Maryland Family dies because electric company puts profit above human decency

The power was turned off after the electric company found out the rental home was using a stolen meter.
Does anybody know the backstory? How about you, OP writer? Was the father gambling his money and ignoring the bills? Power company can't be the only one at fault.
More republican sympathy blaming the poor dad who had custody of 7 kids after his ex cheated on him and he divorced her ass and he was working so lets not blame the company for not paying him more or the power company for being selfish assholes instead of giving him a damn break and pointing him to a charity that will help.
How is the power company selfish for charging him the same rate on the power he used like they do anyone else?
Non payment wasn't involved. The man stole a meter then ran a PowerLine to his jury rigged stolen meter. The power company removed the stolen meter disconnecting the power.
I found that out after making that last statement. How can a power company charge someone when they don't know they are using power? Also, what should the power company do when they find out, let them continue stealing power?
He, and his kids, are dead because he was an idiot. Everyone knows you don't run a generator indoors. This is one for the Darwin awards.

Because we have idiots in the world, it's put on the generators not to run them indoors. Although smaller, the engine running the generator is just like a car. It emits carbon monoxide. What he did was the equivalent of putting a hose on the exhaust of his car and sticking it inside his car.
His being a utility worker, you would think he should have known that, too.
He, and his kids, are dead because he was an idiot. Everyone knows you don't run a generator indoors. This is one for the Darwin awards.

Because we have idiots in the world, it's put on the generators not to run them indoors. Although smaller, the engine running the generator is just like a car. It emits carbon monoxide. What he did was the equivalent of putting a hose on the exhaust of his car and sticking it inside his car.
The father was also a UofM utility worker.
Everything I've seen says he was a kitchen worker with no employer specified.

The previous tenants terminated the power when they moved out in October. This man and his children moved in in November and never asked for the electricity to be turned on. Instead dad got a stolen meter and connected that. The power company removed the stolen meter. The man then got a generator and put it in the kitchen.

Sounds like a series of very bad decisions.
His being a utility worker, you would think he should have known that, too.
He, and his kids, are dead because he was an idiot. Everyone knows you don't run a generator indoors. This is one for the Darwin awards.

Because we have idiots in the world, it's put on the generators not to run them indoors. Although smaller, the engine running the generator is just like a car. It emits carbon monoxide. What he did was the equivalent of putting a hose on the exhaust of his car and sticking it inside his car.
Being an adult, you'd think he'd know that. I'm not a utility worker and I know better.
"Todd was a utility worker at the nearby University of Maryland Eastern Shore, said his supervisor Stephanie Wells.

Mis Wells, who hadn’t seen Todd for more than a week, went to the house on Monday morning and knocked on the door, but no one answered. She then filed a missing-person report with police, reported the Sun."

I read he was employed by the University of Maryland as a utility worker. If he was, that would explain his ability to connect the stolen meter to the house, and possibly how he got hold of it. The article also stated the rest you posted.

The father was also a UofM utility worker.
Everything I've seen says he was a kitchen worker with no employer specified.

The previous tenants terminated the power when they moved out in October. This man and his children moved in in November and never asked for the electricity to be turned on. Instead dad got a stolen meter and connected that. The power company removed the stolen meter. The man then got a generator and put it in the kitchen.

Sounds like a series of very bad decisions.
The father was also a UofM utility worker.

He certainly should have known better.

Murder/suicide looks like a possibility.

The previous tenants terminated the power when they moved out in October. This man and his children moved in in November and never asked for the electricity to be turned on. Instead dad got a stolen meter and connected that. The power company removed the stolen meter. The man then got a generator and put it in the kitchen.

Sounds like a series of very bad decisions.
If that's true, stupid doesn't begin to describe him. Where are stolen meters just laying around? He probably stole it and put the generator in the home to hide it.
The previous tenants terminated the power when they moved out in October. This man and his children moved in in November and never asked for the electricity to be turned on. Instead dad got a stolen meter and connected that. The power company removed the stolen meter. The man then got a generator and put it in the kitchen.

Sounds like a series of very bad decisions.
If that's true, stupid doesn't begin to describe him. Where are stolen meters just laying around? He probably stole it and put the generator in the home to hide it.
The father wasn't 'Big Mikes' older 'brutha from anotha mudder'.
Does anybody know the backstory? How about you, OP writer? Was the father gambling his money and ignoring the bills? Power company can't be the only one at fault.
The power company is 0% at fault.

The people who blame the power company are just as moronic as the dumbass who ran a gasoline-powered engine inside the house.
They are 100% at fault.Try giving a shit about your customers.

Did you even read the article you posted?
The guy never had the power turned on and he'd been stealing electricity.
It's a shame his kids died from his own stupidity,I mean who doesnt know not to run a gas powered engine inside their house?
The lesson that should be learned is pay your electric bill. Millions of people do just that every month and nobody owes you electricity
How stupid do you have to be to have a generator running inside a house? Too bad about the kids but the father gets the Darwin award.
He, and his kids, are dead because he was an idiot. Everyone knows you don't run a generator indoors. This is one for the Darwin awards.
Does anybody know the backstory? How about you, OP writer? Was the father gambling his money and ignoring the bills? Power company can't be the only one at fault.
The power company is 0% at fault.

The people who blame the power company are just as moronic as the dumbass who ran a gasoline-powered engine inside the house.
They are 100% at fault.Try giving a shit about your customers.

Did you even read the article you posted?
The guy never had the power turned on and he'd been stealing electricity.
It's a shame his kids died from his own stupidity,I mean who doesnt know not to run a gas powered engine inside their house?
I've been wondering if maybe he did it on purpose. An act of murder/suicide. It's possible.

But the thing is, I'd think that the older two children would know better, even if he was a moron. But he could have started it after they were already sleeping because the report said that the kids were all found in bed.

Hard to say until all the facts of the police investigation are released.

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