Marx’s Revenge: How Class Struggle Is Shaping the World

The legislators sold control of the government to the highest bidders. That's capitalism, right?

No, that's cronyism.

It will never be different unless regulatory compulsion forces change.

So because legislators are not to be trusted, we need more legislation?


Okay, so capitalism ultimately equals cronyism. OF COURSE IT DOES, if it's profitable!

That's my point.
The legislators sold control of the government to the highest bidders. That's capitalism, right?

No, that's cronyism.

It will never be different unless regulatory compulsion forces change.

So because legislators are not to be trusted, we need more legislation?


Okay, so capitalism ultimately equals cronyism.

No, cronyism equals cronyism. Capitalism, which relies on VOLUNTARY action by consumers and producers has nothing to do with meddling politicians, which is what is absolutely required for cronyism.

If you stand against the meddling politicians that make cronyism possible, you're on the right track.

OF COURSE IT DOES, if it's profitable!

Yes, cronyism is profitable to the politicians that meddle and their partners in the private sector that benefit from their laws, rules and regulations.

That doesn't make it capitalism. It's still cronyism.

So, you can support more meddling or you can prevent cronyism by supporting limited government where politicians have no ability to do the crony dance, being prevented from doing so by specifically enumerated powers from which they are not allowed to deviate.

Think about it the next time you look to government to solve some perceived problem. They most likely caused the issue in the first place. More of the same bad medicine is not going to fix the problem, it's going to make it worse.
The legislators sold control of the government to the highest bidders. That's capitalism, right?

No, that's cronyism.

It will never be different unless regulatory compulsion forces change.

So because legislators are not to be trusted, we need more legislation?


It all comes down to this.

Leftists complain about how the government has sold itself to large corporations, and their plan to fix it is to give the government even more power and control.

Talk about insanity.
With the global economy in a protracted crisis, and workers around the world burdened by joblessness, debt and stagnant incomes, Marx’s biting critique of capitalism — that the system is inherently unjust and self-destructive — cannot be so easily dismissed. Marx theorized that the capitalist system would inevitably impoverish the masses as the world’s wealth became concentrated in the hands of a greedy few, causing economic crises and heightened conflict between the rich and working classes. “Accumulation of wealth at one pole is at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole,” Marx wrote.

A growing dossier of evidence suggests that he may have been right. It is sadly all too easy to find statistics that show the rich are getting richer while the middle class and poor are not. A September study from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) in Washington noted that the median annual earnings of a full-time, male worker in the U.S. in 2011, at $48,202, were smaller than in 1973. Between 1983 and 2010, 74% of the gains in wealth in the U.S. went to the richest 5%, while the bottom 60% suffered a decline, the EPI calculated. No wonder some have given the 19th century German philosopher a second look. In China, the Marxist country that turned its back on Marx, Yu Rongjun was inspired by world events to pen a musical based on Marx’s classic Das Kapital. “You can find reality matches what is described in the book,” says the playwright.

Read more: Karl Marx's Revenge: Class Struggle Grows Around the World |

If you claim to be a champion of the poor, it seems a little ironic to me that you'd choose Che as your avatar picture.

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Taken? You mean they held the legislators hostage and just "took" it? Yeah, no. The situation is favoritism by government for multinational corporations. Its been that way for a very long time. Since the days of the railroads, probably before.

You seem to have it all backwards.

I have nothing backwards. I understand it perfectly. The legislators sold control of the government to the highest bidders. That's capitalism, right? It will never be different unless regulatory compulsion forces change.

The legislators sold control of the government to the highest bidders. That's capitalism, right?

100% stupid and so 100 % liberal

Socialism is when legislators have control of business and government
Capitalism is when government and business remain separate.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow.

In America conservative against liberal is really smart against very very stupid. Sorry but is any other explanation possible??
Taken? You mean they held the legislators hostage and just "took" it? Yeah, no. The situation is favoritism by government for multinational corporations. Its been that way for a very long time. Since the days of the railroads, probably before.

You seem to have it all backwards.

I have nothing backwards. I understand it perfectly. The legislators sold control of the government to the highest bidders. That's capitalism, right? It will never be different unless regulatory compulsion forces change.


Redundant redundancy is so very redundant.
I have nothing backwards. I understand it perfectly. The legislators sold control of the government to the highest bidders. That's capitalism, right? It will never be different unless regulatory compulsion forces change.


Redundant redundancy is so very redundant.

Socialism is when legislators have control of business and government
Capitalism is when government and business remain separate.
Yes, I'm aware. Although it is not technically socialism. That part comes when govt. protects the losses of their favored corporations and businesses with taxpayer money. The act of government favoritism for corporations, or the cronyism of the govt./business realationship, is technically corporatism.
Yes, I'm aware. Although it is not technically socialism. That part comes when govt. protects the losses of their favored corporations and businesses with taxpayer money. The act of government favoritism for corporations, or the cronyism of the govt./business realationship, is technically corporatism.

yes but corporatism is not capitalism. Liberals get confused unless you make the distinction. corporatism is a liberal disease on capitalism, or you might say it is socialism,i.e, a mix of government and business.
freemason couldn't call a clue even if you gave him a Free Obamaphone.
How do you not mention the 100% Guaranteed Fail Rate that come with every re-distributive economy?

100% is about right!! East/West Germany, Cuba/Fla., North/South Korea, Israel before/after 1999, Ghana/Ivory coast, Red China before and after communism, Hong Kong/Red China, Taiwan/Red China, El Salvadore before and after Funes . The list is endless. The more capitalism the better. Liberals lack the IQ to grasp what is simple for conservatives to grasp.

Morover, it is easy to understand how redistribution destroys the incentive to produce for both the giver and receiver.

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