Martin and Brown...the same people pushing the same lies...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
well, as more and more speculation comes seems more and more of the original story about the Brown shooting was wrong if not outright lies by some of the witnesses...and the same dumb cast of race hustling characters are right there to cash in by lying and exploiting a population that has been lied to over and over again by those claiming to have their best interests at heart...this article talks about those race hustling people, and how they lied about the Martin shooting, the same way they are lying about this shooting...

It seems more than a few posters here at U.S. Have failed to see the lies about the Martin shooting as well, and may very well believe the lies in this shooting...

Articles: Trayvon's Death Taught Liberals Nothing

One would have hoped that their twisted performance in Florida during the previous two years would have taught America’s liberals something -- prudence, restraint, skepticism -- but it did not. Led by their media, liberals once again rushed in where wise men fear to tread.

As expected, the media insisted on telling the same embarrassingly fraudulent story they had told in the Martin shooting: innocent teen, academically ambitious, minding his own business, profiled by racist white vigilante -- this time a cop -- and shot for no reason other than his race.
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This event is just another example of our demise in America. How much longer will we make excuses for the elements within the black culture who can not, or will not, conform to standards of a civilized society?

I'm tired of it.

This shit needs to get sorted out.

We need a freaking civil war on many fronts

If you were to poll people you would probably find that over half of them believe George Zimmerman is guilty of murder. Similarly you would find over half of them believe the officer unjustly shot Brown. The media seizes on a narrative and pushes it, regardless of the facts. And once that narrative is created, no contradictory facts can be admitted.

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