Mary Trump's New Book About Donald

Mary Trump got to visit and step inside the fucking white house because her uncle got elected president and she's mad at him? what a sad soul!
Authors of books get paid a royalty for each copy sold. To get rich writing books, you don't have to tell the truth:you just have to con the suckers into buying your book.

I can't put my finger on what it is about the post, but somehow I'm suddenly hopeful that COVID-19 will save me from the usual Comic Con news stories I suffer through each year.
"I am the ultimate member of The Book of the Month Club. 1st I have lowlife dummy Bolton, a war mongering fool, violating the law (he released massive amounts of Classified Information) and an NDA in order to build badly needed credibility and make a few dollars, which will all end up going to the government anyway. Next is Mary Trump, a seldom seen niece who knows little about me, says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!) and me, and violated her NDA. She also broke the Law by giving out my Tax Returns. She’s a mess! Many books have been written about me, some good, some bad. Both happily and sadly, there will be more to come!" - Trump
Authors of books get paid a royalty for each copy sold. To get rich writing books, you don't have to tell the truth:you just have to con the suckers into buying your book.
Talking about conning suckers Repubs voted for Trump
"I am the ultimate member of The Book of the Month Club. 1st I have lowlife dummy Bolton, a war mongering fool, violating the law (he released massive amounts of Classified Information) and an NDA in order to build badly needed credibility and make a few dollars, which will all end up going to the government anyway. Next is Mary Trump, a seldom seen niece who knows little about me, says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!) and me, and violated her NDA. She also broke the Law by giving out my Tax Returns. She’s a mess! Many books have been written about me, some good, some bad. Both happily and sadly, there will be more to come!" - Trump

Since neither one is charged nor arrested nor convicted, it sounds like Rump is in serious trouble and NY and a couple of others are waiting for him. Certainly makes my day.
Mary says that Donald's idea of flirting with women is to insult them

Funny, I've known Men like that. One of the most attractive Woman I have ever seen thought she was Ugly and stupid because her Boyfriend told her so. She loved him even more because he was honest with her. Yes, those women do exist that fall for that.
"Donald has an emptiness inside him and a hunger for affirmation that I've never seen before in an adult" - Mary Trump
"Donald has an emptiness inside him and a hunger for affirmation that I've never seen before in an adult" - Mary Trump

She had been looking in the mirror and saw herself and accused her uncle of being the same thing. She is a lonely liberal who is grabbing her 15 minutes. Her interview with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos was very underwhelming to this viewer.

What do we really know about Mary Trump?


Mary has mostly stayed out of the spotlight.

Unlike some other members of her family, Mary has chosen to live largely under the radar. Not much is known about her personal life, other than that the 55-year-old lives with her daughter in New York.

She does have a Twitter account, in which she hints at her political views. In her bio, she writes "Black Lives Matter," and has an emoji of the LGBTQ rainbow flag.

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