Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!
Ky. clerk in gay marriage fracas married 4 times: records

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who refuses on biblical grounds to give marriage licenses to gay couples, has been married four times; committed adultery: court records

The Kentucky county clerk who is stopping gay couples from being marriedbecause of her literal interpretation of the Bible has herself been married four times and conceived twins by having sex outside her marriage, according to court records.

Kim Davis, 49, who has defied the U.S. Supreme Court and continues to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same sex-couples, was married and divorced three times — in 1994, 2006 and 2008, according to U.S. News & World Report.

She gave birth to twins five months after she divorced her first husband. The father of those twins was her third husband, according to the records.

Her second husband adopted the twins, the news magazine said.

Hypocritical clerk allegedly wields "God's authority" and casts stones at others while she's dismisses her own past as a "sinner".

Kentucky clerk, citing God, defies courts on gay marriage

Mat Staver founded the Liberty Counsel, a Christian law firm that represents Davis. He said she had been a sinner until she went to church four years ago when her mother-in-law died. She was born again after the preacher read a Bible passage about how forgiveness grows from the grace of God, he said.

"She's made some mistakes," he said. "She's regretful and sorrowful. That life she led before is not the life she lives now. She asked for and received forgiveness and grace. That's why she has such a strong conscience."
Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!
Ky. clerk in gay marriage fracas married 4 times: records

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who refuses on biblical grounds to give marriage licenses to gay couples, has been married four times; committed adultery: court records

The Kentucky county clerk who is stopping gay couples from being marriedbecause of her literal interpretation of the Bible has herself been married four times and conceived twins by having sex outside her marriage, according to court records.

Kim Davis, 49, who has defied the U.S. Supreme Court and continues to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same sex-couples, was married and divorced three times — in 1994, 2006 and 2008, according to U.S. News & World Report.

She gave birth to twins five months after she divorced her first husband. The father of those twins was her third husband, according to the records.

Her second husband adopted the twins, the news magazine said.

Hypocritical clerk allegedly wields "God's authority" and casts stones at others while she's dismisses her own past as a "sinner".

Kentucky clerk, citing God, defies courts on gay marriage

Mat Staver founded the Liberty Counsel, a Christian law firm that represents Davis. He said she had been a sinner until she went to church four years ago when her mother-in-law died. She was born again after the preacher read a Bible passage about how forgiveness grows from the grace of God, he said.

"She's made some mistakes," he said. "She's regretful and sorrowful. That life she led before is not the life she lives now. She asked for and received forgiveness and grace. That's why she has such a strong conscience."
Most would call Kim Davis a slut.
They could have gone to Lexington. They could have gone to West Liberty. No, they want to make a stink. They're hypocrites.

They different-sex and same-sex couples are long time residents of that county and shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The only hypocrite in this saga is Ms. Davis who is on her 4th husband.

sorry, they don't have the *right* to be married by Christians. Fuck the fags.
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.

She had no more right to do that than a restaurant who doesn't serve black people has the right to send them somewhere else.
Skin color is not a behavior choice. Why is that so difficult for homo agenda advocates to grasp?
They different-sex and same-sex couples are long time residents of that county and shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The only hypocrite in this saga is Ms. Davis who is on her 4th husband.

sorry, they don't have the *right* to be married by Christians. Fuck the fags.
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.

She had no more right to do that than a restaurant who doesn't serve black people has the right to send them somewhere else.
Skin color is not a behavior choice. Why is that so difficult for homo agenda advocates to grasp?
If one day you had to choose, and you chose to be straight, then I have some bad news for ya...

sorry, they don't have the *right* to be married by Christians. Fuck the fags.
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.

She had no more right to do that than a restaurant who doesn't serve black people has the right to send them somewhere else.
Skin color is not a behavior choice. Why is that so difficult for homo agenda advocates to grasp?
If one day you had to choose, and you chose to be straight, then I have some bad news for ya...

Skin color is not a behavior choice. Homosexuality is. The impulse is irrelevant.
You are logic challenged.
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.

She had no more right to do that than a restaurant who doesn't serve black people has the right to send them somewhere else.
Skin color is not a behavior choice. Why is that so difficult for homo agenda advocates to grasp?
If one day you had to choose, and you chose to be straight, then I have some bad news for ya...

Skin color is not a behavior choice. Homosexuality is. The impulse is irrelevant.
You are logic challenged.
So you have homosexual impulses that you choose not to act on?

Uh oh... I have bad news for ya...

Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!
The operative being "targeted"....Which is how these libs operate. They carefully pick their battles. Most likely due to the eagerness of a complicit main stream media to report with an extreme left wing bias.
Spoon, your lack of cognitive aility is either congenital or you were dropped on your head. All criminals are targeted, bub. She can believe whatever she wants, but in her government job, she must follow the law.
Keep repeating the same nonsense. Goes great with your credibility
Jake never offers logical arguments. He just declares he won and expects us to bow down.
Jake is the guy who in a game of chess will see his impending demise, knock all the pieces off the board and declare victory.
This is fucking ridiculous. She has to follow the law. She does not, as a court clerk, get to make or interpret the law. I am not crazy about homos getting hitched either. But if you start supporting shit like this then you undermine the rule of law.
Odium doesn't believe in the rule of law. He believes in the Rule of Bitch, and Bigots...
There is no law. There is an OPINION of 5 people. That's it. The STATES made LAWS and were overruled with an OPINION which holds NO WATER.
NOMblog: Kim Davis is Why We Must Fight

Indeed we must! I am no christian but support religious freedom!
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
Odium hates Jews too. Maybe instead of Jews try white people. That'll really get him excited.
Its up to her who she marries white,black,asian,jew,straight idc....
The opinion of five is the law here, dumbass. The highest law in the land...
Opinions are just that. Opinions. State legislatures and Congress make laws. the SC issues OPINIONS not facts.
You couldn't be more wrong. Their opinion is law.
The law is valid ONLY if it is applied equally to all.
This law is NOT being applied equally.
Odium doesn't believe in the rule of law. He believes in the Rule of Bitch, and Bigots...
There is no law. There is an OPINION of 5 people. That's it. The STATES made LAWS and were overruled with an OPINION which holds NO WATER.
If Kim Davis decided one day that her religion told her to stop marrying Jews....would you call her an anti-Semite?
Odium hates Jews too. Maybe instead of Jews try white people. That'll really get him excited.
Its up to her who she marries white,black,asian,jew,straight idc....
The opinion of five is the law here, dumbass. The highest law in the land...
Opinions are just that. Opinions. State legislatures and Congress make laws. the SC issues OPINIONS not facts.
You couldn't be more wrong. Their opinion is law.
The law is valid ONLY if it is applied equally to all.
This law is NOT being applied equally.
Do tell?
Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Good..don't take their assault without fighting back!
The operative being "targeted"....Which is how these libs operate. They carefully pick their battles. Most likely due to the eagerness of a complicit main stream media to report with an extreme left wing bias.
Spoon, your lack of cognitive aility is either congenital or you were dropped on your head. All criminals are targeted, bub. She can believe whatever she wants, but in her government job, she must follow the law.
Keep repeating the same nonsense. Goes great with your credibility
Jake never offers logical arguments. He just declares he won and expects us to bow down.
Jake is the guy who in a game of chess will see his impending demise, knock all the pieces off the board and declare victory.
:lol: You are projecting again, bright eyes.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.
There is no compromise required here. She either does her fucking job or her ass is on the street. Her choice.
So she wants to break the law but have the Governor of KY pay for her damages when she does so? Grab an umbrella b/c it is raining personal responsibility up in here. Don't be shocked when this case gets laughed out of court.
Governor either must make everyone enforce the law or no one enforce law. His own AG refused to enforce law but he expects all clerk of courts to enforce it.
Not gonna happen. Faggots aren't the deciders of what gets done in this country. Learn to do like everyone else does and compromise and go elsewhere or waste the courts time...I hope it blows up in the governors face for picking and choosing what laws he will enforce.

So, if they refused to serve black people, then black people can just drive from Mississippi all the way to Vermont to get their marriage license huh?
Sounds good to me.
This county clerk is like the sole standing Spartan of the original 300 blocking the invasion of perverts forcing their morality on the rest of us.

Or the opposite, stopping people getting Human Rights and stopping the US Constitution from being practiced.
No gays had human rights violations. We all can't get what we want. I want all your money, but the law prevents me. Dig?

That's a false equivalency. You can't 'have someone else's money' because that would be unlawful to just take it, no matter how much you want to.

The 'ban' on same sex marriage has been decided & declared unlawful. So as American citizens, they are being denied their civil rights under the 14th Amendment.

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
14th Amendment | Constitution | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Under that denial, in some states gays cannot make legal, medical, & financial decisions along with or for their partner. Nor can they file taxes together. Nor can they have access to a sick or dying partner if that partner's family says otherwise. Nor can they have the right to refuse to testify against their partner in a court of law. In some states, they cannot 'adopt' their partner's child, even if that child is also biologically theirs.
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown

It is her job....let her be in contempt of court and then see who is laughing
Christians are willingly kneeling down in the sands in Syria affirming their religious beliefs. This clerk shows the same bravery in her own trial with the perv enablers.

yeah- just like Syria........because being told to do her job is just the same as being executed for being Christians.

When did the Christian Right become such whiny victims?

When Bill O'reilly declared there was a war on Christmas?
The incredible Kimee Davis is unbreakable

But she will lose. She gives in next week or the marshals come for her.
Oh the optics of carting away a Christian to jail for following Christ. You're gonna lose the elections, big time.

I doubt she's gonna go to jail, but if she did get hauled off- it's because despite being warned, she is refusing to perform a duty she was elected to do in a secular job.

NO one is allowed to be legally married, whether by a Justice of the Peace, OR in a house of worship without getting a license from the State first. That fact, right there says it all. This is a secular nation & no one in a State (government) job, can enforce their religious beliefs before the laws written & on the books that are based on the Constitution of the United States.
The County Clerk in her position of office has no authority to pass judgment on the moral standing of those who apply for certificates.
A father walks in with his biological daughter. You lose.

False equivalency. There are factual medical reasons why that would never be legal to do. Will you be using the 'next a man will want to marry his dog' rwnj talking point analogy next? Let me stop you before you do:

An animal cannot make a consenting decision to do something like that, so that stupid comparison isn't worth anymore debate.
They different-sex and same-sex couples are long time residents of that county and shouldn't have to go elsewhere.

The only hypocrite in this saga is Ms. Davis who is on her 4th husband.

sorry, they don't have the *right* to be married by Christians. Fuck the fags.
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.

She had no more right to do that than a restaurant who doesn't serve black people has the right to send them somewhere else.
Skin color is not a behavior choice. Why is that so difficult for homo agenda advocates to grasp?

Is it your choice to be attracted to females only?
Sorta like how government clerks don't have the right to deny them a marriage license?

This clerk isn't denying them their license. She's refusing to be the one to grant it. They can still go elsewhere.

She had no more right to do that than a restaurant who doesn't serve black people has the right to send them somewhere else.
Skin color is not a behavior choice. Why is that so difficult for homo agenda advocates to grasp?
If one day you had to choose, and you chose to be straight, then I have some bad news for ya...

Skin color is not a behavior choice. Homosexuality is. The impulse is irrelevant.
You are logic challenged.

Religion is a choice. Owning a gun is a choice. Speaking your mind is a choice.

Those actions still manage to be recognized as rights. Why place an odd requirement on homosexuality that you don't place on any other rights?
And heard on the news Kim is STILL not issuing licenses. :) The faggots are having a meltdown

It is her job....let her be in contempt of court and then see who is laughing
Christians are willingly kneeling down in the sands in Syria affirming their religious beliefs. This clerk shows the same bravery in her own trial with the perv enablers.

lol, a couple posts ago you pretend you once supported same sex marriage. Now they're all perverts?

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