Martha McSally is still telling people she voted to protect people with pre-existing conditions

The abomination health care act needs complete repeal.

What it needs is bi-partisan support to make it the very best it can be. Americans deserve that. Republicans could have done that when Obamacare was originated - but they refused.
Golly! I am awestruck by your mastery of the subject! As for me, I have only spent 55 years in the health insurance and HMO industry, but I see that you have all the answers as to how to have coverage for pre-existing conditions, without universal coverage! The only thing that confuses me is, why haven't you, Trump, and the rest of the GOP revealed this secret plan?

Thank you for reminding us you made a career of screwing people over.

...and thank you for reminding us that your plan for health care reform is for poor, unemployed people to die.

Yes, that has always been the plan.

Except that no such plan exists.

You clowns have been citing that stupid Harvard study for fifteen years and still have failed to produce anything close to the number of corpses you said we produce.

Thanks for reminding us you somehow see yourself doing penance for all those people you made miserable.

No penance necessary. You and Trump are both deliriously happy with underwriters denying insurance to people. Given enough time, between you and him, you will resurrect underwriting, and I can hire myself out as a consultant to those companies who have lost touch with how to tell people, "no".

Actually, you have no idea about my feelings towards health care.

And thanks for, again, admitting you were someone who worked for the evil side of insurance.
Nobody knows what you and the rest of the GOP think about health insurance, other than the fact that you have yours, and to hell with everybody else.
Because Obamacare is the worst possible product on the planet. It does no good to have pre-existing conditions if no one can afford to pay for it

There are better solutions for preexisting conditions than Obamacare. The problem has always been you progressives think you have the right answer and you get so locked in on that notion that you fail to see how harmful your programs really are.

Your way is NOT always the best way.

Golly! I am awestruck by your mastery of the subject! As for me, I have only spent 55 years in the health insurance and HMO industry, but I see that you have all the answers as to how to have coverage for pre-existing conditions, without universal coverage! The only thing that confuses me is, why haven't you, Trump, and the rest of the GOP revealed this secret plan?

Never mind. I get it. It has something to do with Muslims, Latinos, and an invading army of rapists and murderers headed north....
55 years in an industry that needs to be destroyed. You are the problem, not the solution.

Destroying pre-existing condition limitations was our plan all along, but, unfortunately, Trump and McSally are bringing back the old days. Oh, well. We tried., but it looks like the RW plan to let them die will prevail.
I don't want pre-existing conditions eliminated. I want the entire insurance industry eliminated. It is the insurance industry that is responsible for runaway costs in healthcare.

End of statement.

I admire your courage to display so much ignorance for so much of the world to see.
Golly! I am awestruck by your mastery of the subject! As for me, I have only spent 55 years in the health insurance and HMO industry, but I see that you have all the answers as to how to have coverage for pre-existing conditions, without universal coverage! The only thing that confuses me is, why haven't you, Trump, and the rest of the GOP revealed this secret plan?

Never mind. I get it. It has something to do with Muslims, Latinos, and an invading army of rapists and murderers headed north....
55 years in an industry that needs to be destroyed. You are the problem, not the solution.

Destroying pre-existing condition limitations was our plan all along, but, unfortunately, Trump and McSally are bringing back the old days. Oh, well. We tried., but it looks like the RW plan to let them die will prevail.
I don't want pre-existing conditions eliminated. I want the entire insurance industry eliminated. It is the insurance industry that is responsible for runaway costs in healthcare.

End of statement.

You just made a fine argument for Universal Healthcare, Medicare for all. I agree. Thank you.

Obviously, just look how medical costs stopped growing after Medicare was created.


Not even worthy of a serious reply.
Destroying pre-existing condition limitations was our plan all along, but, unfortunately, Trump and McSally are bringing back the old days. Oh, well. We tried., but it looks like the RW plan to let them die will prevail.
I don't want pre-existing conditions eliminated. I want the entire insurance industry eliminated. It is the insurance industry that is responsible for runaway costs in healthcare.

End of statement.

You just made a fine argument for Universal Healthcare, Medicare for all. I agree. Thank you.

Obviously, just look how medical costs stopped growing after Medicare was created.


Please explain the direct correlation to us. Imagine medical costs without Medicare. Imagine the unnecessary deaths.

Medicare added trillions to demand.
What did it do for supply?

And then look at our spending the 20 years before and after Medicare.

Another good GOP argument for killing our aged.
Please explain the direct correlation to us..
It's intuitive....Name the FIRST TIME that adding bureaucracy and middlemen to any product didn't drive up costs....Just one time...I defy you.

Imagine medical costs without Medicare. Imagine the unnecessary deaths.
"Imagine my horrific mythical scenario" isn't an argument.....It's the fallacy called begging the question.

I don't want pre-existing conditions eliminated. I want the entire insurance industry eliminated. It is the insurance industry that is responsible for runaway costs in healthcare.

End of statement.

You just made a fine argument for Universal Healthcare, Medicare for all. I agree. Thank you.

Obviously, just look how medical costs stopped growing after Medicare was created.


Please explain the direct correlation to us. Imagine medical costs without Medicare. Imagine the unnecessary deaths.

Medicare added trillions to demand.
What did it do for supply?

And then look at our spending the 20 years before and after Medicare.

Another good GOP argument for killing our aged.

More proof that we don't teach enough economics.
If we did, liberals would have to try even harder to ignore it.
She voted to repeal obamacare. That's good enough. Democrats don't realize how many people want that POS over.
Since January 20, 2017 not one single politician has voted to repeal ObamaCare.

You have been hoaxed.

Republicans voted MULTIPLE times to repeal Obamacare when Obama was President, but they have since proved they were hoaxing you, because they have not put up one single actual repeal bill since winning the entire government.

And you STILL haven't caught on. You deserve to be lied to.

Lots of Republicans have made egregiously dishonest statements about health care in the last few weeks. But few have done so with the aplomb of Martha McSally, Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona.

She has done it in her advertisements. She has done it in televised debates. And now she is doing in meetings with voters.

A new video from American Bridge, a liberal political action committee, captured McSally speaking with attendees ― including one who asked about McSally’s 2017 vote to take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

“I did not,” McSally says. “That’s a lie. I voted to protect them.”

McSally, of course, is the one who isn’t telling the truth.

McSally is currently a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. And in 2017, she voted yes on the American Health Care Act, the GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

And so rather that defend her vote, McSally is trying to mislead voters about what that vote meant. It’s the same thing happening all over the country, in contests just like this, and it probably won’t stop until Election Day.

An Embattled GOP Senate Candidate Is Lying About Her Health Care Record -- Again

McSally isn't the only GOP candidate lying about protecting pre-existing conditions.

FACT CHECK: Republican Candidates are Lying About Protecting Pre-existing Conditions

If you like the dem in Arizona so much, go join the Taliban like she suggested years ago. Its on tape.
Here are names of some of the GOP candidates LYING about protecting pre-existing conditions:

With Election Day nearing, we’re in peak gaslighting mode.

FACT: Almost every Republican incumbent who now claims to support protections for people with pre-existing conditions previously endorsed efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

They’re lying about their records in attempts to win your votes.​

Martha McSally

Rick Scott

Dean Heller

Josh Hawley

Scott Walker

Mike DeWine

Karin Housley

Jeff Johnson

Erik Paulsen

FACT CHECK: Republican Candidates are Lying About Protecting Pre-existing Conditions
are you saying that the democrats out there...dont lie to us?...

Yeah, but demorats don't claim to be God fearing Christians who follow the bible like the republicans do.
After declining to inform the public of where she stands on the Zombie Trumpcare bill, it appears that Congreswoman Martha McSally (R-AZ02) is fully behind it, according to AP reporter Erica Werner, who reports that McSally told her GOP colleagues it was time to get this "fucking thing" done.

The House is set to vote on the legislation today. The Hill is following the action on Congressional Hill.

Indivisible Southern Arizona is planning a "death march" on McSally midtown offices at 4400 E. Broadway at 5 p.m. today.

Here's New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait's take on this fucking thing:
The heart of the bill is the same one that was polling at under 20 percent and failed two months ago: a near-trillion dollar tax cut for wealthy investors, financed by cuts to insurance subsidies for the poor and middle class. They have added a series of hazily defined changes: waivers for states to allow insurers to charge higher rates to people with preexisting conditions and to avoid covering essential health benefits, and a pitifully small amount of money to finance high-risk pools for sick patients.

The implications of these changes are vast. The Brookings Institution notes that if a single state eliminated the cap on lifetime benefits for a single employee, then employers in every state could actually follow suit, thus bringing back a horrid feature of the pre-Obamacare system, in which people who get hit with expensive treatment suddenly discover that their insurer will no longer pay for their care. This would affect not only those getting insurance through Medicaid or the state exchanges, but also through their job.

Lots of Republicans have made egregiously dishonest statements about health care in the last few weeks. But few have done so with the aplomb of Martha McSally, Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona.

She has done it in her advertisements. She has done it in televised debates. And now she is doing in meetings with voters.

A new video from American Bridge, a liberal political action committee, captured McSally speaking with attendees ― including one who asked about McSally’s 2017 vote to take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

“I did not,” McSally says. “That’s a lie. I voted to protect them.”

McSally, of course, is the one who isn’t telling the truth.

McSally is currently a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. And in 2017, she voted yes on the American Health Care Act, the GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

And so rather that defend her vote, McSally is trying to mislead voters about what that vote meant. It’s the same thing happening all over the country, in contests just like this, and it probably won’t stop until Election Day.

An Embattled GOP Senate Candidate Is Lying About Her Health Care Record -- Again

McSally isn't the only GOP candidate lying about protecting pre-existing conditions.

FACT CHECK: Republican Candidates are Lying About Protecting Pre-existing Conditions
The Reublicans are lying. Flat out.
Here are names of some of the GOP candidates LYING about protecting pre-existing conditions:

With Election Day nearing, we’re in peak gaslighting mode.

FACT: Almost every Republican incumbent who now claims to support protections for people with pre-existing conditions previously endorsed efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

They’re lying about their records in attempts to win your votes.​

Martha McSally

Rick Scott

Dean Heller

Josh Hawley

Scott Walker

Mike DeWine

Karin Housley

Jeff Johnson

Erik Paulsen

FACT CHECK: Republican Candidates are Lying About Protecting Pre-existing Conditions
are you saying that the democrats out there...dont lie to us?...

Yeah, but demorats don't claim to be God fearing Christians who follow the bible like the republicans do.
so that makes their lying ok or better?....
When will NaziCons revive the "Death Panels" scare?


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