Marriage Equality Passes 400-175 in UK

The UK is moving toward a muslim majority,

Muslim 2.7%

I just don't know what to say!!! You couldn't make this stuff up, could you?

Uh huh.

Number of British Muslims will double to 5.5m in 20 years | Mail Online

And this doesn't even take converts into account.

Britian is certainly moving toward a muslim majority. So is the rest of Europe.

You can't make this stuff up!

Dr. Leon Moosavi: Why Has the Number of Muslims in the UK Risen So Much?

Figures from the 2011 census show that the Muslim population in the UK has substantially risen between 2001 and 2011 from 1.5 million to almost 3 million. This now takes the proportion of Muslims from 2% of the population to 5%. In some towns, Muslims make up almost 50% of the population, and in large cities like London and Manchester they make up around 14% of the population.

Tsk Tsk.

You are very good at mental gymnastics.
Katz -

Would you accept that 2.7% is NOT a majority of the population?

Nor is it very close to being a majority is it?

And would you also accept that every poll shows that the majority of Brits have no problem with gay marriage?

Right - then say so and perhaps some kind of sensible discussion is possible.

This is known as pettifoggery, or perhaps reducto ad absurdum. I never said that muslims were a majority of the population. You made that up because that's the argument you need right now. I said that Britian was moving toward a muslim majority and it is.

Are mexicans the majority in the US? No. Do we not hear that mexicans will be a majority in the US and we need to start catering to their needs? Yes.

The MAJORITY of Brits don't support gay marriage. The MAJORITY say that gay marriage doesn't concern them. As I pointed out and provided a link.

The problem of gay marriage in Britian is that in muslim areas where the people have self imposed sharia law, gays are captured and beaten. When the perpetrators are caught, they get a few months in prison.

Can't piss off the emerging majority, can they.

Evidently the majority (who you say supports gay marriage) doesn't interest themselves enough to oppose the muslim practice of beating gays. You don't see much protest outside of gay activist circles do you?

This issue is showing the potential of ripping the British government apart. It should.
The revenue doesn't come from the license, it comes from the weddings.

There were laws preventing people from having ceremonies before?? LINK????

Nope. Are you still trying to deny that legal civil marriage is a revenue boom? That would be an opinion contrary to facts.

Nothing is stopping straights from only having a ceremony, but they don't. Like yourself I'm guessing.

What stopped people form having ceremonies???

Simple question

Were homosexual couples having ceremonies before any 'legal' settlement for government benefits or protection??

Simple question
Katz -

The Muslim population of Britain is 2.7% of the total. That you claim it is "moving towards a muslim majority" is just hilarious. Especially given the size of the Hindu and Sikh populations, which apparently doesn't bother you as much.

The law will pass in the UK with scarely a flutter of concern or interest. Just as it has everywhere else.

A week of tabloid headlines, and then everyone gets on with their life.
Katz -

The Muslim population of Britain is 2.7% of the total. That you claim it is "moving towards a muslim majority" is just hilarious. Especially given the size of the Hindu and Sikh populations, which apparently doesn't bother you as much.

The law will pass in the UK with scarely a flutter of concern or interest. Just as it has everywhere else.

A week of tabloid headlines, and then everyone gets on with their life.

As I pointed out to you, with a supporting link, the hindus and sikhs no more support gay marriage than muslims do.

Britian may indeed have a liberal activist government impose same sex marriage on the people but it won't be without a flutter of interest. It hasn't so far. So far, it shows signs of ripping the government apart.

In France it's worse than in Britian. Protesters have been taking to the streets for weeks opposing the government's support for same sex marriage.

PressTV - French demonstrators protest approval of gay marriage

Historically this is the way it always goes. Those civilizations that embraced the normalcy of same sex relationships are replaced by one that won't. History has a way of repeating itself. It's doing so right now.
Katz -

The Muslim population of Britain is 2.7% of the total. That you claim it is "moving towards a muslim majority" is just hilarious. Especially given the size of the Hindu and Sikh populations, which apparently doesn't bother you as much.

The law will pass in the UK with scarely a flutter of concern or interest. Just as it has everywhere else.

A week of tabloid headlines, and then everyone gets on with their life.

I give you evidence, you retort with your opinion. Your ability to even argue your point is defective.
Katz -

The Muslim population of Britain is 2.7% of the total. That you claim it is "moving towards a muslim majority" is just hilarious. Especially given the size of the Hindu and Sikh populations, which apparently doesn't bother you as much.

The law will pass in the UK with scarely a flutter of concern or interest. Just as it has everywhere else.

A week of tabloid headlines, and then everyone gets on with their life.

As I pointed out to you, with a supporting link, the hindus and sikhs no more support gay marriage than muslims do.

Britian may indeed have a liberal activist government impose same sex marriage on the people but it won't be without a flutter of interest. It hasn't so far. So far, it shows signs of ripping the government apart.

In France it's worse than in Britian. Protesters have been taking to the streets for weeks opposing the government's support for same sex marriage.

PressTV - French demonstrators protest approval of gay marriage

Historically this is the way it always goes. Those civilizations that embraced the normalcy of same sex relationships are replaced by one that won't. History has a way of repeating itself. It's doing so right now.

When in history has that happened? Sodom and Gomorrah? Links, please.
Katz -

Firstly, England has a CONSERVATIVE government. Not liberal, not activist. CONSERVATIVE.

Secondly, the combined Muslim, Sikh and Hindu population of Britain is less than 5% of the total population. There are more Welsh people than there are Muslim, Sikh and Hindu.

As I said, it is not a big deal in the UK, nor is it in France, Benelux or Germany. There will be a few protests, but that is about it. It certainly isn't one of the major issues in Britain right now. It will be controversial in Poland and one or two other Eastern European countries, but not much elsewhere.
I give you evidence, you retort with your opinion. Your ability to even argue your point is defective.

Ummm....I think if you check you'll find that your claim that Muslims will become a majorty in Britan is an opinion.

That Muslims make up 2.7% of the population is a fact.

Here is a pdf on EU attitudes towards gay marriage. As you can see, both UK and France rank above the EU average in positive attitudes towards gay marriage.
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Katz -

Firstly, England has a CONSERVATIVE government. Not liberal, not activist. CONSERVATIVE.

Secondly, the combined Muslim, Sikh and Hindu population of Britain is less than 5% of the total population. There are more Welsh people than there are Muslim, Sikh and Hindu.

As I said, it is not a big deal in the UK, nor is it in France, Benelux or Germany. There will be a few protests, but that is about it. It certainly isn't one of the major issues in Britain right now. It will be controversial in Poland and one or two other Eastern European countries, but not much elsewhere.

You are entitled to your opinion.
Katz -

It is not an opinion that the UK has a Conservative government. It's a fact.

Why not go and check with a source you trust, and then come back and acknowledge the point?
Katz -

It is not an opinion that the UK has a Conservative government. It's a fact.

Why not go and check with a source you trust, and then come back and acknowledge the point?

Actually the labour and Liberal Democrats outnumber the 'conservatives'.. and with policies such as UC, it clearly shows a more 'liberal' government than conservative
Diamond -

Right. So the UK government is actually led by the Conservative Party, isn't it?

And the Prime Minister is a Conservative, isn't he?

The majority of Ministerial positions are held by the Conservatives, aren't they?

And the Labour Party is in opposition, isn't it?

It's isn't difficult stuff this, you know! I cant imagine why anyone would try and pretend the government wasn't Conservative!!
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I am being now told by the Saigon fool that I am not playing honestly.. yet I am the one backing up EVERYTHING I have said with the direct link to the numbers in each party in the UK government...


The majority in government are NOT of the conservative party.. is it that hard for you to understand???
I am being now told by the Saigon fool that I am not playing honestly.. yet I am the one backing up EVERYTHING I have said with the direct link to the numbers in each party in the UK government...


The majority in government are NOT of the conservative party.. is it that hard for you to understand???

Saigon does this. You give him a fact, he retorts with an opinion as if it was a fact. Then engages in pettifoggery.
The majority in government are NOT of the conservative party.. is it that hard for you to understand???

I think you may have a problem understanding the British system!!

The Conservative government is the majority in the British government - which is why the Prime Minister is a Conservative.

Being in PARLIAMENT does NOT mean being in government.
I can't believe you guys really need to be given a link to establish who is the PM of England!!!!

The current Prime Minister is David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, who was appointed by Queen Elizabeth II on 11 May 2010 following the General Election on 6 May 2010. The election failed to provide a decisive result, with the Conservatives as the biggest party within a hung parliament. A coalition government was formed on the 12 May between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats (see Cameron ministry).

Government of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The majority in government are NOT of the conservative party.. is it that hard for you to understand???

I think you may have a problem understanding the British system!!

The Conservative government is the majority in the British government - which is why the Prime Minister is a Conservative.

Being in PARLIAMENT does NOT mean being in government.

Ohhhh It's a CONSERVATIVE government. That must be why the government is saying that this issue might RIP IT APART.

Conservative party ripped apart by gay marriage vote - Telegraph

The full scale of this week’s revolt by Conservative MPs against David Cameron’s plans to introduce same-sex marriage became clear on Saturday.

Meanwhile, 25 chairmen or former chairmen of Conservative party associations across the country have signed a letter to Mr Cameron warning that the policy will cause “significant damage” to the Tories’ 2015 general election campaign.
One chairman, who has quit over the issue, said “this is a policy dreamt up in Notting Hill”, while a serving chairman said it had angered the grassroots more than Europe.
The vote on Tuesday is the first parliamentary vote on the gay marriage legislation and a test for the Prime Minister. However Downing Street now expects that only around 120 of Mr Cameron’s MPs will vote in favour of legalising homosexual unions. This leaves around 180 Conservative members likely to abstain or vote against.

Liberals do not take pig's ears and make silk purses out of them. They do take pig's ears and call them silk purses whether they are or not!

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