Marry girls when they are very young


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.
"Timing varies widely and can be influenced by a wide range of environmental factors and cues that are not entirely known. “Normal” puberty onset can range from ages 8-13 and takes, on average, 1.5-6 years to complete.
This should make us sit up and take notice since, as Steingraber says, “children are exposed continuously to low-level endocrine disruptors in their diets, drinking water and air supply.” Chemical flame retardants (e.g., polybrominated biphenyls [PBBs]) have been linked to earlier menstruation and pubarche. Similarly, high levels of dioxin exposure have been associated with elevated risks for breast cancer and early menarche. Hormonally active components, which have been linked to earlier pubertal development, can be found in many products including hair tonics, pesticides, and building materials. Animal studies indicate that prenatal and early-life exposure to bisphenol A (originally developed as a synthetic hormone and now used in all polycarbonate plastics and food and beverage can lining) can induce earlier sexual maturity. Analysis of U.S. girls’ urine indicates the presence of hormonally active agents and traces of known human contaminants such as phthalates and bisphenol A."
Early Puberty for Girls The New Normal and Why We Need to be Concerned National Women s Health Network

So while girls are reaching menarche earlier, the reason is enviromental contaminants and thus more or less artifically. Encouraging girls to marry young because they've been contaminated by various things isn't sensible. Their intellect is still their chronological age and so they're no where near ready to make such commitments.

I'd add personally that a "lifelong commitment of marriage" to a 10 year old is only 10 years. You can't appreciate spans of time beyond your own lifespan.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.
Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

No Muslim believes that Muhammad married Aisha when she was six. That was the age Sunnis believe she was engaged to him while in Abyssinia. If you can't even get the basics right then what makes you feel well studied enough to speak for the entire faith in general? You shame your brothers.
Eww. :scared1:

Here in western civilization, society just expects women to look and act like girls for life.
There are no countries that practice child marriage. There are customs and some are barbarious. As to wealth, it contains many great ills. Not everyone can be safe with wealth and riches.

To start with, your avatar has no significance in Islam, contrary to your claims. If you think this topic is a basic of Islam, then you don't know anything about Islam. And you are lying. Finally, don't ever presume to tell me about what I should or should not speak about.
In Islam, according to the traditional Islamic knowledge, one marries his virgin girl as she starts to become a woman. That is ideally. Because of this moral standard, people marry sometimes their girls when they are quite young.

In practice however, this should never be done. The reason for that is obvious. That is child abuse.
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

This is just a way to oppress women. Every single country that practices child marriage is an utter failure stricken with poverty, disease and high mortality rates.

Depends how you define child. Usually "child" is applied to eevryone udner age 18. By that standard we practice child marriage in the US as well. While ages of consent vary from 16-18, age to marry (with parental consent) can be much lower.
"Timing varies widely and can be influenced by a wide range of environmental factors and cues that are not entirely known. “Normal” puberty onset can range from ages 8-13 and takes, on average, 1.5-6 years to complete.
This should make us sit up and take notice since, as Steingraber says, “children are exposed continuously to low-level endocrine disruptors in their diets, drinking water and air supply.” Chemical flame retardants (e.g., polybrominated biphenyls [PBBs]) have been linked to earlier menstruation and pubarche. Similarly, high levels of dioxin exposure have been associated with elevated risks for breast cancer and early menarche. Hormonally active components, which have been linked to earlier pubertal development, can be found in many products including hair tonics, pesticides, and building materials. Animal studies indicate that prenatal and early-life exposure to bisphenol A (originally developed as a synthetic hormone and now used in all polycarbonate plastics and food and beverage can lining) can induce earlier sexual maturity. Analysis of U.S. girls’ urine indicates the presence of hormonally active agents and traces of known human contaminants such as phthalates and bisphenol A."
Early Puberty for Girls The New Normal and Why We Need to be Concerned National Women s Health Network

So while girls are reaching menarche earlier, the reason is enviromental contaminants and thus more or less artifically. Encouraging girls to marry young because they've been contaminated by various things isn't sensible. Their intellect is still their chronological age and so they're no where near ready to make such commitments.

I'd add personally that a "lifelong commitment of marriage" to a 10 year old is only 10 years. You can't appreciate spans of time beyond your own lifespan.

Why not leave an immature girl with her mother and father?

Can't you wait?

Not sure what you're responding to.
"Timing varies widely and can be influenced by a wide range of environmental factors and cues that are not entirely known. “Normal” puberty onset can range from ages 8-13 and takes, on average, 1.5-6 years to complete.
This should make us sit up and take notice since, as Steingraber says, “children are exposed continuously to low-level endocrine disruptors in their diets, drinking water and air supply.” Chemical flame retardants (e.g., polybrominated biphenyls [PBBs]) have been linked to earlier menstruation and pubarche. Similarly, high levels of dioxin exposure have been associated with elevated risks for breast cancer and early menarche. Hormonally active components, which have been linked to earlier pubertal development, can be found in many products including hair tonics, pesticides, and building materials. Animal studies indicate that prenatal and early-life exposure to bisphenol A (originally developed as a synthetic hormone and now used in all polycarbonate plastics and food and beverage can lining) can induce earlier sexual maturity. Analysis of U.S. girls’ urine indicates the presence of hormonally active agents and traces of known human contaminants such as phthalates and bisphenol A."
Early Puberty for Girls The New Normal and Why We Need to be Concerned National Women s Health Network

So while girls are reaching menarche earlier, the reason is enviromental contaminants and thus more or less artifically. Encouraging girls to marry young because they've been contaminated by various things isn't sensible. Their intellect is still their chronological age and so they're no where near ready to make such commitments.

I'd add personally that a "lifelong commitment of marriage" to a 10 year old is only 10 years. You can't appreciate spans of time beyond your own lifespan.

Why not leave an immature girl with her mother and father?

Can't you wait?

Not sure what you're responding to.

Sorry...clicked on wrong post
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

Why not leave an immature girl with her mother and father?
Can't you wait?

...I just wanted to say to anyone reading the foolishness of Muslim75, I doubt that he/she is really a Muslim. He/she speaks foolishness and I believe that he/she is an American government agent working to make Islam look bad to Americans.

May I bring to mind to all that not everyone posting in the anonymity of the internet IS NECESSARILY WHO THEY CLAIM TO BE...

Peace and may God Bless you.
"Timing varies widely and can be influenced by a wide range of environmental factors and cues that are not entirely known. “Normal” puberty onset can range from ages 8-13 and takes, on average, 1.5-6 years to complete.
This should make us sit up and take notice since, as Steingraber says, “children are exposed continuously to low-level endocrine disruptors in their diets, drinking water and air supply.” Chemical flame retardants (e.g., polybrominated biphenyls [PBBs]) have been linked to earlier menstruation and pubarche. Similarly, high levels of dioxin exposure have been associated with elevated risks for breast cancer and early menarche. Hormonally active components, which have been linked to earlier pubertal development, can be found in many products including hair tonics, pesticides, and building materials. Animal studies indicate that prenatal and early-life exposure to bisphenol A (originally developed as a synthetic hormone and now used in all polycarbonate plastics and food and beverage can lining) can induce earlier sexual maturity. Analysis of U.S. girls’ urine indicates the presence of hormonally active agents and traces of known human contaminants such as phthalates and bisphenol A."
Early Puberty for Girls The New Normal and Why We Need to be Concerned National Women s Health Network

So while girls are reaching menarche earlier, the reason is enviromental contaminants and thus more or less artifically. Encouraging girls to marry young because they've been contaminated by various things isn't sensible. Their intellect is still their chronological age and so they're no where near ready to make such commitments.

I'd add personally that a "lifelong commitment of marriage" to a 10 year old is only 10 years. You can't appreciate spans of time beyond your own lifespan.

Why not leave an immature girl with her mother and father?

Can't you wait?

Not sure what you're responding to.

Sorry...clicked on wrong post

No problem, thought something like that. :)
Greetings to all,

I apologise. I have been experiencing great difficulties in using this message board. That is why I have not actively participated in the thread Questions to Muslims.
Questions to Muslims US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Marry girls when they are very young.

Virgin Mary you say in Christianity and in Islam. Rather, in Islam and in Christianity because we Muslims have a stronger right to Jesus and his mother (peace on them) than you Christians.

Nobility, purity, and chastity are to marry girls immediately when they reach puberty. A girl is not like a boy. Don't say "humans". Say "men and women". Unlike men, women have a special honor. The disaster of western civilization does not make the difference. Since they filled the world with their cultures, women in all the world wear pants, take pride in joining the army and wear make up that is offensive. Make up teaches women to hide what is in their hearts. That is what the West does.

In Saudi Arabia - though the Islam of Saudi Arabia is completely false, wrong and extremist - there are high schools for boys and high schools for girls. Boys and girls don't mix. That is good, you may find some places in the world where that occurs. Unfortunately, the spirit of Islam is not strong in most Muslim countries, that is why girls and boys mix and girls are not married right after puberty. In addition, marrying a girl immediately when she reaches puberty does not mean one is to have sexual relations with her. This only happens when she becomes an adult. The law must intervene and severely reprimand those who transgress the law in this matter.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is said to have married Aisha when she was 6. He would come home and the chlidren would run away. Muhammad would then call them back in order that they keep praying. This is the ideal standard of nobility and chastity for girls, for virgins.

I will put the Islamic thing aside and point a few cultural things out, first.

First of all, there is nothing wrong with mixed education for boys and girls together. When you come to think of it, once you get to meet the other sex at a very young age, you learn to understand them as you grow up. If that's "sexual frustration" you're talking about, most likely are to suffer from it men who know women are "forbidden" than men who know their eyes can wonder. Newsflash, a forbidden fruit is much more attractive, and slips can happen once you know something is out of reach.

There is nothing wrong with make up, too. I'm against over-the-top make up, but saying that its hiding the women's hearts is absurd. I've seen many Muslim women who wore make-up, and many women in general go with make-up, there is nothing wrong with it, and the conclusion you reach is pure nonsense.

In previous generations, it was a cultural thing to marry young, that's not a wrong thing, but that must occure with total free will from both sides. If one of the sides have doubt, the marriage should not take place. In the Jewish Talmud, it is also refered, a father should not marry his daughter till she says out loud- "I want."

Muhammad married when the child was six, and intercoursed the girl when she was nine. That's not a good thing to wave. That's child abuse and sexual abomination. There should be nothing attractive about a child at such a tender age. That's revolting
To start with, your avatar has no significance in Islam, contrary to your claims. If you think this topic is a basic of Islam, then you don't know anything about Islam. And you are lying. Finally, don't ever presume to tell me about what I should or should not speak about.

1.) The Seal of Solomon is part of the imagery surrounding the last days within Sunni Islam.
2.) I was merely pointing out a glaring error. Once again, if you can't even get the basics right, then it strikes me as odd that you would have the confidence to speak for an entire faith on such subjects.
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I am not a government agent of any country, and I am a citizen of West Africa's Senegal. My goal is to be honest about Islam, not to lie about it. There is only 5 lies allowed in Islam, lying to spread the faith is not one of them. I say this as I have been accused in this mesage board to lie to spread Islam. As an example, one of the 5 lies allowed in Islam is to lie to make peace between people. The school of Imam Malik, however, considers that no lie is ever allowed, with no exceptions. There are 4 schools of thought in Islamic jurisprudence (the basis for the Islamic Law, Sharia).

You know Islam as I suspect, from Western Muslims' sources. Saudi Arabia filled the world with its version of Islam. That's the one WEstern Muslims know of. The truth is, there is no truth whatsoever in the Islam of Saudi Arabia, only extremism (I don't mean violent extremism only). I don't like to go into the details.


Muhammad is true prophet of God, and everyone knows about it. Learn about the Night Journey. Thanks to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), whose life was extremely well recorded, we also know that Jesus and Moses, Abraham and David were true prophets of God; because Muhammad taught us about them and their heavenliness.

Be respectful when you talk about Muhammad. To us Muslims, he is our heart and our soul, and that is only the beginning.


I doubt that you know anything about the place of the Seal of Solomon in Islam. This is not the Seal of Solomon. I have it with me in an electronic form, but I will not show it in public. It is not to be shown to the general public.

About Sunnis and Shiites, there is no such thing as Shiism. Islam is very clear and the scholars and the saint of Islam taught very extensively about Islam. It is absolutely clear that shiism is forbidden in Islam. The Shiites, also are a minority. We accept them as Muslims so long as they believe that Muhammad was a prophet (peace be upon him and his family).

Once again, the marriage of Aisha at a very young age is neither a basic of Islam, nor an advanced concept. I only mentioned it because people foreign to Islam may not understand this fact. I am very well versed in Islam. Know that Abu Bakr (may God be well pleased with him), Hasan Basri or Uways Qarni (may God have mercy on them) do not hold university degrees and Phds.
About Sunnis and Shiites, there is no such thing as Shiism. Islam is very clear and the scholars and the saint of Islam taught very extensively about Islam. It is absolutely clear that shiism is forbidden in Islam. The Shiites, also are a minority. We accept them as Muslims so long as they believe that Muhammad was a prophet (peace be upon him and his family).

I find it ironic that a Sufi would be speaking in such stilted terms when there are many Sunnis who would say the same thing about you simply based on your veneration of saints. Islam deserves and needs better than your bigotry.

Once again, the marriage of Aisha at a very young age is neither a basic of Islam, nor an advanced concept. I only mentioned it because people foreign to Islam may not understand this fact. I am very well versed in Islam. Know that Abu Bakr (may God be well pleased with him), Hasan Basri or Uways Qarni (may God have mercy on them) do not hold university degrees and Phds.

Basic history is basic history. It also shows an unfamiliarity with the Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari.
There are no countries that practice child marriage. There are customs and some are barbarious. As to wealth, it contains many great ills. Not everyone can be safe with wealth and riches.

To start with, your avatar has no significance in Islam, contrary to your claims. If you think this topic is a basic of Islam, then you don't know anything about Islam. And you are lying. Finally, don't ever presume to tell me about what I should or should not speak about.

Wrong. There are countries where child marriage is perfectly acceptable practice. You comment about wealth is stupid.

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