Martha Coakley is a scumbag of the first order


Jul 14, 2009
In Tuesday’s primary election, Massachusetts Democrats chose as their Senate nominee a woman who kept a clearly innocent man in prison in order to advance her political career.
Martha Coakley isn’t even fit for the late Teddy Kennedy’s old seat. (What is it about this particular Senate seat?)

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What would the senate be like with people of her caliber seated?

As if they're not there already?

Here's a newsflash: Brown is the same PoS. At least Coakley doesn't suggest the president was born out of wedlock, didn't vote against aiding Red Cross workers on 9/11, and didn't lie about not knowing what the Tea Party movement was all about despite being photographed several times at rallies for them.
What would the senate be like with people of her caliber seated?

As if they're not there already?

Here's a newsflash: Brown is the same PoS. At least Coakley doesn't suggest the president was born out of wedlock, didn't vote against aiding Red Cross workers on 9/11, and didn't lie about not knowing what the Tea Party movement was all about despite being photographed several times at rallies for them.

:lol::lol::lol: Liberals always struggle with facts, huh? The POTUS was born out of wedlock. His father was not divorced from his first wife, his marriage to Baby POTUS Momma was bigamous. Brown voted against TAXPAYERS money being given to a CHARITY - harsh but fair and right. AND..... read the fucking transcript of the interview before claiming what he lied about. Otherwise, you will confirm your status as an idiot.
:lol::lol::lol: Liberals always struggle with facts, huh?

What is it with the abundance of junior Coulters on this site? Too funny.

The POTUS was born out of wedlock. His father was not divorced from his first wife, his marriage to Baby POTUS Momma was bigamous.

Con man lie #1.

It's interesting that cons will dispute Barack's mother's wedding to his father ever took place, while also insisting Sr.'s previous village wedding to Aoko was legit (and somehow recognized by Hawaiian courts). When do you guys stop arguing both sides of the same coin?

Brown voted against TAXPAYERS money being given to a CHARITY - harsh but fair and right.

Sugar-coatacular!! ... Brown was one out of only three legislators who had opposed the overwhelmingly bipartisan measure. I guess he was "going rogue."

AND..... read the fucking transcript of the interview before claiming what he lied about. Otherwise, you will confirm your status as an idiot.

Take your Ritalin, hyper one. I did read it. It was clear he was doing all he could to avoid giving an honest answer.

QUESTION: “Scott, what do you think about the Tea Party movement and what they are trying to do?”

BROWN: “I am not quite sure what you are talking about, what are they trying to do?”

QUESTION: “The anti-smaller government, sort of anti-establishment organization that is trying to take over the country.”

BROWN: “Taking over the country. I think that is a little bit of an exaggeration.”

QUESTION: “Well, they are all over the place and they are trying to take down moderate Republicans. . .”

BROWN: “All I know is that. . . “

QUESTION: “Are you completely unaware of that organization?”

BROWN: “I’m not quite sure what you are referring to. But let me just say that this is a big tent campaign…”​

Regardless, it wasn't just the Globe interview where he was dishonest and/or evasive regarding his symbiotic ideals with the baggers. Extra: Brown Downplays Tea Party Influence - The Note

He's also (ignorantly) anti-energy reform, which is profoundly dishonest to his entire species, knowing what we all now know about the fact that demand is outstripping supply for hydrocarbon energy.
What would the senate be like with people of her caliber seated?

As if they're not there already?

Here's a newsflash: Brown is the same PoS. At least Coakley doesn't suggest the president was born out of wedlock, didn't vote against aiding Red Cross workers on 9/11, and didn't lie about not knowing what the Tea Party movement was all about despite being photographed several times at rallies for them.

Not to be picky, I generally include links to prove assertions I make .
Not to be picky, I generally include links to prove assertions I make .

Very well.

[ame=]YouTube - Scott Brown Denies Asserting That Obama Was Born Out Of Wedlock, Refuses To Apologize[/ame]
What would the senate be like with people of her caliber seated?

As if they're not there already?

Here's a newsflash: Brown is the same PoS. At least Coakley doesn't suggest the president was born out of wedlock, didn't vote against aiding Red Cross workers on 9/11, and didn't lie about not knowing what the Tea Party movement was all about despite being photographed several times at rallies for them.

Dude, does ANYBODY know what the tea parties are all about? It's a huge mix of different ideas, it's still forming, sheesh.

And he said he didn't know about Obama's birth, who does? Obama pays bookoo bucks to keep THAT information on the quiet.
Dude, does ANYBODY know what the tea parties are all about? It's a huge mix of different ideas, it's still forming, sheesh.

Yup. And they're not really that far from the kinds of left-leaning Constitutionalists who were demanding Boy George stopped raping the Bill of Rights from 2001 through 2008.

Unfortunately, those kinds of "tea party" types were labeled America-hating pinkos by the "Bush can do no wrong" contingent... such as the 'woman' in your avatar.

See, to God-Gun-&-Country conservatives, protecting the Constitution only became a viable market ploy on Jan. 20, 2009.

Before that day, it was a "GD piece of paper" for which applicability was entirely negotiable.

And he said he didn't know about Obama's birth, who does? Obama pays bookoo bucks to keep THAT information on the quiet.


It may not have been the Yacht Club reception and ceremony that conservative standard-judging is utterly measured upon, with thousands of group pictures and champagne toasts, but they got married.

If they were never married, and she wanted a split later, why admit in the divorce documents they were ever married in the first place? Why not just deny they were ever married and avoid the hassle? She didn't. Because they were married.

Look, I'm not a huge Obama supporter. He's failing on finance and energy, badly. This is not what my vote was hoping for. But could we please cut the crap with his heritage? Jerome Corsi is a known racist. Yet he's fueled this non-story far too long, and people who want to believe it have lapped it up. Says a lot about the individual who applies to such logic, I believe.
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