Maryland Family dies because electric company puts profit above human decency

Darwinian in action with unfortunate collateral damage. The city is shutting water off for deadbeats to so it isn't just the greedy PoCo unwilling to donate their services.
Ya right. You would whine like a baby if taxes were high enough to pay for all the shit you think should be free. Assuming you have ever paid any taxes to begin with.
Not hardly. Our taxes already pay for military adventurism and foreign aid to terrorist countries it would be nice to see our tax dollars at work here in America.
If everything were just free. If no one had to pay at all.
If the taxes he paid from the job he had paid for "free" electricity,if government would put a cap on how much companies can charge,if republicans cared about the 99% instead of the 1% and raised wages!
If companies had a cap on how much they could charge they would put a cap on how much you could use too. That's how communist countries work. Electricity might be free but you get it only two hours a day. Food is free. The state pantry will give you a bag once a week. What you get is what you live on.
See the republicans are at it again in this thread...perfect example why it will be a LONG LONG time before another R sits in the white house.
Does anybody know the backstory? How about you, OP writer? Was the father gambling his money and ignoring the bills? Power company can't be the only one at fault.
Ya right. You would whine like a baby if taxes were high enough to pay for all the shit you think should be free. Assuming you have ever paid any taxes to begin with.
Not hardly. Our taxes already pay for military adventurism and foreign aid to terrorist countries it would be nice to see our tax dollars at work here in America.
Okay, let me get this straight. You think the government should pay everyone's power bill? Are you ready for your taxes to rise, so you can pay the power for some guy's 10,000 square foot mansion? Poor people already get help on their power bill.
They had the money to buy a generator and run it, but not enough to pay the bill?

WTF was the asshole doing with seven kids if he couldn't support them anyway?

Major fail, if this is a sympathy bid.
Roadrunner, have you ever had flatmates?

One place I stayed at was headed up by this scumbag that asked for a $400 bond. I paid, as I got on well with the other flatmate there.

For several months everything was fine, and I went out drinking and having a good time with the other flatmate.

But the guy that headed up the flat had fights with his girlfriend, and rarely interacted with us beyond the occasional drinks. He was also messy and the property was in a bad way, which I found out only after I had lost the key one day and the landlord had to arrive.

Naturally the landlord was pissed at the state of the place (as there was junk and all sorts of stuff around the place). So my flatmate buddy and I did our best to help clean up the place.

Eventually he decided to move out with his girlfriend (who was annoying), but it turned out he was behind in all the bills and had used all the money he should have spent on power, rent,etc on himself.

So, I raced to move out. And found out he had gone into my room and stolen the signed bond receipt. He said that he needed more money, so I said 'take it out of my bond', which I knew he would never give back - as the guy had messed up the place and not paid the bills.

So moral of the story is, don't trust other people with your money, keep a hidden photocopy of your receipts when you live with shady feeling people, and don't expect that all people know how to prioritize what they can afford over having luxuries.
He probably would have been just fine if he hadn't put the generator in the house.

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