"..Marriage has always been between a man and a woman."

The constitutional argument for same sex marriage may not hinge on rights but rather the equal protection clause in the 14th amendment. However, whether the advocates for same sex marriage win may depend more on the weakness of the argument of the opposition than their own argument. It can be very difficult to come up with a legal argument against same-sex marriage without relying upon religious doctrine which is inadmissible.

it shouldn't be in the courts at all. Equal protection does not apply as marriage between opposite sex and same sex couples is not equal. This is an issue for the state legislatures to figure out, as the constitution is neutral on the topic.
Although a strong argument can be made for the applicability of the equal protection clause, the due process clause may be the shortest path to legalized gay marriage.

The Supreme Court has included a series of guarantees regarding marriage. Most importantly, in Loving v. Virginia (1967) the Court held that states could not ban interracial marriage since "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." To "deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as racial classifications,..." So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage?

The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

There is the limitation, they specifically call out racial differences.

A same sex marriage and an opposite sex marriage are not equal, nor the same. They are different at a fundamental level that different race marriages do not come close to.
What is the opposition to gay marriage? Please be succinct. Why is there so much outcry over gay marriage?

Do you oppose gay marriage for religious reasons? If so, then you need to be reminded that your religious beliefs are not US law. You are NOT allowed to pass laws defending your religious beliefs over all others. It is the very first national rule set by the First Amendment.

Do right-wing Republicans want to abolish the First Amendment of the US Constitution in order to favor their religious beliefs above all others?

I think Hillary's quote in the OP sums it up for many. What don't you get? Many are religious and have their beliefs, which they are entitled to. Just because some stick by that instead of changing according to political winds, you criticize.

I have no problem with people holding convictions and speaking out. The only thing I have problems with are hypocrites who do things for political reasons. And I have issues with those who aren't content to merely state an opinion and go as far as to harm others. Speaking out against gay marriage is acceptable. Beheading gays is unacceptable. I still can't understand why the left ridicules religious people who merely object to gay marriage, yet remain silent on the senseless and brutal murder of gays by a certain other religion.

Neither Clinton nor Obama spoke out against marriage equality and neither ever supported anti gay legislation. If either of them had donated to the Prop Hate campaign, then it could be comparable.

Are people who object to interracial marriage on religious grounds "acceptable" or should their bigotry be called out?
Ideas, beliefs, and opinions change. 20 years ago, there was no legal gay marriage. Most heterosexuals were hardly even aware gays existed. As gays came out of the closet we found out that they were our co-workers, the guy next door, a school board member, our sons, and daughters. And more important, we learned they really weren't such bad people after all. When gay marriage first became legal just 10 years ago, 3 out ever 4 people were opposed to it. Now a majority support it.
it shouldn't be in the courts at all. Equal protection does not apply as marriage between opposite sex and same sex couples is not equal. This is an issue for the state legislatures to figure out, as the constitution is neutral on the topic.
Although a strong argument can be made for the applicability of the equal protection clause, the due process clause may be the shortest path to legalized gay marriage.

The Supreme Court has included a series of guarantees regarding marriage. Most importantly, in Loving v. Virginia (1967) the Court held that states could not ban interracial marriage since "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." To "deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as racial classifications,..." So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage?

The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage,multi partner marrage,brother sister marrage, child marrage,marrage to animals?????????

One has to show a rational basis for banning those types of marriage. No rational basis can be provide for banning interracial or gay marriage.
it shouldn't be in the courts at all. Equal protection does not apply as marriage between opposite sex and same sex couples is not equal. This is an issue for the state legislatures to figure out, as the constitution is neutral on the topic.
Although a strong argument can be made for the applicability of the equal protection clause, the due process clause may be the shortest path to legalized gay marriage.

The Supreme Court has included a series of guarantees regarding marriage. Most importantly, in Loving v. Virginia (1967) the Court held that states could not ban interracial marriage since "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." To "deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as racial classifications,..." So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage?

The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

There is the limitation, they specifically call out racial differences.

Now we specifically call out gender differences with a ban on man/man and woman/woman marriages. And just like in Loving, there is no rational basis for it.
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it shouldn't be in the courts at all. Equal protection does not apply as marriage between opposite sex and same sex couples is not equal. This is an issue for the state legislatures to figure out, as the constitution is neutral on the topic.
Although a strong argument can be made for the applicability of the equal protection clause, the due process clause may be the shortest path to legalized gay marriage.

The Supreme Court has included a series of guarantees regarding marriage. Most importantly, in Loving v. Virginia (1967) the Court held that states could not ban interracial marriage since "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." To "deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as racial classifications,..." So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage?

The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage,multi partner marrage,brother sister marrage, child marrage,marrage to animals?????????
The answer lies in the above quote, "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." This is not true for multi-partner marriage, brother sister marriage, child marriage, and marriage to animals.
Although a strong argument can be made for the applicability of the equal protection clause, the due process clause may be the shortest path to legalized gay marriage.

The Supreme Court has included a series of guarantees regarding marriage. Most importantly, in Loving v. Virginia (1967) the Court held that states could not ban interracial marriage since "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." To "deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as racial classifications,..." So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage?

The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

There is the limitation, they specifically call out racial differences.

Now we specifically call out gender differences with a ban on man/man and woman/woman marriages. And just like in Loving, there is no rational basis for it.

The rational basis is that the contract has never been considered prior to be applicable between same sex people. If it is to be changed, it has to be changed via legislative action re-defining the contract, not judicial fiat based on nothing but hopes and desires.
The constitutional argument for same sex marriage may not hinge on rights but rather the equal protection clause in the 14th amendment. However, whether the advocates for same sex marriage win may depend more on the weakness of the argument of the opposition than their own argument. It can be very difficult to come up with a legal argument against same-sex marriage without relying upon religious doctrine which is inadmissible.

it shouldn't be in the courts at all. Equal protection does not apply as marriage between opposite sex and same sex couples is not equal. This is an issue for the state legislatures to figure out, as the constitution is neutral on the topic.
Although a strong argument can be made for the applicability of the equal protection clause, the due process clause may be the shortest path to legalized gay marriage.

The Supreme Court has included a series of guarantees regarding marriage. Most importantly, in Loving v. Virginia (1967) the Court held that states could not ban interracial marriage since "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." To "deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as racial classifications,..." So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage?

The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

What do you suppose "orderly" means in the sentence?

It would appear that the inclusion of blacks into the equation leaves the dynamic of marriage between a man and a women unchanged. Would you not agree?

Regardless of the participants within the union, the couples would bare the exact same burden as a white only, or a black only couple.

During intercourse, even while taking precautions (the cost of which is never needed by same sex couples) many conditions can occur, putting life and the future of the participants at risk. A burden never share by homosexual couples engaging in intercourse with their partners. It does not matter the color, this dynamic is nearly always true, but a burden only to the heterosexual.

The two dynamics appear quite different.
The answer lies in the above quote, "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." This is not true for multi-partner marriage, brother sister marriage, child marriage, and marriage to animals.

The word "marriage" means "a man to a woman". That is the meaning of the word. Gays are seeking to fundamentally eradicate that meaning, affecting langauge itself. Marriage is about mothers and fathers. Women and men. It has NEVER been about anything else since the dawn of time. That is because you must have a man and a woman to beget natural children. Natural children born to their natural parents have the highest success rate, statistically speaking, of any child to a well-adjused life. That is because even in the animal kingdom and humans as well, the instinctive recognition and drive to protect and promote one's own blood kin is fierce compared to other arrangments such as adoption. Sorry, adoption is always a second choice to natural children.

In any gay arrangement, one of the two "parents" [no daddy or no mommy] is not blood related to the child. Always. So that halves the child's statistical chances of thriving well.

Why aren't brother/sister marriages allowed? If they are both adults and consenting? Why aren't polylgamists allowed to marry, if they are all adults and consenting? Sure it's weird what they do. But so is gay sex. Just because you fall lin love with someone and are humping them, does NOT guarantee you the right to play at "mom and dad" to children as "married".
Although a strong argument can be made for the applicability of the equal protection clause, the due process clause may be the shortest path to legalized gay marriage.

The Supreme Court has included a series of guarantees regarding marriage. Most importantly, in Loving v. Virginia (1967) the Court held that states could not ban interracial marriage since "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." To "deny this fundamental freedom on so unsupportable a basis as racial classifications,..." So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage?

The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause

So if a state can not ban interracial marriage, how can it ban gay marriage,multi partner marrage,brother sister marrage, child marrage,marrage to animals?????????
The answer lies in the above quote, "the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men." This is not true for multi-partner marriage, brother sister marriage, child marriage, and marriage to animals.

So the orderly pursuit means that marriage is the order in who may marry? Perhaps it's an excellent way to track bloodlines so that defective children are not created by the very lack of clear bloodlines?

Not really, marriage traditionally speaking had(has still in some parts of the world) two important components, dowry and property transfer between families. All that bumper sticker shows is your lack of historical perspective on marriage and what it means.

But that makes sense, you aren't a very smart person.
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The rational basis is that the contract has never been considered prior to be applicable between same sex people. If it is to be changed, it has to be changed via legislative action re-defining the contract, not judicial fiat based on nothing but hopes and desires.
You may feel that the Supreme Court should not have the power to make such changes but they do. If the Supreme Court strikes down the law, then the state legislature must make enact a new law. If the court strikes out a portion of the law, the legislature may or may not change the law. However, the Supreme Court ruling will prevail.
AS I recall, it was illegal for different races to marry in California until 1947. That being the case, I suspect that many people maintain that it should still be illegal, because it always had been.
The rational basis is that the contract has never been considered prior to be applicable between same sex people. If it is to be changed, it has to be changed via legislative action re-defining the contract, not judicial fiat based on nothing but hopes and desires.
You may feel that the Supreme Court should not have the power to make such changes but they do. If the Supreme Court strikes down the law, then the state legislature must make enact a new law. If the court strikes out a portion of the law, the legislature may or may not change the law. However, the Supreme Court ruling will prevail.

The power is applied not based on the constitution, but on how the justices feel, and has been that way for decades. Its the only way to explain how they can make up rights such as gay marriage, yet allow infringement of the 2nd amendment. The same goes for the lower courts.

Its rule by feeling, not rule by law.
Same sex marriage (in the public setting) really just comes down to whether or not you think people should have the freedom to make freewill decisions that don't directly interfere in a significant way with the freewill of others.

If gay marriage impeded my ability to choose to get straight married, or start a business, or paint, or do anything else I could possibly wish to do, I might be against its establishment. But it doesn't, so I say "who cares"?
Same sex marriage (in the public setting) really just comes down to whether or not you think people should have the freedom to make freewill decisions that don't directly interfere in a significant way with the freewill of others.

If gay marriage impeded my ability to choose to get straight married, or start a business, or paint, or do anything else I could possibly wish to do, I might be against its establishment. But it doesn't, so I say "who cares"?

Currently that is the problem, worst its being used ex post facto to put people out of business if they refuse to cater to gay couples.
Same sex marriage (in the public setting) really just comes down to whether or not you think people should have the freedom to make freewill decisions that don't directly interfere in a significant way with the freewill of others.

If gay marriage impeded my ability to choose to get straight married, or start a business, or paint, or do anything else I could possibly wish to do, I might be against its establishment. But it doesn't, so I say "who cares"?

June and Ward care a lot. What will become of the Beaver in a world where gays can get married?
Currently that is the problem, worst its being used ex post facto to put people out of business if they refuse to cater to gay couples.

What does that have to do with gay marriage, though?

Meaning, can't a gay guy who's not getting married ask for a non-legal "union cake" between him and his partner and the same scenario would ensue?

And in the case of that guy perusing the business, I wouldn't have sided with him. Kind of thought that was mean-spirited. But there are mean spirited gay, straight, people of all sorts.
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Currently that is the problem, worst its being used ex post facto to put people out of business if they refuse to cater to gay couples.

What does that have to do with gay marriage, though?

Sorry, got my threads crossed, but the point is applicable. Public Accommodation laws are being used to force people to either work at gay weddings as photographers or bakers, or be fined/go out of business. Since one of your items that would make you consider being against it is "going out of business" I thought it was applicable.
AS I recall, it was illegal for different races to marry in California until 1947. That being the case, I suspect that many people maintain that it should still be illegal, because it always had been.

The marriage of a black to a white does not change the dynamics of a male to female marriage.

Try to keep up
Currently that is the problem, worst its being used ex post facto to put people out of business if they refuse to cater to gay couples.

What does that have to do with gay marriage, though?

Sorry, got my threads crossed, but the point is applicable. Public Accommodation laws are being used to force people to either work at gay weddings as photographers or bakers, or be fined/go out of business. Since one of your items that would make you consider being against it is "going out of business" I thought it was applicable.

I modified my post a bit too.

Can't this situation occur with or without gay marriage being legalized?

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