Mary Mary, Quite Contrary...

Mary has already proved she can move in big-boy circles very well and she's trying to look out for what's best for GM. She's been through all the GM fiascos and done quite well since taking over...but this....this won't fly. Not after there would be no GM without being bailed out when there wasn't a bank who'd touch them.....only thing Barry did right, albeit for all the wrong reasons.

. Fuck farmers. Also, name a single country that has “blinked.”

Mexico, Canada, S.Korea, Japan on the brink of a blink (they've already agreed to open at least six new plants in the US), China can play ball or collapse. Our "allies" in the EU are the toughest nut to crack but Trump will pick them off one at a time with targeted's called "winning"...look it up.

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