Marriage Equality Passes 400-175 in UK


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
From Kirkenes on the Artic to Tarifa in Spain a Gay Marriage Curtain Is Descending Across Europe.

Today, the UK Parliament is holding its second reading of a bill which will legalize same-sex marriage (live updates). It's a bill which will pass today despite a revolt from some Tories, since both Labor and the Liberal Democrats support it. (It will then go to committee, to be brought back possibly amended for its third and final vote later this year). The French National Assembly is now considering some 8000 amendments to a marriage equality bill they preliminarily passed a few days ago. It, too, will pass as the sponsoring Socialist government holds an absolute majority. By next year marriage equality should be law in France, England, Wales and possibly Scotland.

To put it bluntly Pope Benedict soon will be looking at a homosexual agenda stretching from the northern tip of Norway to the straits of Gibraltar. Even the Italian peninsula might not be safe much longer; even there opinion has turned:
In its first report on homosexual issues in Italy, Istat, the official statistics institute, found last year that more than 60 per cent of people supported equal rights for gays, although only 20 per cent would back their right to adopt.
Perhaps the Pope should move the Vatican to Uganda. While they have yet to pass a "kill the gays" bill, it seems a safe bet that Benedict would be safe from encounters with married couples of the same sex on the streets of Kampala for the rest of his reign.
Of course, there's still the threat that a visiting Boy Scout might help him across the street.
The law is not supported by the British people. Judging from the number and ferocity of attacks on gays by muslims, the law is going to have a real short half life.
The law is not supported by the British people. Judging from the number and ferocity of attacks on gays by muslims, the law is going to have a real short half life.

It's not my style to call you an idiot or stupid but-----but you may want to check your facts before making another idiotic, stupid statement.
The law is not supported by the British people. Judging from the number and ferocity of attacks on gays by muslims, the law is going to have a real short half life.

It's not my style to call you an idiot or stupid but-----but you may want to check your facts before making another idiotic, stupid statement.

Then I'll call him an idiot and stupid :razz:
From Kirkenes on the Artic to Tarifa in Spain a Gay Marriage Curtain Is Descending Across Europe.

Today, the UK Parliament is holding its second reading of a bill which will legalize same-sex marriage (live updates). It's a bill which will pass today despite a revolt from some Tories, since both Labor and the Liberal Democrats support it. (It will then go to committee, to be brought back possibly amended for its third and final vote later this year). The French National Assembly is now considering some 8000 amendments to a marriage equality bill they preliminarily passed a few days ago. It, too, will pass as the sponsoring Socialist government holds an absolute majority. By next year marriage equality should be law in France, England, Wales and possibly Scotland.

To put it bluntly Pope Benedict soon will be looking at a homosexual agenda stretching from the northern tip of Norway to the straits of Gibraltar. Even the Italian peninsula might not be safe much longer; even there opinion has turned:
In its first report on homosexual issues in Italy, Istat, the official statistics institute, found last year that more than 60 per cent of people supported equal rights for gays, although only 20 per cent would back their right to adopt.
Perhaps the Pope should move the Vatican to Uganda. While they have yet to pass a "kill the gays" bill, it seems a safe bet that Benedict would be safe from encounters with married couples of the same sex on the streets of Kampala for the rest of his reign.
Of course, there's still the threat that a visiting Boy Scout might help him across the street.


Well done, UK.

The US is coming up right behind.
The law is not supported by the British people. Judging from the number and ferocity of attacks on gays by muslims, the law is going to have a real short half life.

POLL: In UK, 71 Percent Support Marriage Equality

My word, Katz, I swear every day you get dumber and dumber. :clap2:
From Kirkenes on the Artic to Tarifa in Spain a Gay Marriage Curtain Is Descending Across Europe.

Today, the UK Parliament is holding its second reading of a bill which will legalize same-sex marriage (live updates). It's a bill which will pass today despite a revolt from some Tories, since both Labor and the Liberal Democrats support it. (It will then go to committee, to be brought back possibly amended for its third and final vote later this year). The French National Assembly is now considering some 8000 amendments to a marriage equality bill they preliminarily passed a few days ago. It, too, will pass as the sponsoring Socialist government holds an absolute majority. By next year marriage equality should be law in France, England, Wales and possibly Scotland.

To put it bluntly Pope Benedict soon will be looking at a homosexual agenda stretching from the northern tip of Norway to the straits of Gibraltar. Even the Italian peninsula might not be safe much longer; even there opinion has turned:
In its first report on homosexual issues in Italy, Istat, the official statistics institute, found last year that more than 60 per cent of people supported equal rights for gays, although only 20 per cent would back their right to adopt.
Perhaps the Pope should move the Vatican to Uganda. While they have yet to pass a "kill the gays" bill, it seems a safe bet that Benedict would be safe from encounters with married couples of the same sex on the streets of Kampala for the rest of his reign.
Of course, there's still the threat that a visiting Boy Scout might help him across the street.

Just a warning, Star.

When you post a tongue-in-cheek sarcasatic remark that's that amusing

You risk having your face explode into shards of facial mirth.

Comedy --it's not for the faint of heart.
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The law is not supported by the British people. Judging from the number and ferocity of attacks on gays by muslims, the law is going to have a real short half life.

According to the most recent polling, more than 70% of UK citizens approve of same-sex marriage.

That must be from the same polling company that says the same thing about the US.

The UK is moving toward a muslim majority, just like the rest of Europe. That explains the upswing in beating attacks on gays.

Muslim extremists investigated over attacks on gays and women called on followers to 'bomb the UK' | The Sun |News

Muslims aren't alone in opposing gay marriage. They are joined by Sikhs too.

Muslims and Sikhs attack Cameron's gay marriage plan - Telegraph

Opposition to gay marriage is so strong, it might lead to the end of the Cameron government.

British PM's party split as first gay marriage vote passes | Reuters

In the first of several votes required for its passage, the lower house of parliament backed the legislation by 400-175, but more than half of Cameron's 303 lawmakers voted against or abstained, signaling deep unease with it and his leadership.

Although the vote went Cameron's way, many analysts believe he will now have to address a deep seam of discontent running through his party.

The percentage of people who approve of same sex marriage isn't 70%, internal polling in the UK puts it at 55%, with MOST voters saying the issue didn't concern them. The poll taken only recorded those with an interest one way or the other in voting.

"For Cameron, gay marriage is part of his attempt to persuade the voters that his party belongs to modern, 21st century Britain," he wrote on the pollster's site.

"But the divisions that the gay marriages bill has unleashed ... threaten to send an altogether different message: that the Tories are divided, out of touch and prone to quarrel over issues of little concern to most voters."

With the next election still two-and-a-half years distant, there is a risk that internal party splits over issues like gay marriage could fester and turn what for now is only talk of a possible leadership challenge into the real thing.

"David Cameron has split the Conservative Party in half on gay marriage and failed to win a majority of Tory MPs. Labour win," Jackson, the Conservative MP, wrote after the vote.
From Kirkenes on the Artic to Tarifa in Spain a Gay Marriage Curtain Is Descending Across Europe.

Today, the UK Parliament is holding its second reading of a bill which will legalize same-sex marriage (live updates). It's a bill which will pass today despite a revolt from some Tories, since both Labor and the Liberal Democrats support it. (It will then go to committee, to be brought back possibly amended for its third and final vote later this year). The French National Assembly is now considering some 8000 amendments to a marriage equality bill they preliminarily passed a few days ago. It, too, will pass as the sponsoring Socialist government holds an absolute majority. By next year marriage equality should be law in France, England, Wales and possibly Scotland.

To put it bluntly Pope Benedict soon will be looking at a homosexual agenda stretching from the northern tip of Norway to the straits of Gibraltar. Even the Italian peninsula might not be safe much longer; even there opinion has turned:
In its first report on homosexual issues in Italy, Istat, the official statistics institute, found last year that more than 60 per cent of people supported equal rights for gays, although only 20 per cent would back their right to adopt.
Perhaps the Pope should move the Vatican to Uganda. While they have yet to pass a "kill the gays" bill, it seems a safe bet that Benedict would be safe from encounters with married couples of the same sex on the streets of Kampala for the rest of his reign.
Of course, there's still the threat that a visiting Boy Scout might help him across the street.

Just a warning, Star.

When you post a tongue-in-cheek sarcasatic remark that's that amusing

You risk having your face explode into shards of facial mirth.

Comedy --it's not for the faint of heart.

Let me add, we DO have RWrs here that, even tho you may push your sarcasm to the limit, they still think your comment is spot on.
The UK is moving toward a muslim majority,

Muslim 2.7%

I just don't know what to say!!! You couldn't make this stuff up, could you?

Uh huh.

Number of British Muslims will double to 5.5m in 20 years | Mail Online

And this doesn't even take converts into account.

Britian is certainly moving toward a muslim majority. So is the rest of Europe.

You can't make this stuff up!

Dr. Leon Moosavi: Why Has the Number of Muslims in the UK Risen So Much?

Figures from the 2011 census show that the Muslim population in the UK has substantially risen between 2001 and 2011 from 1.5 million to almost 3 million. This now takes the proportion of Muslims from 2% of the population to 5%. In some towns, Muslims make up almost 50% of the population, and in large cities like London and Manchester they make up around 14% of the population.

Tsk Tsk.
Katz -

Would you accept that 2.7% is NOT a majority of the population?

Nor is it very close to being a majority is it?

And would you also accept that every poll shows that the majority of Brits have no problem with gay marriage?

Right - then say so and perhaps some kind of sensible discussion is possible.
Really? How much is a marriage license in the UK? Will a couple of percent increase of purchase noticeably change things?

The revenue doesn't come from the license, it comes from the weddings.

There were laws preventing people from having ceremonies before?? LINK????

Nope. Are you still trying to deny that legal civil marriage is a revenue boom? That would be an opinion contrary to facts.

Nothing is stopping straights from only having a ceremony, but they don't. Like yourself I'm guessing.

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