Maryland's ban on rifles, and 4th Circuit court decision appealed to the Supreme Court.

seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

No.....the limit is pointless and stupid...and only hurts law abiding people who may need them....

This is the bait and even did it think.....Rifle, magazine limit.......but those limits apply to pistols the very gun someone may need to survive is shorted on bullets because anti-gunners have an irrational fear of guns.....

There are over 8 million of these rifles in the country, the most popular rifle in America......and one or two a year have been misused......

Rifles kill fewer people each year than knives, clubs or bare hands.....this is simply low hanging fruit for gun grabbers...who will come back to get the 10 round magazines after a few years......

This is how stupid this ban is.....rifles with magazines were used to kill 167 people......over 35 years...knives murder over 1,500 people every single year......

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



knives 1,544

clubs 437

hands 624

Your stat is bogus. I correct you before but you are incapable of learning.

Knives, baseball bats, hands, rifles have other purposes.

Moron...the stat is from the CDC........and every year, knives murder over 1,500 people.........more than all rifle types combined..........and even clubs and empty hands murder more people......

Rifles are not the problem...but they are low hanging fruit for gun grabbers, easy to isolate and easy to create fear....and once you get the rifles, and use them to get rid of pistols with 19 round magazines...then you will come after the 10 round step at a time....
Great news! I might be able to ship all those 20 and 30 round magazines to buyers in Maryland soon. I sure seem to have collected a bunch of them during the Obama years.
I still have metal AK mag's.

Those are good because you can leave them loaded indefinitely. The plastic ones tend to get bent feed lips from being left loaded, and can sometimes malfunction.

Call me a "Russian collusionist", but there's no more reliable weapon than an AK. In fact, the one I have is no longer oppressing proletariat workers in some communist country, it's protecting my home from two-legged varmints. :biggrin:
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Never? Right.

It it does jam while I'm away from home, there's always the backup pistol in the ankle holster.

If it jams while I'm at home, I'm never far from something else.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Pump shot guns can jam. They can also misfire. Even a double or single barrel shot gun can misfire. Even a revolver can misfire. That is why it is imperative to know your weapon and know how to clear it quickly. A small back up weapon is a good idea too.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Pump shot guns can jam. They can also misfire. Even a double or single barrel shot gun can misfire. Even a revolver can misfire. That is why it is imperative to know your weapon and know how to clear it quickly. A small back up weapon is a good idea too.

In addition, the best defense you have is situational awareness. Dogs are good to have around the home too. They can sense things we're not aware of.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Here is the judges ruling on the injunction against Californias Magazine ban....he highlights the slippery slope argument...or as I say, the way you nut jobs are going to go after all guns that use magazines...

(n) a slippery slope
What is clear from the preliminary evidence presented is that individuals who intend to engage in mass gun violence typically make plans. They use multiple weapons and come loaded with extra ammunition.

They pick the place and the time and do much harm before police can intervene. Persons with violent intentions have used large capacity magazines, machine guns, hand grenades and pipe bombs, notwithstanding laws criminalizing their possession or use.

Trying to legislatively outlaw the commonly possessed weapon de jour is like wearing flip flops on a slippery slope.
A downhill slide is not hard to foresee.

Tragically, when 30-round magazines are banned, attackers will use 15 or 17- round magazines.

If magazines holding more than 10 rounds are banned they will use multiple 10-round magazines.

If all semi-automatic weapons are banned they will use

40 17cv1017-BEN Case 3:17-cv-01017-BEN-JLB Document 28 Filed 06/29/17 PageID.4156 Page 40 of 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
shotguns and revolvers.

All of these scenarios already occur.

Because revolvers and handguns are the quintessential home defense weapon protected by the Second Amendment and specifically approved in Heller, and because the average defensive gun use involves firing 2.2 rounds (according to the State’s experts), states could rationalize a ban on possession of rounds in excess of three per weapon.

Criminals intent on 13 violence would then equip themselves with multiple weapons.

The State could then rationalize a one-weapon-per-individual law.

Since “merely” brandishing a firearm is usually effective as a defense to criminal attack (according to the State’s experts), it could be argued that a one-revolver-with-one-round-per-individual ban is a reasonable experiment in state police power as a means to protect citizens and law enforcement officers from gun violence.

Statutes disarming law-abiding responsible citizen gun owners reflect an opinion on gun policy. Courts are not free to impose their own policy choices on sovereign states. But as Heller explains, the Second Amendment takes certain policy choices and removes them beyond the realm of debate. Disarming California’s law-abiding citizenry is not a constitutionally-permissible policy choice.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES
Seems to me you have no concept of what freedom means or the bill of rights means. The founders didn't put the second amendment in the BoR's because the deer were coming. Instead of crying about mass murders in night clubs, why don't you cry about how it's a gun free zone and no one can defend them self against a criminal scumbag with a gun?
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Pump shot guns can jam. They can also misfire. Even a double or single barrel shot gun can misfire. Even a revolver can misfire. That is why it is imperative to know your weapon and know how to clear it quickly. A small back up weapon is a good idea too.

In addition, the best defense you have is situational awareness. Dogs are good to have around the home too. They can sense things we're not aware of.

sorry..... I can't help myself-------THEY CAN SENSE THINGS OF WHICH
WE ARE UNAWARE......... do not hang your participles
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES
Seems to me you have no concept of what freedom means or the bill of rights means. The founders didn't put the second amendment in the BoR's because the deer were coming. Instead of crying about mass murders in night clubs, why don't you cry about how it's a gun free zone and no one can defend them self against a criminal scumbag with a gun?

a glock is not good enough for self defense? you need a missile launcher?
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES

Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Here is the judges ruling on the injunction against Californias Magazine ban....he highlights the slippery slope argument...or as I say, the way you nut jobs are going to go after all guns that use magazines...

(n) a slippery slope
What is clear from the preliminary evidence presented is that individuals who intend to engage in mass gun violence typically make plans. They use multiple weapons and come loaded with extra ammunition.

They pick the place and the time and do much harm before police can intervene. Persons with violent intentions have used large capacity magazines, machine guns, hand grenades and pipe bombs, notwithstanding laws criminalizing their possession or use.

Trying to legislatively outlaw the commonly possessed weapon de jour is like wearing flip flops on a slippery slope.
A downhill slide is not hard to foresee.

Tragically, when 30-round magazines are banned, attackers will use 15 or 17- round magazines.

If magazines holding more than 10 rounds are banned they will use multiple 10-round magazines.

If all semi-automatic weapons are banned they will use

40 17cv1017-BEN Case 3:17-cv-01017-BEN-JLB Document 28 Filed 06/29/17 PageID.4156 Page 40 of 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
shotguns and revolvers.

All of these scenarios already occur.

Because revolvers and handguns are the quintessential home defense weapon protected by the Second Amendment and specifically approved in Heller, and because the average defensive gun use involves firing 2.2 rounds (according to the State’s experts), states could rationalize a ban on possession of rounds in excess of three per weapon.

Criminals intent on 13 violence would then equip themselves with multiple weapons.

The State could then rationalize a one-weapon-per-individual law.

Since “merely” brandishing a firearm is usually effective as a defense to criminal attack (according to the State’s experts), it could be argued that a one-revolver-with-one-round-per-individual ban is a reasonable experiment in state police power as a means to protect citizens and law enforcement officers from gun violence.

Statutes disarming law-abiding responsible citizen gun owners reflect an opinion on gun policy. Courts are not free to impose their own policy choices on sovereign states. But as Heller explains, the Second Amendment takes certain policy choices and removes them beyond the realm of debate. Disarming California’s law-abiding citizenry is not a constitutionally-permissible policy choice.

Good points. What most anti-gunners aren't aware of, is that the Second Amendment was primarily written to protect the American citizenry against a hostile government. It was meant to allow the American people ownership of the same weapons the government had.

At the time it was written, the primary weapon was the single-shot black powder musket. Since the government now has high-capacity magazines, we should be allowed the same.

Compare that to the First Amendment, which allows the freedom of speech. During Colonial times, all they had were simple printing presses. So should the First Amendment restrict our freedom of speech to simple printing presses? No, we have radio, television, internet, social media, etc.
Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Pump shot guns can jam. They can also misfire. Even a double or single barrel shot gun can misfire. Even a revolver can misfire. That is why it is imperative to know your weapon and know how to clear it quickly. A small back up weapon is a good idea too.

In addition, the best defense you have is situational awareness. Dogs are good to have around the home too. They can sense things we're not aware of.

sorry..... I can't help myself-------THEY CAN SENSE THINGS OF WHICH
WE ARE UNAWARE......... do not hang your participles
Adolf Hitler had a team of people who would pour every every speech he was about to make, analyzing each word to guard against Herr Adolf being embarrassed by poor word smithing. These people were the actual real grammar nazis. My dear, you are a poor and sad example of of such..
Ever heard of something called the "Second Amendment"? Even though firearms with high-capacity magazines can be used for hunting, those are primarily bought for home defense.

Why do you think law-enforcement switched from 6-shot revolvers to semi-auto 15-round pistols back in the 80's? Because they were out-gunned by the criminals.

Nobody in their right mind would keep a single-shot shotgun or a 5-round bolt-action rifle in their home, to ward off three or four home invaders, who were armed with more modern weapons.

Besides, high-capacity magazines are more fun at the range. You don't have to keep reloading them.

I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Pump shot guns can jam. They can also misfire. Even a double or single barrel shot gun can misfire. Even a revolver can misfire. That is why it is imperative to know your weapon and know how to clear it quickly. A small back up weapon is a good idea too.

In addition, the best defense you have is situational awareness. Dogs are good to have around the home too. They can sense things we're not aware of.

sorry..... I can't help myself-------THEY CAN SENSE THINGS OF WHICH
WE ARE UNAWARE......... do not hang your participles

I'm not going to argue proper grammar with my dogs when their low growls tell me there's someone pulling into my driveway.
Great news! I might be able to ship all those 20 and 30 round magazines to buyers in Maryland soon. I sure seem to have collected a bunch of them during the Obama years.
I still have metal AK mag's.

Those are good because you can leave them loaded indefinitely. The plastic ones tend to get bent feed lips from being left loaded, and can sometimes malfunction.

Call me a "Russian collusionist", but there's no more reliable weapon than an AK. In fact, the one I have is no longer oppressing proletariat workers in some communist country, it's protecting my home from two-legged varmints. :biggrin:
I obtained a paratrooper Chezh model (collapsible sliding stock, short barrel) in the mid '90's with a bunch of whistles and bells, a dozen metal mag's and a thousand rounds. Kept all that stuff packed away. It is no longer in the "packed away" vault, well some of the ammo and mag's are, but some of it is in the ready to use closet.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES
Why not? Great for feral hogs. Let's not forget the main reason is self-defense.

Lastly, if you want to start limiting our Constitutional rights by "need" then where will that end? Limit on how many books we can have? How many computers? How many people do you "need" for rightful assembly? Prove it.
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)

I hunt the MOST DEADLY GAME ...

seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES
2nd amendment is not for hunting game. You need to see the video I posted and learn the history about Rome's Mary Land (MARYLAND) it's quite revealing. Jesuits have been very busy for a very long time, Rosie. Who wants US disarmed? Rome does.

The true history of the founding of America - Puritan Christians and Jews who wanted to be free of Roman Catholic oppression in Europe and live in a free land. Columbus was a Jew. Rome came later through their evil Jesuits. Note the history of Jesuit Georgetown. Quite an eye opener.

Interesting insight Jerie-----you probably know that it was ROME ---that disarmed the jews
of "PALESTINA" (swords and knives and bow and arrow back then------also HORSES
which were the vehicles of war back then. -------da jooos got donkeys)
seems to me that RIFLE OWNERSHIP is for people who HUNT (like deer and bears and possum)
Why would any hunter want a "magazine" with more than 10 shots? The limit seems like a
good idea to me--------thwarting MASS MURDER IN NITE CLUBS OR CHURCHES
Why not? Great for feral hogs. Let's not forget the main reason is self-defense.

Lastly, if you want to start limiting our Constitutional rights by "need" then where will that end? Limit on how many books we can have? How many computers? How many people do you "need" for rightful assembly? Prove it.
The 2nd Amendment was not written or designed for hunters.
meh....the best approach for american gun owners to take is "fuck it".....let them pass whatever laws they want, disobey them openly and publicly, and dare the powers that be to try to enforce them.
I'll take my shotgun. You can stand there with your thumb up your ass when your semi automatic jams.

Maybe we should have a bazooka & a 50 Cal machine gun in case we get home invaded by 50 guys with tanks.

Jams? If you keep your firearms cleaned and lubricated, and use good ammunition, that never happen. I can also clear a malfunction in under two seconds.
Pump shot guns can jam. They can also misfire. Even a double or single barrel shot gun can misfire. Even a revolver can misfire. That is why it is imperative to know your weapon and know how to clear it quickly. A small back up weapon is a good idea too.

In addition, the best defense you have is situational awareness. Dogs are good to have around the home too. They can sense things we're not aware of.

sorry..... I can't help myself-------THEY CAN SENSE THINGS OF WHICH
WE ARE UNAWARE......... do not hang your participles
Adolf Hitler had a team of people who would pour every every speech he was about to make, analyzing each word to guard against Herr Adolf being embarrassed by poor word smithing. These people were the actual real grammar nazis. My dear, you are a poor and sad example of of such..

I am an amateur--------my stint in the remediation room was more an avocation than a vocation ---

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