Marriage Equality Passes 400-175 in UK

Saigon does this. You give him a fact, he retorts with an opinion as if it was a fact. Then engages in pettifoggery.

Unfortunately, I'm right and you two are both wrong. To an extent most people would probably consider about as embarassing as wearing shit-stained pants on your head. At your grandmothers funeral.

I tell you what - the two of you both pos rep me, and I won't humiliate either of you about not being able to figure out what party the UK Prime Minister represents. We'll just forget it ever happened. :razz:
There were laws preventing people from having ceremonies before?? LINK????

Nope. Are you still trying to deny that legal civil marriage is a revenue boom? That would be an opinion contrary to facts.

Nothing is stopping straights from only having a ceremony, but they don't. Like yourself I'm guessing.

What stopped people form having ceremonies???

Simple question

Were homosexual couples having ceremonies before any 'legal' settlement for government benefits or protection??

Simple question

Yes. Had one in 1986 in a Baptist Church. Answered that before. Why can't you admit that legal, civil marriage provides economic stimulus to states that enact it?

Did you only have a ceremony or did you get the license? Hmmmm?
Well, UK and France added themselves to a list of nations of pederasts, with US and Canada now working towards becoming nations of paedophiles as well as pederasts.

On the stupidity scale of 1-10, that one goes to 11.

No, the stupidity of Western societies goes way beyond any meaningful scale: to destroy themselves with such readiness -- is something to behold!

Destoy themselves. :lol:
Well, UK and France added themselves to a list of nations of pederasts, with US and Canada now working towards becoming nations of paedophiles as well as pederasts.

You seem to be confused by the idea of consent. Look into it.

No, I am not confused.

Every nation has it's share of psychologically disturbed, idiots, pathological murderers, necrophiliacs, zoophiles, pederasts, etc.; but they account for 0.1 -- 4% of society...

According to latest statistics, in the USA 6% of young people are homosexual.

Now US and Canada are working towards making their societies accept zoophilia and paedophilia as a norm. This will be the next step and for the British and French societies.

Nope, sorry. You'll still have to go to other countries for your "desires". The US is sticking with consenting adults.

Tell me, in the US, has the age of consent gone up or down?
Nope, sorry. You'll still have to go to other countries for your "desires". The US is sticking with consenting adults.

Tell me, in the US, has the age of consent gone up or down?

What "consenting adults" have to do with the fact that after disposing off Christianity, traditional moral boundaries and destroying an institution of family you brought your own society to collapse?!

US and to a slightly lesser degree UK, France Germany, and some other Western states that promote promiscuity, pederasty, egoism and ignorance as normality, have no future. You destroyed yourselves from within. And if for some West European states not all is lost, for US its all over.

There are plenty of countries in the world whose governments enforce morality.

If you're that concerned with the government controling your life and that of your fellow citizens, I suggest you move to one of them.
Nope, sorry. You'll still have to go to other countries for your "desires". The US is sticking with consenting adults.

Tell me, in the US, has the age of consent gone up or down?

What "consenting adults" have to do with the fact that after disposing off Christianity, traditional moral boundaries and destroying an institution of family you brought your own society to collapse?!

US and to a slightly lesser degree UK, France Germany, and some other Western states that promote promiscuity, pederasty, egoism and ignorance as normality, have no future. You destroyed yourselves from within. And if for some West European states not all is lost, for US its all over.

We aren't destroyed, but your hyperbole is duly noted.
There are plenty of countries in the world whose governments enforce morality.

If you're that concerned with the government controling your life and that of your fellow citizens, I suggest you move to one of them.

Governments do not enforce morality, they suppose to stop certain deviants from forcing their personal inadequacies and deviations onto the whole of society as a norm.

As for "controlling", well, in US governing elites control everything: from any criticism of destruction of morale boundaries (remember, Clinton declared 2012 -- a year of US protectionism of homosexuality and other sexual deviations) to what you put in your mouth. And after that you have the audacity to imply that you live in a free from government control state?!

Thank God I don't live in US!

Here we are in agreement.
I am being now told by the Saigon fool that I am not playing honestly.. yet I am the one backing up EVERYTHING I have said with the direct link to the numbers in each party in the UK government...


The majority in government are NOT of the conservative party.. is it that hard for you to understand???

Never mind gay marriage - did we ever figure out who the government of England is?!

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