kind of thing.
This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.
There's a new normal now, so you can forget about that.
Dudes calling each other "my husband" will never be normal.

Divorce is against Biblical teaching as well, except for adultery only. How many 'traditional' marriages have been conducted under the 'I do, until I don't wanna anymore' vow?
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This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.

Its explicitly forcing her religion. She's stated that its her religious conviction that prevents her from doing her job. And she's using state authority to force gays and lesbians to abide her religion.

That's the state establishment of religion. She's toast.
Go to the next county. Problem solved. Treat it like a dry County. That's legal.

That's an apples & oranges comparison- There's no 'equal protection under the law' for boozing it up.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

They different-sex and same-sex couples are long time residents of that county and shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The only hypocrite in this saga is Ms. Davis who is on her 4th husband.

They can go to West Liberty but they're just trouble makers. This is another homofascist activist contrivance.
First off, opposing homofascism in principle is not bigoted. The shoe is completely on the opposite foot. The only bigotry is in the homofascism.
And West Liberty is very near Morehead. I think those homos wanted Morehead because of the name.

Sorry Skippy, but denying marriage licenses to gay couples is bigoted.

I pay taxes in the county where I live. The clerk in that county does her job or she should lose that job.

If a Muslim DMV supervisor decided to stop issuing driver's licenses to women, and ordered his office to stop issuing them, I'm sure you'd be just as supportive, right?
Opposing bigoted licences is anything but bigotry. As for Muslims denying homo marriage licenses, I'd be curious for the amusement factor.

How is my marriage license bigoted?

That's not what I said. I said if a Muslim DMV supervisor was refusing to issue drivers licenses and ordered his office not to issue them to women. You support that, right? "Religious freedom" and all, right?
Driving isn't a right. It's a privilege that must be earned because it involves others. Marriage licences are also not a right because they involve others. Personal irrelevant behavior doesn't involve others so there is no need to grant such a license.

That didn't answer my question but deflected from it.

Marriage actually is a sayeth the SCOTUS many, many times.

Yes or no, would you support a Muslim DMV supervisor ordering his clerks not to issue licenses to women?
If the women meet the criteria for licensing, of course not. Same as homos can't procreate so no need for any licensing. And if it requires a license it's not a right.
Legal marriage is not a right. The supreme also defended Jim Crow and Dred Scott. No one has a right over my sovereignty.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

They different-sex and same-sex couples are long time residents of that county and shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The only hypocrite in this saga is Ms. Davis who is on her 4th husband.

sorry, they don't have the *right* to be married by Christians. Fuck the fags.
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.
Never know. At least 1 lawyer seems to think she has a case worth filing. Good luck to her.

Not one lawyer- a Conservative activist group.
Its actually a religious rights group so its a large group of lawyers who think they have a case and they do against the governor. He can't pick and choose what laws get enforced.
I guess I'm looking at this going... If you're a Christian Doctor, you don't become an abortionist.

Retire if it's "against your religion" to do the job.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.

There's no such thing as having religious beliefs in a government job.
Sure there is. Unless you live in China, North Korea or Nazi Germany.

Actually in China, it's fine to have religious beliefs in a government job as long as it's a State sanctioned established religion. UNLIKE here where there is no State established religion. Actually in North Korea, it's fine to have religious beliefs in a government job as long as it's a State established religion called Juche. UNLIKE here where there is no State established religion. And Nazi Germany no longer exists.

God bless America & the Establishment Clause.
And? You expect her to listen to thugs in robes? I don't. The last thing the system wants is a martyr for the religious freedom movement and any fines these thugs put on her will be paid by supporters and supporters of religious freedom. Good luck!

You are going to financially support her and her family, right?
I am going to do my part in fighting tyranny and those that rule like dictators and against religious freedom. I am not a christian not even close but I support this fight 100%.
Well, goodie for you.
He supports people breaking the law, not fighting the law which they feel is wrong, but outright disobeying it. I will let the illegals know they are free to stay, what the law says doesn't matter...
She isn't breaking the law. She is disobeying 5 thugs OPINION.
Plenty of people have gone to jail because they are Christians. This is a culture war. There will be no gains for Christians until it stops being a symbolic war and starts being a real war. Until then, it will just continue to become Syria.

Nobody has gone to jail because they are Christian.

They have gone to jail for violating the law. Being a Christian is not an excuse to break the law.

They aren't violating any law. I guess its come full circle.Our founders came here and established America because they wanted freedom of religion and now that religion is being attacked and thrown in jail for defending it.

LOL you're demented.

Her most basic error is that civil marriage has nothing to do with religion. Her religious opinions are totally irrelevant.

She has the right to practice here religion, within limits.

She does not have the right to force the government to practice her religion.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

They different-sex and same-sex couples are long time residents of that county and shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The only hypocrite in this saga is Ms. Davis who is on her 4th husband.

sorry, they don't have the *right* to be married by Christians. Fuck the fags.
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.

She had no more right to do that than a restaurant who doesn't serve black people has the right to send them somewhere else.
All of the clerks are with her, as are the people who elected her. People are sick of judges arbitrarily leveling crap laws against us.

That is false. At least one, probably two clerks would have issued licenses.

"Davis has previously testified that of her six employees, four share her beliefs, one is uncertain, and one employee doesn't have a problem issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples."

News from The Associated Press

So? They were willing to issue the licenses, but the fags don't want licenses from the ones who want to do it.

They want the license to be signed by HER. So she shut it down.

It is my understanding that she won't allow her office to issue any licenses

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, stopped issuing all marriage licenses in June rather than comply with the Supreme Court's legalization of gay marriage nationwide.

Kentucky Clerk Still Won't Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
All of the clerks are with her, as are the people who elected her. People are sick of judges arbitrarily leveling crap laws against us.

That is false. At least one, probably two clerks would have issued licenses.

"Davis has previously testified that of her six employees, four share her beliefs, one is uncertain, and one employee doesn't have a problem issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples."

News from The Associated Press

So? They were willing to issue the licenses, but the fags don't want licenses from the ones who want to do it.

They want the license to be signed by HER. So she shut it down.

Wrong again.

Ms. Davis ordered that her deputy clerks, including the ones that would issue Civil Marriage licenses not to do so.

Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.
There is no compromise required here. She either does her fucking job or her ass is on the street. Her choice.
So she wants to break the law but have the Governor of KY pay for her damages when she does so? Grab an umbrella b/c it is raining personal responsibility up in here. Don't be shocked when this case gets laughed out of court.
Governor either must make everyone enforce the law or no one enforce law. His own AG refused to enforce law but he expects all clerk of courts to enforce it.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.

So, if they refused to serve black people, then black people can just drive from Mississippi all the way to Vermont to get their marriage license huh?
Sounds good to me.
This county clerk is like the sole standing Spartan of the original 300 blocking the invasion of perverts forcing their morality on the rest of us.

Or the opposite, stopping people getting Human Rights and stopping the US Constitution from being practiced.
No gays had human rights violations. We all can't get what we want. I want all your money, but the law prevents me. Dig?
sorry, they don't have the *right* to be married by Christians. Fuck the fags.

County clerks don't perform marriage ceremonies in Kentucky. County clerks issues the license. Civil Marriages are performed by Judges or Justices of the Peace.

Kentucky Marriage License Laws > KY Wedding Officiants

Is this random association day or what?

I'm sure you think you're making a point. But you're not.

No randomness involved. You brought up who performs the ceremony which has nothing to do with issuing the license. County Clerks in Kentucky to not perform the marriage.

So if anyone was bringing up "random association" it was you by injecting a non-relevant comment.


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