Marriage Equality and the Catholic Church

Western Civilization is in decline, and many millions have turned their back on Christianity, the religion that defines the West. We only have a few more decades, at best. I won't live to see the end, but my children will.
Christians have been saying that for 2,000 years.
Same sex marriage is a Trojan Horse. The real goal of the left is to destroy the institution of marriage, destroy the power of parents over their children, and to have all children raised by the state. This happened in the kibbutzes in Israel.

What a bunch of rubbish. I am a Republican and a Christian and even I don't view the left's attempts at legalizing gay marriage to be motivated by a desire to destroy the institution of marriage. This is exactly the kind of propaganda that we see from both sides that creates polarization in society

I do not agree with his words, specially not with any form of antisemitism. Nevertheless marriage between people of the same gender is impossible. So why tries someone to give two men the wrong promise they could marry and become father and mother of children?

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