Marylad man arrested for allegedly knowingly transferring HIV to women

The OP replied to you in post #12.

In post #13 I stated to the OP, "well, that is an interesting point; hopefully EAB will take note."

Please tell me it isn't that hard to keep up?
LOL...he's not responding to me, asshole! He's responding to you! I'm not confused about differing laws in differing
states Go back and read post #3, fool.

Jesus...when I think you've hit rock bottom with your idiocy you always manage to go lower still.
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The OP replied to you in post #12.

In post #13 I stated to the OP, "well, that is an interesting point; hopefully EAB will take note."

Please tell me it isn't that hard to keep up?
LOL...he's not responding to me, asshole! He's responding to you! I'm not confused about differing laws in differing
states Go back and read post #3, fool.

OP replied to you in post #12, not to me.
OP replied to you in post #12, not to me.
You are the one on the OP's back regarding California and their decriminalization of the transmission of AIDS!
Not me! Tell me why you think he would attack me for defending California in this regard?

"The OP singles out CA which we all know the OP has a hard on for this, and other states he dislikes for political purposes.

Beside the OP being a complete jack ass, individual state legislatures make law for the respective state. Is that something you & the OP would like to change? You and the OP want every state to be a cookie cutter state?"

Your words, dipshit...not mine.

Go fuck yourself...don't worry about giving yourself AIDS.
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OP replied to you in post #12, not to me.
You are the one on the OP's back regarding California and their decriminalization of the transmission of AIDS!
Not me! Tell me why you think he would attack me for defending California in this regard?

"The OP singles out CA which we all know the OP has a hard on for this, and other states he dislikes for political purposes.

Beside the OP being a complete jack ass, individual state legislatures make law for the respective state. Is that something you & the OP would like to change? You and the OP want every state to be a cookie cutter state?"

Your words, dipshit...not mine.

Go fuck yourself...don't worry about giving yourself AIDS.

OP replied to YOU in post #12 ASSHOLE.

YOU have an issue with it? Take it up with him, NOT me.

Now go have yourself a great fucking day.
(Reuters) - The United States government on Monday overturned its 30-year ban on blood donations by gay men, saying they can now donate 12 months after their last sexual contact with another man.

FDA overturns 30-year ban on blood donations by gay men - Reuters
And how does the government plan on verifying what gay men report about their own sexual history? Are we risking infecting innocent people based on the honor system of promiscuous gay men?

Oh, right....2015. The Obama era. Well that explains much.

Now if the lie occurs it can't be verified -- now imagine when that happens how many end up getting AIDS.

You already answered your own question pretty much. That's why this is so dangerous if you ask me. What happens when some fruit cake gay or not just keeps their mouths shut . No different than the person who has sex with someone knowingly having aids.......


Donation Process Overview
OP replied to you in post #12, not to me.
You are the one on the OP's back regarding California and their decriminalization of the transmission of AIDS!
Not me! Tell me why you think he would attack me for defending California in this regard?

"The OP singles out CA which we all know the OP has a hard on for this, and other states he dislikes for political purposes.

Beside the OP being a complete jack ass, individual state legislatures make law for the respective state. Is that something you & the OP would like to change? You and the OP want every state to be a cookie cutter state?"

Your words, dipshit...not mine.

Go fuck yourself
...don't worry about giving yourself AIDS.

I'm not talented enuff to fuck myself but you prolly are; let us know how that works for you
I think the people mots susceptible to getting it nowadays are those with drug additions who share needles. That's why many places have programs to provide clean needles to them. Since for the most part gays were the main victims of it, they have since learned how to protect themselves from getting infected and their numbers are down.
Does anyone remember the dentist who gave it to a young patient while she was under sedation for a procedure? Oh, then there was Ryan White who contracted it via a transfusion. That was before all blood is now screened. I'm in NC and the questions they ask before even allowing you to donate are pretty invasive. And, they still test for the virus. I'm O positive so my blood has always been great demand and I go through the whole thing each time.
He should have done this here in Califuckya, where it's no longer illegal to knowingly give someone HIV.......but instead they're making it illegal to use plastic straws.
I think the people mots susceptible to getting it nowadays are those with drug additions who share needles. That's why many places have programs to provide clean needles to them. Since for the most part gays were the main victims of it, they have since learned how to protect themselves from getting infected and their numbers are down.
Does anyone remember the dentist who gave it to a young patient while she was under sedation for a procedure? Oh, then there was Ryan White who contracted it via a transfusion. That was before all blood is now screened. I'm in NC and the questions they ask before even allowing you to donate are pretty invasive. And, they still test for the virus. I'm O positive so my blood has always been great demand and I go through the whole thing each time.
Homo males are still way likelier to transmit. But you have to go to the CDC and run the numbers yourself. Media refuse. Doesn’t fit the agenda.
I wonder how many other HIV infected people knowingly infected others.
Probably a LOT. Because HIV infected people would have to stop having sex in order to be sure they were not transmitting it, and how many people are going to stop having sex? Think about it.
All the married folks stop having sex so yeah just get married and thus no sex.
I don't care what state you're in. If you knowingly have AIDS and don't tell someone you have sex with you should be shot
I agree that a gun should be in the picture, especially if there is no remorse. What I can't decide on though is who's hand it should be in should that matter enough.

God bless you and the monster's victim(s) always!!!


P.S. Where the damage was done is where I think the gun should be fired at to where the monster would then wish that the sickness would finally just take him and be done with it.
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