Maryland Family dies because electric company puts profit above human decency

If everything were just free. If no one had to pay at all.
If the taxes he paid from the job he had paid for "free" electricity,if government would put a cap on how much companies can charge,if republicans cared about the 99% instead of the 1% and raised wages!

It's all about handing people something with you. How about those who want higher wages do something to earn it instead of sticking their hands out demanding it be given to them?

Sickening that someone didn't pay his bills and you blame anyone but the person not paying.
The blame can only go to the idiot that ran a generator inside a house.

I can't believe anyone could be that stupid.

Sounds to me more like a murder/suicide, knowing the idiot ran the generator inside.

Is anyone really that stupid?

People are that stupid. Take it from someone that sees stupid shit like that almost daily.

I've seen people put gasoline in a kerosene heater then wonder why their house burned to the ground despite the heater saying kerosene only. I guess they think if it burns fuel it can burn any type of fuel despite what the manufacturer says. Good opportunity to teach the difference between flammable and combustible. There is a big difference.

It's the typical leftists mentality to blame someone anyone but the one responsible for their own actions.
Ya right. You would whine like a baby if taxes were high enough to pay for all the shit you think should be free. Assuming you have ever paid any taxes to begin with.
Not hardly. Our taxes already pay for military adventurism and foreign aid to terrorist countries it would be nice to see our tax dollars at work here in America.
WTH are you talking about? We spend more money on swellfare than anything else.
Does anybody know the backstory? How about you, OP writer? Was the father gambling his money and ignoring the bills? Power company can't be the only one at fault.
The power company is 0% at fault.

The people who blame the power company are just as moronic as the dumbass who ran a gasoline-powered engine inside the house.
Liar. The meter he was using was an illegal meter. The electric co. said they did not cut the power, in fact they said they never got a request for service after the family moved in. More faceless lies from a libtard.
Ha! The plot thickens.
Does anybody know the backstory? How about you, OP writer? Was the father gambling his money and ignoring the bills? Power company can't be the only one at fault.
The power company is 0% at fault.

The people who blame the power company are just as moronic as the dumbass who ran a gasoline-powered engine inside the house.
Liar. The meter he was using was an illegal meter. The electric co. said they did not cut the power, in fact they said they never got a request for service after the family moved in. More faceless lies from a libtard.
Ha! The plot thickens.
To the lefties, despite it being an illegal meter, it should have been allowed to stay. It's much like their argument about illegal immigrants.
Ya right. You would whine like a baby if taxes were high enough to pay for all the shit you think should be free. Assuming you have ever paid any taxes to begin with.
Not hardly. Our taxes already pay for military adventurism and foreign aid to terrorist countries it would be nice to see our tax dollars at work here in America.
Okay, let me get this straight. You think the government should pay everyone's power bill? Are you ready for your taxes to rise, so you can pay the power for some guy's 10,000 square foot mansion? Poor people already get help on their power bill.
I think there should not be power bills to pay. If a country like Libya can do it the US damn sure can.
You don't think you should have to pay for anything. You think some rich person should be taxed to provide it to you.

If Libya is so good, go there.
If everything were just free. If no one had to pay at all.
If the taxes he paid from the job he had paid for "free" electricity,if government would put a cap on how much companies can charge,if republicans cared about the 99% instead of the 1% and raised wages!

As sad as this situation is, it's not because he didn't pay his bill.

"Delmarva Power, the company responsible for electricity in the area, said it discovered an illegal electrical connection and cut off service for safety reasons, the company said."

Had the power company allowed it to continue knowing the possible danger and something happened, they'd get sued for that.
Ya right. You would whine like a baby if taxes were high enough to pay for all the shit you think should be free. Assuming you have ever paid any taxes to begin with.
Not hardly. Our taxes already pay for military adventurism and foreign aid to terrorist countries it would be nice to see our tax dollars at work here in America.
It would be nice to see the half that don't pay income taxes finally pay some.
Ya right. You would whine like a baby if taxes were high enough to pay for all the shit you think should be free. Assuming you have ever paid any taxes to begin with.
Not hardly. Our taxes already pay for military adventurism and foreign aid to terrorist countries it would be nice to see our tax dollars at work here in America.
It would be nice to see the half that don't pay income taxes finally pay some.
He probably would have been just fine if he hadn't put the generator in the house.

Those kids didn't deserve this dads stupidity. But more than likely, they would have been fine if the generator had been outside the house. Except in an attached garage. Same results then. Bur stupid on the man. And he has paid the bill now. Every year this shit happens somewhere. More than once. Amazing.
The kids, no. The dumbass dad, yes.
More republican sympathy blaming the poor dad who had custody of 7 kids after his ex cheated on him and he divorced her ass and he was working so lets not blame the company for not paying him more or the power company for being selfish assholes instead of giving him a damn break and pointing him to a charity that will help.
How is the power company selfish for charging him the same rate on the power he used like they do anyone else?
Ya right. You would whine like a baby if taxes were high enough to pay for all the shit you think should be free. Assuming you have ever paid any taxes to begin with.
Not hardly. Our taxes already pay for military adventurism and foreign aid to terrorist countries it would be nice to see our tax dollars at work here in America.
It would be nice to see the half that don't pay income taxes finally pay some.
It took an amendment to legalize the income tax, we need an amendment to legalize a head tax, payable in cash or labor.

Time for all to have skin in the game.
More republican sympathy blaming the poor dad who had custody of 7 kids after his ex cheated on him and he divorced her ass and he was working so lets not blame the company for not paying him more or the power company for being selfish assholes instead of giving him a damn break and pointing him to a charity that will help.
How is the power company selfish for charging him the same rate on the power he used like they do anyone else?
Non payment wasn't involved. The man stole a meter then ran a PowerLine to his jury rigged stolen meter. The power company removed the stolen meter disconnecting the power.

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