The Myths of the Thanksgiving Story and the Lasting Damage They Imbue

As for the 'indians saving the white people, the indian that saved them was actually an indian who converted to Christianity while visiting England and seeing how much better the culture was than the savage crap he left back in America. We also know the only reason the indians didn't kill them when they first landed was fear of the unknown.

lol. I linked to the Catholic version because they're the most hated by feral 'tribes' promoters.

The other natives were just going to let them die then steal their stuff pretty typical of these feral animal 'cultures' around the world that we need have zero concerns over their 'plights' and extinctions. As it is, many of them only exist today because white people kept them from being exterminated by other feral savage vermin from larger tribes.
Natives did not exterminate them because we were not aware of the concept of lying, which is exactly what the white man did and is still doing
Then they got exactly what they deserved, just as we arecgettingvwhstvwecdesercecfor not having fully closed borders.
That is all Bullshit and it speaks volumes of your poor education that you buy it.
I see you still go with the Thanksgiving storyh that supports your bullshit.
There were 2 --- yes, 2--- Thanksgiving more than 50 years prior, in Florida.

Here it is, documentation to choke on

It's not about the 'first thanksgiving.' It's about what is taught in schools. What is taught in schools is a lie.

Thanksgiving needs to be replaced with Tribal Nations Day. A day of mourning for the Wampanoag.
Actual American History needs to be taught in schools.
Native Americans were a peaceful, primitive people that would have been conquered by any foreigners that landed on their shores. Just like countless other cultures, they were conquered. I agree that American history soft sells what actually happened but hey, let's face facts.

Until this most recent century, the only rule in human confrontation was Might Makes Right. It isn't nice or fair, that is just the way it WAS.
Native Americans were a peaceful, primitive people that would have been conquered by any foreigners that landed on their shores. Just like countless other cultures, they were conquered. I agree that American history soft sells what actually happened but hey, let's face facts.

Until this most recent century, the only rule in human confrontation was Might Makes Right. It isn't nice or fair, that is just the way it WAS.
Yet you are unwilling to acknowledge the fact that this land was stolen.
Clearly you have not noticed the shape this country is in.
We are hurting because of a corrosive liberal culture that undermines morals and ethics

And someday this country may be humbled for our sins thanks to libs
We are hurting because of a corrosive liberal culture that undermines morals and ethics

And someday this country may be humbled for our sins thanks to libs

Native Americans were a peaceful, primitive people

No, they were violent, greedy, and homocidal. Cortez found it extremely easy to line over 200,000 native allies when he went after the Aztecs, and wars were frequent before whitey showed up, and then they murdered each other and white people over the fur trade for a few kegs of rum and blankets and muskets. they were never 'peaceful'.

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