Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Tyranny is when petty government officials impose their "religious" beliefs on the public in violation of the law and oppress the people they serve.
You were educated in a public school, weren't you?

ˈtirənē/despotism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, Fascism;More
oppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, bullying, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness
"they will not soon forget his brutal tyranny"

Hmmm..I don't see the word "religion" in there.
  • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
  • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
    "she resented his rages and his tyranny"
  • (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who

By your own definition, Kim Davis is a tyrant and engaged in tyranny.

Nope. See, you really don't understand what you read, because you are indeed a low information rube. Reading is fundamental, and the more you do, the better you get at it, and the more you understand.

Right now, you're functioning at about a 2nd grade comprehension level. You read, but you don't understand the words.

Koshergrl, I understand that you're in a frenzy because Kim Davis, as an agent of the state government, is not allowed to establish religious policies for her government office and defy the supreme law of the land. Even though Kim Davis does not have a right to establish religion and foist her religious beliefs on the people she was elected to serve, she still has the right to believe whatever she wants and to use her personal time to practice her religion (e.g., go to church, marry & divorce multiple times because that's between her and God.) Between the two of us, it is clear that you're the one who lacks understanding.

Wow you sound like a lunatic. That second sentence is really long, and I'll bet you didn't breathe the whole time you were ponderously plucking out the letters on your keyboard. Take a breath.

You evaded the content of my post and launched yet another personal attack instead. If you had a valid and sound argument, you would have made it by now. But, continue on with your groundless frenzy. We all see it for what it is. You know as well as I do that Kim Davis is the tyrant and she is engaged in tyranny. You're just unwilling to admit the obvious because doing so would be incompatible with your feigned victimhood.
She's going to court on Thursday.

Its Kentucky so its likely they'll find some way to let her off.
Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

..." a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion"

You didn't read far enough.

Reading is fundamental, dear. I hope someday you will learn how silly you look when you try to compete in the arena of ideas...when you don't have any ideas and are too stupid to read ideas.

You are aware that martyr has more then one definition right? Stop being intentionally obtuse. It doesn't fit you very well.

I don't see how being fined for contempt is "suffering greatly" or "voluntarily suffer[ing] death". I suppose people who don't understand the meaning of the word "force" also don't understand the meaning of the word "suffer".

In the adult world, where people who know what words mean parry them, to say someone deserves martyrdom means someone deserves death. I know you think you're using words to great effect by misusing them, but all you're doing is proving #1, that you're stupid, and #2, you're a propagandist. Both equally irrelevant.

Look at the little asshole acting obtusely so she can pretend I think Davis deserves death for her actions. lol. Too funny. You can ignore the definition of the word all you wish but I assure you the rest of us are under any obligation.

Revisit that last sentence, Einstein, lololol.

It must sting a little to continually be shown up as an illiterate maroon.


Being called 'illiterate' by one of the biggest trolls/fools on this forum doesn't have the sting you believe does.
You were educated in a public school, weren't you?

ˈtirənē/despotism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, Fascism;More
oppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, bullying, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness
"they will not soon forget his brutal tyranny"

Hmmm..I don't see the word "religion" in there.
  • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
  • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
    "she resented his rages and his tyranny"
  • (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who

By your own definition, Kim Davis is a tyrant and engaged in tyranny.

Nope. See, you really don't understand what you read, because you are indeed a low information rube. Reading is fundamental, and the more you do, the better you get at it, and the more you understand.

Right now, you're functioning at about a 2nd grade comprehension level. You read, but you don't understand the words.

Koshergrl, I understand that you're in a frenzy because Kim Davis, as an agent of the state government, is not allowed to establish religious policies for her government office and defy the supreme law of the land. Even though Kim Davis does not have a right to establish religion and foist her religious beliefs on the people she was elected to serve, she still has the right to believe whatever she wants and to use her personal time to practice her religion (e.g., go to church, marry & divorce multiple times because that's between her and God.) Between the two of us, it is clear that you're the one who lacks understanding.

Wow you sound like a lunatic. That second sentence is really long, and I'll bet you didn't breathe the whole time you were ponderously plucking out the letters on your keyboard. Take a breath.

You evaded the content of my post and launched yet another personal attack instead. If you had a valid and sound argument, you would have made it by now. But, continue on with your groundless frenzy. We all see it for what it is. You know as well as I do that Kim Davis is the tyrant and she is engaged in tyranny. You're just unwilling to admit the obvious because doing so would be incompatible with your feigned victimhood.

You haven't been here very long but you'll soon see this is KooKooGrl's MO.

Truth is, she's not very bright and your post confused her.

If you want to get rid of her, ask her for proof of one of her wacko lies. Its sure to make her get reeel busy elsewhere.
I still want to see these homofascist agitators take their issue to a heavily muslim-populated locale. It's more than a coincidence that multiple homos are getting married in a place as remote as Morehead, KY. I have in-laws down there and the big night out is dinner at Shoney's. People go by two first names because there aren't enough last names to go around.
This is a fag and pony show brought to us by homofascists and their media handlers.
If Muslims ever become the top homophobes in this country they will be confronted. As of now you don't here a peep from American Muslims. American Christians are the ones still leading the charge to figure out how to continue oppressing gay people.

Roshabigot is just trying to cover all of his bigotries all in one post.
You are going to financially support her and her family, right?
I am going to do my part in fighting tyranny and those that rule like dictators and against religious freedom. I am not a christian not even close but I support this fight 100%.

Tyranny is when petty government officials impose their "religious" beliefs on the public in violation of the law and oppress the people they serve.
You were educated in a public school, weren't you?

ˈtirənē/despotism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, Fascism;More
oppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, bullying, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness
"they will not soon forget his brutal tyranny"

Hmmm..I don't see the word "religion" in there.
  • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
  • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
    "she resented his rages and his tyranny"
  • (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who

By your own definition, Kim Davis is a tyrant and engaged in tyranny.

Nope. See, you really don't understand what you read, because you are indeed a low information rube. Reading is fundamental, and the more you do, the better you get at it, and the more you understand.

Right now, you're functioning at about a 2nd grade comprehension level. You read, but you don't understand the words.

LOL- the irony of Kosher complaiining about being a 'low information rube'.
What coincidence? The four couples (two opposite-sex couples and two same-sex couples) have lived in Rowan County KY for years.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

I wanted to get married in the county where I grew up and live currently. I shouldn't have to go to another county because the clerk is a bigot. Better she gets a job she can perform.
First off, opposing homofascism in principle is not bigoted. The shoe is completely on the opposite foot. The only bigotry is in the homofascism.
And West Liberty is very near Morehead. I think those homos wanted Morehead because of the name.

Sorry Skippy, but denying marriage licenses to gay couples is bigoted.

I pay taxes in the county where I live. The clerk in that county does her job or she should lose that job.

If a Muslim DMV supervisor decided to stop issuing driver's licenses to women, and ordered his office to stop issuing them, I'm sure you'd be just as supportive, right?
Opposing bigoted licences is anything but bigotry. As for Muslims denying homo marriage licenses, I'd be curious for the amusement factor.

How is my marriage license bigoted?

That's not what I said. I said if a Muslim DMV supervisor was refusing to issue drivers licenses and ordered his office not to issue them to women. You support that, right? "Religious freedom" and all, right?
Plenty of people have gone to jail because they are Christians. This is a culture war. There will be no gains for Christians until it stops being a symbolic war and starts being a real war. Until then, it will just continue to become Syria.
Yeah yeah....onward christian soldiers and all that jazz......

Gimmee that old time religion ...

Which, in this case, would include lynchings.

BTW, I was wrong about firing her - the damn fool was elected. And its not just RWs who can be members of vicious hate groups - she ran as a Democrat.

Her atty suggests removing clerks names from marriage licenses. Possibly a good idea. I sure as hell wouldn't want some hate-group representative's name on my marriage license.

As an elected clerk, she doesn't have the right to dictate the duties of her office.

Time for a recall election. Get a human being in there.
Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

HAHA! Kick some ass Kim! Go ahead thug in a robe fine her throw her in jail we will pay the fines and make her a martyr for religious freedom you scumbag.

She is also refusing to issue marriage licences to straight couples as well. Don't be shocked when she is held in contempt of court.
And? She is doing it right.

She isn't doing her job. Again, don't be shocked when she is likely held in contempt.
Homos don't have the authority or the right to order particular people to marry them. Sorry. Find a homo clerk.

No one is asking Kim Davis to marry them. Issuing marriage licenses to qualified applicants is not the same thing as marrying them. The applicants take their licenses and go elsewhere for the ceremony.
I'm not sure when she was saved.

She'll have to get back to you on that.:
Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.

So I guess St. Kim was saved by a beam of light shining forth from the Sacred Fox News TV round about five minutes ago.

Sin ruins a Christian's credibility.
Divorce IS a sin, except in the case of adultery or death.

Those divorces due to death are a real bitch to get approved.

"He won't sign the papers!"


She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.
She has to follow the law. She does not, as a court clerk, get to make or interpret the law

Why does this anger you?
She wants her job and to be able to do it while keeping her religious convictions in tact.
The can fire her if they want....
Where is the issue here?

It does not anger me. She is certainly entitled to her religious convictions and her opinion. Further, she can go out and protest or do whatever she likes to voice her convictions. However, in her capacity as a public servant she cannot do this. It undermines the rule of law and eroded public confidence in our institutions to allow power to concentrate. She is the voice of a particular governmental outlet, and she, in her official capacity, is refusing to follow both the law and an order from a federal judge, both of which are perfectly valid. If her job is going to interfere with her ability to practice her religion, then she ought to resign.
You were educated in a public school, weren't you?

ˈtirənē/despotism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, Fascism;More
oppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, bullying, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness
"they will not soon forget his brutal tyranny"

Hmmm..I don't see the word "religion" in there.
  • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
  • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
    "she resented his rages and his tyranny"
  • (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who

By your own definition, Kim Davis is a tyrant and engaged in tyranny.

Nope. See, you really don't understand what you read, because you are indeed a low information rube. Reading is fundamental, and the more you do, the better you get at it, and the more you understand.

Right now, you're functioning at about a 2nd grade comprehension level. You read, but you don't understand the words.

Koshergrl, I understand that you're in a frenzy because Kim Davis, as an agent of the state government, is not allowed to establish religious policies for her government office and defy the supreme law of the land. Even though Kim Davis does not have a right to establish religion and foist her religious beliefs on the people she was elected to serve, she still has the right to believe whatever she wants and to use her personal time to practice her religion (e.g., go to church, marry & divorce multiple times because that's between her and God.) Between the two of us, it is clear that you're the one who lacks understanding.

Wow you sound like a lunatic. That second sentence is really long, and I'll bet you didn't breathe the whole time you were ponderously plucking out the letters on your keyboard. Take a breath.

You evaded the content of my post and launched yet another personal attack instead. If you had a valid and sound argument, you would have made it by now. But, continue on with your groundless frenzy. We all see it for what it is. You know as well as I do that Kim Davis is the tyrant and she is engaged in tyranny. You're just unwilling to admit the obvious because doing so would be incompatible with your feigned victimhood.
The content of your post wasn't content at all. It was a personal attack not only on me, but on Davis too, lol. So you cover your lack of content by accusing me of not responding to the content. Which doesn't exist.

Last edited:
I still want to see these homofascist agitators take their issue to a heavily muslim-populated locale. It's more than a coincidence that multiple homos are getting married in a place as remote as Morehead, KY. I have in-laws down there and the big night out is dinner at Shoney's. People go by two first names because there aren't enough last names to go around.
This is a fag and pony show brought to us by homofascists and their media handlers.

What coincidence? The four couples (two opposite-sex couples and two same-sex couples) have lived in Rowan County KY for years.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

I wanted to get married in the county where I grew up and live currently. I shouldn't have to go to another county because the clerk is a bigot. Better she gets a job she can perform.
First off, opposing homofascism in principle is not bigoted. The shoe is completely on the opposite foot. The only bigotry is in the homofascism.
And West Liberty is very near Morehead. I think those homos wanted Morehead because of the name.

Bigotry is not bigoted? the victim of bigotry is "bigoted" against the perpetrators of bigotry if the victim seeks the protection of the law? Your use of Orwellian double think and newspeak is typical of bigoted people like yourself. Your own words prove beyond any doubt that YOU are the fascist.
The bigots in this issue are the homofascists who continue to try to force their personal, irrelevant behavior onto others. Refusing to acquiesce to that bigotry is in no way bigotry in itself. You are brainwashed.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.
Yeah and ******* could have shut up and just sat at the back of the bus right?
She didn't have the option of another bus and she wasn't wasn't equating skin color with irrelevant personal behavior.
You homofascists need to stop with the attempted racism analogies. It only exposes your lack of logical thinking and your inferior intellect.
She had the option of another seat dummy.

You already lost this argument. This "marriage defending," thrice divorced, idiot woman will either retire, or get booted out after a boatload of fines. And good riddance.
You just emphasized my point about your lack of intellect.
If anything, the Rosa Parks in this issue are those who are having irrelevant homo behavior foist upon them. They are the one being denied any choice or freedom in the issue. The homofascist agenda is the new Jim Crow law. Homo Crow law.

Nutter RW just jumped the shark with this fiction.

Denying others basic rights does not make one a hero.

Fire her.
Forcing irrelevant personal behavior onto others is not a right. Just because propagandists repeat it enough doesn't make it so.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

I wanted to get married in the county where I grew up and live currently. I shouldn't have to go to another county because the clerk is a bigot. Better she gets a job she can perform.
First off, opposing homofascism in principle is not bigoted. The shoe is completely on the opposite foot. The only bigotry is in the homofascism.
And West Liberty is very near Morehead. I think those homos wanted Morehead because of the name.

Sorry Skippy, but denying marriage licenses to gay couples is bigoted.

I pay taxes in the county where I live. The clerk in that county does her job or she should lose that job.

If a Muslim DMV supervisor decided to stop issuing driver's licenses to women, and ordered his office to stop issuing them, I'm sure you'd be just as supportive, right?
Opposing bigoted licences is anything but bigotry. As for Muslims denying homo marriage licenses, I'd be curious for the amusement factor.

How is my marriage license bigoted?

That's not what I said. I said if a Muslim DMV supervisor was refusing to issue drivers licenses and ordered his office not to issue them to women. You support that, right? "Religious freedom" and all, right?
Driving isn't a right. It's a privilege that must be earned because it involves others. Marriage licences are also not a right because they involve others. Personal irrelevant behavior doesn't involve others so there is no need to grant such a license.
This is fucking ridiculous. She has to follow the law. She does not, as a court clerk, get to make or interpret the law. I am not crazy about homos getting hitched either. But if you start supporting shit like this then you undermine the rule of law.
Odium doesn't believe in the rule of law. He believes in the Rule of Bitch, and Bigots...
There is no law. There is an OPINION of 5 people. That's it. The STATES made LAWS and were overruled with an OPINION which holds NO WATER.
NOMblog: Kim Davis is Why We Must Fight

Indeed we must! I am no christian but support religious freedom!
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
NOMblog: Kim Davis is Why We Must Fight

Indeed we must! I am no christian but support religious freedom!
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
Odium hates Jews too. Maybe instead of Jews try white people. That'll really get him excited.
Its up to her who she marries white,black,asian,jew,straight idc....
The opinion of five is the law here, dumbass. The highest law in the land...
Opinions are just that. Opinions. State legislatures and Congress make laws. the SC issues OPINIONS not facts.

It's the law. As distasteful as Supreme Court decisions can be sometimes, and they can be, the holding in a particular is the law of the land. I believe that the real power in our republic ought to lie with Congress, as they are the closest link to the people. I also believe that when courts have to decide whether a law runs afoul of the constitution they ought to presume that it is constitutional and only overturn the will of the people in extraordinary circumstances when it is clear that a law contravenes the constitution or exceeds the scope of Article II (ie, when exceeds its authority).

That being said, you obviously cannot pick and choose what legal decisions you are going to follow or not follow, as you are upsetting checks and balances by usurping Article III powers of the federal courts, undermining rule of law and public confidence, as there will be no certainty of law if we can just cast aside a court decision we do not like.

However, the foregoing is academic. This clerk is a public functionary and she is not allowing for equal protection as required under current and valid 14th Amendment jurisprudence. Yes, she has rights too. However, she does not get to deny others their rights just to exercise her own.

This is not even a close call. It is pretty fucking stupid that there is a conversation being held over this. If she refuses the court order she will be in contempt of the federal court order. She may even be removed, which will create a real constitutional clusterfuck if a federal judge attempts to somehow strip the power from a duly elected state official.

If she is sincere in her position, then she should do the decent thing and resign.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

They different-sex and same-sex couples are long time residents of that county and shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The only hypocrite in this saga is Ms. Davis who is on her 4th husband.

She refuses to give out any marriage licenses, including same sex and heterosexuals....Thursday will be here day in court for reckoning and fines will be imposed for contempt....I hope the tax payers enjoy paying for her obstinate 'tude........

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