Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

And she doesn't have the authority as an agent of the state to make the citizens of her county abide by her religious teachings. This is why she has lost at every court challenge and appeal. If she can't do the job then I suggest she find something will fall in line with her faith.
Nobody has to "abide by her religious teachings". They just need to find a homo clerk in a homo county to marry them. I'm sure there are plenty of them.

She cited 'god' authority' as a reason she wouldn't give a marriage licence to a same-sex couple. That is making the people in her county 'abide by her religious teachings' and she will have to face the consequences of violating of the court's orders., it's not, lol. Making people "abide by your religious teachings" would be forcing a person to perform an act of sacrilege or lose their job. See, you are confused. You don't know what these words mean, and it makes me sad for you. Nobody is being forced to do anything. One person is not endorsing fake marriage. Meh. They can trot over the county line and get a flamer to marry them.

Of course they won't. Because they're targeting this chick. They're bussing in faggots to lie about where they live just so they can sue this woman.

No, I understand what those words mean just fine thank you. She'll understand quite plainly as well when the courts likely find her in contempt. She can then become the martyr she so richly wants to be.
You don't know what the word martyr means either, do you? You believe she deserves to die because she resists being forced to sign off on fake marriages?

Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.
Kim Davis believes in the sanctity of marriage so much she went out and had four of them.
Sad, but true.

The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.

But that's Kentucky for you. Four marriages ain't all that special in the holler.

"Four marriages makes me holier than thou, homos."
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Nobody has to "abide by her religious teachings". They just need to find a homo clerk in a homo county to marry them. I'm sure there are plenty of them.

She cited 'god' authority' as a reason she wouldn't give a marriage licence to a same-sex couple. That is making the people in her county 'abide by her religious teachings' and she will have to face the consequences of violating of the court's orders., it's not, lol. Making people "abide by your religious teachings" would be forcing a person to perform an act of sacrilege or lose their job. See, you are confused. You don't know what these words mean, and it makes me sad for you. Nobody is being forced to do anything. One person is not endorsing fake marriage. Meh. They can trot over the county line and get a flamer to marry them.

Of course they won't. Because they're targeting this chick. They're bussing in faggots to lie about where they live just so they can sue this woman.

No, I understand what those words mean just fine thank you. She'll understand quite plainly as well when the courts likely find her in contempt. She can then become the martyr she so richly wants to be.
You don't know what the word martyr means either, do you? You believe she deserves to die because she resists being forced to sign off on fake marriages?

Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

..." a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion"

You didn't read far enough.

Reading is fundamental, dear. I hope someday you will learn how silly you look when you try to compete in the arena of ideas...when you don't have any ideas and are too stupid to read ideas.
You are going to financially support her and her family, right?
I am going to do my part in fighting tyranny and those that rule like dictators and against religious freedom. I am not a christian not even close but I support this fight 100%.

Tyranny is when petty government officials impose their "religious" beliefs on the public in violation of the law and oppress the people they serve.
You were educated in a public school, weren't you?

ˈtirənē/despotism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, Fascism;More
oppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, bullying, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness
"they will not soon forget his brutal tyranny"

Hmmm..I don't see the word "religion" in there.
  • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
  • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
    "she resented his rages and his tyranny"
  • (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who

By your own definition, Kim Davis is a tyrant and engaged in tyranny.

Nope. See, you really don't understand what you read, because you are indeed a low information rube. Reading is fundamental, and the more you do, the better you get at it, and the more you understand.

Right now, you're functioning at about a 2nd grade comprehension level. You read, but you don't understand the words.

Koshergrl, I understand that you're in a frenzy because Kim Davis, as an agent of the state government, is not allowed to establish religious policies for her government office and defy the supreme law of the land. Even though Kim Davis does not have a right to establish religion and foist her religious beliefs on the people she was elected to serve, she still has the right to believe whatever she wants and to use her personal time to practice her religion (e.g., go to church, marry & divorce multiple times because that's between her and God.) Between the two of us, it is clear that you're the one who lacks understanding.
Halo-polishing Kim will give you a marriage license for your fifth marriage, even though Jesus did not allow divorce.

But donchoo dare try an' soil her saintly hands fer no homo marriage license! Nossir!

All hail, Kim, the defender of the faith!
I'm not sure when she was saved.
Sin ruins a Christian's credibility.
Divorce IS a sin -- except in the case of adultery.
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She cited 'god' authority' as a reason she wouldn't give a marriage licence to a same-sex couple. That is making the people in her county 'abide by her religious teachings' and she will have to face the consequences of violating of the court's orders., it's not, lol. Making people "abide by your religious teachings" would be forcing a person to perform an act of sacrilege or lose their job. See, you are confused. You don't know what these words mean, and it makes me sad for you. Nobody is being forced to do anything. One person is not endorsing fake marriage. Meh. They can trot over the county line and get a flamer to marry them.

Of course they won't. Because they're targeting this chick. They're bussing in faggots to lie about where they live just so they can sue this woman.

No, I understand what those words mean just fine thank you. She'll understand quite plainly as well when the courts likely find her in contempt. She can then become the martyr she so richly wants to be.
You don't know what the word martyr means either, do you? You believe she deserves to die because she resists being forced to sign off on fake marriages?

Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

..." a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion"

You didn't read far enough.

Reading is fundamental, dear. I hope someday you will learn how silly you look when you try to compete in the arena of ideas...when you don't have any ideas and are too stupid to read ideas.

You are aware that martyr has more then one definition right? Stop being intentionally obtuse. It doesn't fit you very well.
I am going to do my part in fighting tyranny and those that rule like dictators and against religious freedom. I am not a christian not even close but I support this fight 100%.

Tyranny is when petty government officials impose their "religious" beliefs on the public in violation of the law and oppress the people they serve.
You were educated in a public school, weren't you?

ˈtirənē/despotism, absolute power, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, Fascism;More
oppression, repression, subjugation, enslavement;
authoritarianism, bullying, severity, cruelty, brutality, ruthlessness
"they will not soon forget his brutal tyranny"

Hmmm..I don't see the word "religion" in there.
  • a nation under cruel and oppressive government.
  • cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.
    "she resented his rages and his tyranny"
  • (especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who

By your own definition, Kim Davis is a tyrant and engaged in tyranny.

Nope. See, you really don't understand what you read, because you are indeed a low information rube. Reading is fundamental, and the more you do, the better you get at it, and the more you understand.

Right now, you're functioning at about a 2nd grade comprehension level. You read, but you don't understand the words.

Koshergrl, I understand that you're in a frenzy because Kim Davis, as an agent of the state government, is not allowed to establish religious policies for her government office and defy the supreme law of the land. Even though Kim Davis does not have a right to establish religion and foist her religious beliefs on the people she was elected to serve, she still has the right to believe whatever she wants and to use her personal time to practice her religion (e.g., go to church, marry & divorce multiple times because that's between her and God.) Between the two of us, it is clear that you're the one who lacks understanding.

Wow you sound like a lunatic. That second sentence is really long, and I'll bet you didn't breathe the whole time you were ponderously plucking out the letters on your keyboard. Take a breath.
What other jobs would the RW hate groups say the worker does not have to actually perform the duties of the job?

This woman has made a choice to defy federal law and has refused to carry out the duties of her job and should face the consequences. She made that choice. No one forced her to behave like an ignorant trailer trash.

Don't do the job? Get fired.

And when she starts the inevitable Go Fund Me to beg for money, you RW nutters can all send yours to her.
I'm not sure when she was saved.

She'll have to get back to you on that.:
Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.

So I guess St. Kim was saved by a beam of light shining forth from the Sacred Fox News TV round about five minutes ago.

Sin ruins a Christian's credibility.
Divorce IS a sin, except in the case of adultery or death.

Those divorces due to death are a real bitch to get approved.

"He won't sign the papers!", it's not, lol. Making people "abide by your religious teachings" would be forcing a person to perform an act of sacrilege or lose their job. See, you are confused. You don't know what these words mean, and it makes me sad for you. Nobody is being forced to do anything. One person is not endorsing fake marriage. Meh. They can trot over the county line and get a flamer to marry them.

Of course they won't. Because they're targeting this chick. They're bussing in faggots to lie about where they live just so they can sue this woman.

No, I understand what those words mean just fine thank you. She'll understand quite plainly as well when the courts likely find her in contempt. She can then become the martyr she so richly wants to be.
You don't know what the word martyr means either, do you? You believe she deserves to die because she resists being forced to sign off on fake marriages?

Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

..." a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion"

You didn't read far enough.

Reading is fundamental, dear. I hope someday you will learn how silly you look when you try to compete in the arena of ideas...when you don't have any ideas and are too stupid to read ideas.

You are aware that martyr has more then one definition right? Stop being intentionally obtuse. It doesn't fit you very well.

I don't see how being fined for contempt is "suffering greatly" or "voluntarily suffer[ing] death". I suppose people who don't understand the meaning of the word "force" also don't understand the meaning of the word "suffer".

In the adult world, where people who know what words mean parry them, to say someone deserves martyrdom means someone deserves death. I know you think you're using words to great effect by misusing them, but all you're doing is proving #1, that you're stupid, and #2, you're a propagandist. Both equally irrelevant.
I'm not sure when she was saved.

Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.

So I guess St. Kim was saved by a beam of light shining forth from the Sacred Fox News TV round about five minutes ago.

Sin ruins a Christian's credibility.
Divorce IS a sin, except in the case of adultery or death.

Those divorces due to death are a real bitch to get approved.

"He won't sign the papers!"

LOL .... not having my best day here! Good grief!!!

I was thinking remarriage... <sigh>

Nobody has to "abide by her religious teachings". They just need to find a homo clerk in a homo county to marry them. I'm sure there are plenty of them.

She cited 'god' authority' as a reason she wouldn't give a marriage licence to a same-sex couple. That is making the people in her county 'abide by her religious teachings' and she will have to face the consequences of violating of the court's orders., it's not, lol. Making people "abide by your religious teachings" would be forcing a person to perform an act of sacrilege or lose their job. See, you are confused. You don't know what these words mean, and it makes me sad for you. Nobody is being forced to do anything. One person is not endorsing fake marriage. Meh. They can trot over the county line and get a flamer to marry them.

Of course they won't. Because they're targeting this chick. They're bussing in faggots to lie about where they live just so they can sue this woman.

No, I understand what those words mean just fine thank you. She'll understand quite plainly as well when the courts likely find her in contempt. She can then become the martyr she so richly wants to be.
You don't know what the word martyr means either, do you? You believe she deserves to die because she resists being forced to sign off on fake marriages?

Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

She's no martyr though. She's just a small minded, ignorant bigot who should be fired.
How many topics about this sanctimonious hypocrite do we need?

And, posted by the same poster in two different forums.

The woman represents a hate group. She chose not to carry out the duties of her job and to break federal law. Fire her.
Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

HAHA! Kick some ass Kim! Go ahead thug in a robe fine her throw her in jail we will pay the fines and make her a martyr for religious freedom you scumbag.

ROFL are you going to send her a dollar, Odium? how much are you willing to pay? I think Kim and her husband also need matching Rolls-Royces and an air-conditioned dog house.
Awesome. I love watching the good people the fags target with ridiculous suits get their attorney fees and living expenses paid.
No, I understand what those words mean just fine thank you. She'll understand quite plainly as well when the courts likely find her in contempt. She can then become the martyr she so richly wants to be.
You don't know what the word martyr means either, do you? You believe she deserves to die because she resists being forced to sign off on fake marriages?

Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

..." a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion"

You didn't read far enough.

Reading is fundamental, dear. I hope someday you will learn how silly you look when you try to compete in the arena of ideas...when you don't have any ideas and are too stupid to read ideas.

You are aware that martyr has more then one definition right? Stop being intentionally obtuse. It doesn't fit you very well.

I don't see how being fined for contempt is "suffering greatly" or "voluntarily suffer[ing] death". I suppose people who don't understand the meaning of the word "force" also don't understand the meaning of the word "suffer".

In the adult world, where people who know what words mean parry them, to say someone deserves martyrdom means someone deserves death. I know you think you're using words to great effect by misusing them, but all you're doing is proving #1, that you're stupid, and #2, you're a propagandist. Both equally irrelevant.

Look at the little asshole acting obtusely so she can pretend I think Davis deserves death for her actions. lol. Too funny. You can ignore the definition of the word all you wish but I assure you the rest of us are not under any obligation.
You don't know what the word martyr means either, do you? You believe she deserves to die because she resists being forced to sign off on fake marriages?

Oh get a grip on yourself. You can be a martyr and not be killed.

martyr | a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

..." a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion"

You didn't read far enough.

Reading is fundamental, dear. I hope someday you will learn how silly you look when you try to compete in the arena of ideas...when you don't have any ideas and are too stupid to read ideas.

You are aware that martyr has more then one definition right? Stop being intentionally obtuse. It doesn't fit you very well.

I don't see how being fined for contempt is "suffering greatly" or "voluntarily suffer[ing] death". I suppose people who don't understand the meaning of the word "force" also don't understand the meaning of the word "suffer".

In the adult world, where people who know what words mean parry them, to say someone deserves martyrdom means someone deserves death. I know you think you're using words to great effect by misusing them, but all you're doing is proving #1, that you're stupid, and #2, you're a propagandist. Both equally irrelevant.

Look at the little asshole acting obtusely so she can pretend I think Davis deserves death for her actions. lol. Too funny. You can ignore the definition of the word all you wish but I assure you the rest of us are under any obligation.

Revisit that last sentence, Einstein, lololol.

It must sting a little to continually be shown up as an illiterate maroon.
What coincidence? The four couples (two opposite-sex couples and two same-sex couples) have lived in Rowan County KY for years.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.
Yeah and ******* could have shut up and just sat at the back of the bus right?
She didn't have the option of another bus and she wasn't wasn't equating skin color with irrelevant personal behavior.
You homofascists need to stop with the attempted racism analogies. It only exposes your lack of logical thinking and your inferior intellect.
She had the option of another seat dummy.

You already lost this argument. This "marriage defending," thrice divorced, idiot woman will either retire, or get booted out after a boatload of fines. And good riddance.
You just emphasized my point about your lack of intellect.
If anything, the Rosa Parks in this issue are those who are having irrelevant homo behavior foist upon them. They are the one being denied any choice or freedom in the issue. The homofascist agenda is the new Jim Crow law. Homo Crow law.

Nutter RW just jumped the shark with this fiction.

Denying others basic rights does not make one a hero.

Fire her.

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