Marriage Equality and Abortion restrictions

Ebola is punishment for the NRA obstructing the Senate approval of a new Surgeon General.

And what the fuck difference would it make if we have one or not...especially when it comes to The scumbag president INVITING Ebola into this country? You have a FECKLESS CDC that hasn't a CLUE what to do!


C. Everett Koop was an effective Surgeon General who improved the health of this entire nation. If the NRA hadn't obstructed the nomination of a new Surgeon General we would have had someone in charge of overseeing the health of nation and they could have implemented the necessary training which would have ensured that no nurses were subsequently infected with Ebola.

But I am not in the least surprised that you don't have a clue about how things like this work.

Bullshit, that's what the CDC is supposed to be doing, the SG is simply a figurehead, and about as effective as Kerry is as the SS!

Thank you for admitting to being clueless. Have a nice day.

Yes, when you have nothing, we see you admit it!

Puerile response!
It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for religious conservatives, that's for sure. I give it 2 days, 3 tops before some of them start claiming Ebola is a punishment for rulings.
It shouldn't be, at least for conservatives.

Advocating to expand the authority of the state by violating individual liberty is not consistent with traditional conservative dogma which seeks to limit government.
Advocating to expand the authority of the state by violating individual liberty is not consistent with traditional conservative dogma which seeks to limit government.

Traditional conservative dogma is mewling hypocrisy. As they don't seek a limit to government. They seek a limit to FEDERAL government. They absolutely love sticking the State government's dick into everything. Take....Ron Paul. He wants to forbid the USSC from ruling on any issue related to abortion. Then strip women of federal guarentees that protect their right to have an abortion. Then send the issue back to the States. Then criminalize abortion and imprison women who have them.

That's hardly limited government. Sodomy laws, interracial marriage laws, gay marriage bans, if it somehow involves genitals, they want authority over it.

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