Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

And the **** for Jesus goes down, as expected:

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday

A Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses has exhausted one more avenue, and must issue marriage licenses starting next week.

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday
Time for the public to block entrance to the county clerk office to two people walking in of the same sex.

Let 'em.

It'll make wingnuts such as yourself look that much worse and all for a cause that you've pretty much lost at this point.
Until we install the Court we want. See how that works? You shit on me, I'll shit back at ya.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.
There is no compromise required here. She either does her fucking job or her ass is on the street. Her choice.
So she wants to break the law but have the Governor of KY pay for her damages when she does so? Grab an umbrella b/c it is raining personal responsibility up in here. Don't be shocked when this case gets laughed out of court.
Governor either must make everyone enforce the law or no one enforce law. His own AG refused to enforce law but he expects all clerk of courts to enforce it.
Why? EVERY other county in Ky was giving the licenses out the queer can go there.
Absolutely no reason they need to. That **** can either do her fucking job or she can go clean toilets at her church for a living. Fire that bitch.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.

So, if they refused to serve black people, then black people can just drive from Mississippi all the way to Vermont to get their marriage license huh?
Sounds good to me.
This county clerk is like the sole standing Spartan of the original 300 blocking the invasion of perverts forcing their morality on the rest of us.
Oh, brother – you can't be serious.

(but of course he is...)
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown
Originally I supported gay marriage until they started pulling the bullshit they said would never happen. Like forcing Christians to bake their cakes, take wedding photos. That pissed me and millions of others who now are reconsidering our approval. My fight isn't with gays, I have friends who are gay. I despise the Gay Agenda.
All of the clerks are with her, as are the people who elected her. People are sick of judges arbitrarily leveling crap laws against us.

That is false. At least one, probably two clerks would have issued licenses.

"Davis has previously testified that of her six employees, four share her beliefs, one is uncertain, and one employee doesn't have a problem issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples."

News from The Associated Press

So? They were willing to issue the licenses, but the fags don't want licenses from the ones who want to do it.

They want the license to be signed by HER. So she shut it down.
Your unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans is why we need the Constitution and its case law as much today as any time in our Nation's history.
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown

It is her job....let her be in contempt of court and then see who is laughing
Christians are willingly kneeling down in the sands in Syria affirming their religious beliefs. This clerk shows the same bravery in her own trial with the perv enablers.
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William Smith Jr. and James Yates strode Thursday morning into their county clerk's office for their third attempt to get a marriage license. The office of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis once again denied them, despite an order from a federal appeals court issued hours earlier that upheld a judge's directive to issue the licenses.

Davis has refused to issue marriage licenses, citing her Christian faith and constitutional right to religious liberty, despite a U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning had already ordered Davis to issue marriage licenses two weeks ago. He later delayed that ruling until Aug. 31 or until the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling. The appeals court did so on Wednesday, denying Davis' appeal.

But a deputy clerk in Davis' office told Smith and Yates that the office believes Bunning's delay remains in effect until Aug. 31. He refused to give his name or give them a license.

Source: The Latest: Kentucky Clerk Again Refuses to Grant License

She will probably take an emergency appeal to the United States Supreme Court requesting a stay of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeal's order denying her motion for a stay pending her interlocutory appeal of the preliminary injunction issued by the U.S. District Court. After all, she says her conscience will be irreparably seared if she is forced to do the "dirty deed" and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in her official capacity as an agent for the state government. The 6th Circuit's order clearly put her on notice that she didn't have any likelihood of succeeding on the merits. Therefore, I assume she desires to rack up more attorney fees that she will be responsible for paying. This expenditure was not included in the budget she submitted to the county--the one that was approved--and I don't think she has unilateral authority to increase her budget. I understood that the county attorney advised her long ago that the county would not pay for her folly.

Do you think Kim Davis wants to join the conservative martyrdom movement and seek donations from "outraged conservatives" who don't understand why government officials cannot defy a ruling by the Supreme Court and impose their personal religious beliefs on the people they are elected to serve? If so, she might pocket an amount that exceeds the amount donated to Melissa Klein and retire a very rich woman. Dollar signs might clicking in Kim Davis's "religious" eyes.
Never occurs to you Anti-christian bigots that there are people with real convictions. Don't discount them just because you have your own. She'll probably lose, but she's going down swinging and just might influence the next to take her place.
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown
I doubt that very much, since she's about to be fired or quit. Either one works and the next clerk will have no choice at all, the court wrote that into the decision. It's no longer just about her, the nasty little **** for Christ...
She won't quit. You butt fuck tyrants may get her fired but she won't quit. This is EXACTLY like using military to enforce white genocide.

Does anyone really need to read beyond those two sentences to realize what an idiot Odium is?
I didn't get past one of yours.
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown
I doubt that very much, since she's about to be fired or quit. Either one works and the next clerk will have no choice at all, the court wrote that into the decision. It's no longer just about her, the nasty little **** for Christ...
She won't quit. You butt fuck tyrants may get her fired but she won't quit. This is EXACTLY like using military to enforce white genocide.

Does anyone really need to read beyond those two sentences to realize what an idiot Odium is?
I didn't get past one of yours.

Well i have noticed you have a reading problem.

Wait- let me make it easier for you

This is why civil servants aren't supposed to be political operatives. She needs to pull up her big-girl pants and do her job.

Or step down. You can have religious convictions. You can't use the State to force unwilling people to practice your religion.
It's not forcing religious practice on anyone. It's forcing the return to normalcy.

Its explicitly forcing her religion. She's stated that its her religious conviction that prevents her from doing her job. And she's using state authority to force gays and lesbians to abide her religion.

That's the state establishment of religion. She's toast.
Go to the next county. Problem solved. Treat it like a dry County. That's legal.
Your ignorance, hate, and stupidity are truly troubling – we can only hope that this is some sort of act on your part, that you're really not this ignorant, hateful, and stupid.

The sad fact is that there are people who actually are.
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown

It is her job....let her be in contempt of court and then see who is laughing
Christians are willingly kneeling down in the sands in Syria affirming their religious beliefs. This clerk shows the same bravery in her own trial with the perv enablers.

yeah- just like Syria........because being told to do her job is just the same as being executed for being Christians.

When did the Christian Right become such whiny victims?
And the **** for Jesus goes down, as expected:

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday

A Kentucky clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses has exhausted one more avenue, and must issue marriage licenses starting next week.

Breaking: 6th Circuit Slaps Down Kim Davis' Request For Stay – Must Issue Licenses Monday
Time for the public to block entrance to the county clerk office to two people walking in of the same sex.

Let 'em.

It'll make wingnuts such as yourself look that much worse and all for a cause that you've pretty much lost at this point.
Until we install the Court we want. See how that works? You shit on me, I'll shit back at ya.

Yeah- in other words- when pigs fly, you will get shit on by flying pigs.
If she exhausts her appeals, fails to resign, and still refuses to issue marriage licenses, then the court can hold her in contempt of a court order (which might include monetary penalties and/or jail time). Perhaps people will send her donations to ease her troubled soul.

Not quite. The courts don't need to wait for the legislature and appeals process to find her in contempt of court. If I remember correctly the District Judge gave her until Monday, now that the 6th Circuit has denied the stay request she can send an emergency request to stay to the SCOTUS. If they deny it and come Monday she isn't complying with the law the Federal Judge can hold a contempt hearing immediately.


I was talking about exhausting her appeals on the STAY issue, which was the subject of the ongoing discussion.

The District Court issued a preliminary injunction, which requires her to issue marriage licenses.

The rules allow her to take an interlocutory appeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals, which she did.

She motioned the District Court for an order staying enforcement of the preliminary injunction pending appeal. The District court denied her motion, but gave her until August 31.

She motioned the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals for an order staying enforcement of the preliminary injunction pending appeal. The 6th Circuit denied her motion.

I read this morning that her counsel is now appealing that to the Supreme Court:

On Wednesday, a three-judge panel of the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals unanimously denied the stay Davis sought of a lower court's order that will force her to issue marriage licenses despite her religious opposition to same-sex marriage. A temporary delay in that order from U.S. District Judge David Bunning was set to expire Monday.

"It is disappointing, certainly for our client, because the ramifications of the ruling is that there are no religious freedom rights for individuals if you can say a case is just against the office. The problem with that is, individuals who hold public office don't forfeit their constitutional rights," said Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, the religious advocacy group representing Davis.

Davis will appeal one more rung up the ladder, to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, who can intervene in 6th Circuit cases, Staver said.

Read more here: Lexington, KY local and state news by the Lexington Herald-Leader |

If Kim Davis does not get a stay from Justice Kagan, then her appeals on the stay issue are exhausted.

Can anyone honestly see Justice Kagan telling this idiot that it's OK to just flout the ruling that she herself was part of?
The lesbian Kagan should recuse herself. That's why she never should have been appointed to the Court.
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown

It is her job....let her be in contempt of court and then see who is laughing
Christians are willingly kneeling down in the sands in Syria affirming their religious beliefs. This clerk shows the same bravery in her own trial with the perv enablers.

yeah- just like Syria........because being told to do her job is just the same as being executed for being Christians.

When did the Christian Right become such whiny victims?
Like faggots losing their shit because somebody doesn't want to bake a cake?
Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!
Ky. clerk in gay marriage fracas married 4 times: records

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who refuses on biblical grounds to give marriage licenses to gay couples, has been married four times; committed adultery: court records

The Kentucky county clerk who is stopping gay couples from being marriedbecause of her literal interpretation of the Bible has herself been married four times and conceived twins by having sex outside her marriage, according to court records.

Kim Davis, 49, who has defied the U.S. Supreme Court and continues to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same sex-couples, was married and divorced three times — in 1994, 2006 and 2008, according to U.S. News & World Report.

She gave birth to twins five months after she divorced her first husband. The father of those twins was her third husband, according to the records.

Her second husband adopted the twins, the news magazine said.
This is fucking ridiculous. She has to follow the law. She does not, as a court clerk, get to make or interpret the law. I am not crazy about homos getting hitched either. But if you start supporting shit like this then you undermine the rule of law.
Odium doesn't believe in the rule of law. He believes in the Rule of Bitch, and Bigots...
There is no law. There is an OPINION of 5 people. That's it. The STATES made LAWS and were overruled with an OPINION which holds NO WATER.
NOMblog: Kim Davis is Why We Must Fight

Indeed we must! I am no christian but support religious freedom!
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
NOMblog: Kim Davis is Why We Must Fight

Indeed we must! I am no christian but support religious freedom!
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
Odium hates Jews too. Maybe instead of Jews try white people. That'll really get him excited.
Its up to her who she marries white,black,asian,jew,straight idc....
The opinion of five is the law here, dumbass. The highest law in the land...
Opinions are just that. Opinions. State legislatures and Congress make laws. the SC issues OPINIONS not facts.
You couldn't be more wrong. Their opinion is law.
You are going to financially support her and her family, right?
I am going to do my part in fighting tyranny and those that rule like dictators and against religious freedom. I am not a christian not even close but I support this fight 100%.
Well, goodie for you.
He supports people breaking the law, not fighting the law which they feel is wrong, but outright disobeying it. I will let the illegals know they are free to stay, what the law says doesn't matter...
She isn't breaking the law. She is disobeying 5 thugs OPINION.
Plenty of people have gone to jail because they are Christians. This is a culture war. There will be no gains for Christians until it stops being a symbolic war and starts being a real war. Until then, it will just continue to become Syria.

Nobody has gone to jail because they are Christian.

They have gone to jail for violating the law. Being a Christian is not an excuse to break the law.

They aren't violating any law. I guess its come full circle.Our founders came here and established America because they wanted freedom of religion and now that religion is being attacked and thrown in jail for defending it.

LOL you're demented.

Her most basic error is that civil marriage has nothing to do with religion. Her religious opinions are totally irrelevant.

She has the right to practice here religion, within limits.

She does not have the right to force the government to practice her religion.
Which she isn't doing. Also no there is NO limit on ANYONE'S religious freedom.
This is fucking ridiculous. She has to follow the law. She does not, as a court clerk, get to make or interpret the law. I am not crazy about homos getting hitched either. But if you start supporting shit like this then you undermine the rule of law.
Odium doesn't believe in the rule of law. He believes in the Rule of Bitch, and Bigots...
There is no law. There is an OPINION of 5 people. That's it. The STATES made LAWS and were overruled with an OPINION which holds NO WATER.
NOMblog: Kim Davis is Why We Must Fight

Indeed we must! I am no christian but support religious freedom!
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
Odium hates Jews too. Maybe instead of Jews try white people. That'll really get him excited.
Its up to her who she marries white,black,asian,jew,straight idc....
The opinion of five is the law here, dumbass. The highest law in the land...
Opinions are just that. Opinions. State legislatures and Congress make laws. the SC issues OPINIONS not facts.
You couldn't be more wrong. Their opinion is law.
Think what you want.
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown

It is her job....let her be in contempt of court and then see who is laughing
Christians are willingly kneeling down in the sands in Syria affirming their religious beliefs. This clerk shows the same bravery in her own trial with the perv enablers.

yeah- just like Syria........because being told to do her job is just the same as being executed for being Christians.

When did the Christian Right become such whiny victims?
Like faggots losing their shit because somebody doesn't want to bake a cake?
Turned out pretty well for them :thup:
Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!
The operative being "targeted"....Which is how these libs operate. They carefully pick their battles. Most likely due to the eagerness of a complicit main stream media to report with an extreme left wing bias.
Spoon, your lack of cognitive aility is either congenital or you were dropped on your head. All criminals are targeted, bub. She can believe whatever she wants, but in her government job, she must follow the law.
Keep repeating the same nonsense. Goes great with your credibility
Jake never offers logical arguments. He just declares he won and expects us to bow down.

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