Marxism Nearly Killed The Pilgrims

So the fact that all of the White Supremacist parties have been supporting the Republican Party since Reagan was elected is proof positive that the Republican Party the party of white supremacy.
Robert Byrd disagrees.
But the failed collectivist ideology he became famous for did.

There was no Marx. Of course it's failed everywhere. The pilgrims were organized for survival. Collectivism didn't last long. Are you talking about barn raising or the local fire brigade?
If I thought you wanted a real answer I would put information together for you. But I know you just want to argue and be an ass

So you have no answer at all, you're just trying to deflect from one of the stupidest threads of all time.

Marxism didn't exist until the 19th Century. The idea that settlers formed "collectives" to pool resources, crops and labour does make sense although that was hardly "marxism". That's how humans have lived since the dawn of time. In tribes, who worked together to find food, shelter, and safety in numbers. One person on their own didn't stand much of a chance on their own.

The concept of "private property" didn't exist prior to the 17th century, so by your criteria, the whole world was "marxist" up to the point.

You idiots really should read history and learn something, anything. It's truly pathetic how ignorant of history right wing Americans truly are.
But the failed collectivist ideology he became famous for did.

Are you talking about "Tribalism"? Tribalism has existed for thousands of years - since the days of the cave man. Private property rights has existed for 400 years. Collective property ownership and pooling of resources is what has allowed humans to prosper and grow to dominate the world.

You're trying to demonize all of the accomplishments of civilization which came before the 17th century.
People keep saying marx wasnt born when this happened blah blah blah.
It doesnt matter folks.
They have labeled PRIMITIVE societies as Marxist. Marxism has always been around, Marx just put a name to it.
Goddamn you people are fucking stupid. And then get on here and pat yourselves on the back LOL
Are you talking about "Tribalism"? Tribalism has existed for thousands of years - since the days of the cave man. Private property rights has existed for 400 years. Collective property ownership and pooling of resources is what has allowed humans to prosper and grow to dominate the world.

You're trying to demonize all of the accomplishments of civilization which came before the 17th century.
As always, you only prove what a dingbat you are when you post. Are you actually claiming the Romans and the Greeks didn't have private property? That fact is that most civilized societies had some form of private property. It was enforced more strictly in some than in others, but there was almost always a person entitled to use a given parcel of land as he saw fit.
Hastert supporter say what? (Hastert elected by FELLOW Republicans to the third highest office in the land)
You found one pedophile Republican, and you believe that means Republicans are the ones who support pedophiles?

No Republican defended Hasert's pedophilia once it was discovered.
You found one pedophile Republican, and you believe that means Republicans are the ones who support pedophiles?

No Republican defended Hasert's pedophilia once it was discovered.
Hastert supporters all within the Republican Party. Voted him to the third most powerful position in government. You own well as owning the serial sexual assaulter, the pedo enabler, the underaged sex trafficker and the creepy Roy Moore.

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