Mask Wearers

Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

I wear a mask when going into stores, and when at work when not sitting at my desk.

I do not wear it if I am going to be around family members for more than an hour, because at that point the effectiveness is pretty much shot. Therefore I only go around family if I am high temp negative, and have not been around anyone positive tested within a week.

I've been tested twice in 3 months due to possible work exposures, both times negative.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
People bitch about closing businesses but I figure if wearing a mask allows for the reason they can stay open its a little inconvenience for small business owners.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

I wear a mask when going into stores, and when at work when not sitting at my desk.

I do not wear it if I am going to be around family members for more than an hour, because at that point the effectiveness is pretty much shot. Therefore I only go around family if I am high temp negative, and have not been around anyone positive tested within a week.

I've been tested twice in 3 months due to possible work exposures, both times negative.
One must wonder how you would know if you had been around a positive'r when their identities are a closed guarded national secret?
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.

Sorry, but wearing a mask outdoors while pumping gas is kind of useless.
People bitch about closing businesses but I figure if wearing a mask allows for the reason they can stay open its a little inconvenience for small business owners.
You commie filth got NO legal reason to shut down business.
Even up here . . .

Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

I wear a mask when going into stores, and when at work when not sitting at my desk.

I do not wear it if I am going to be around family members for more than an hour, because at that point the effectiveness is pretty much shot. Therefore I only go around family if I am high temp negative, and have not been around anyone positive tested within a week.

I've been tested twice in 3 months due to possible work exposures, both times negative.
One must wonder how you would know if you had been around a positive'r when their identities are a closed guarded national secret?
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

I wear a mask when going into stores, and when at work when not sitting at my desk.

I do not wear it if I am going to be around family members for more than an hour, because at that point the effectiveness is pretty much shot. Therefore I only go around family if I am high temp negative, and have not been around anyone positive tested within a week.

I've been tested twice in 3 months due to possible work exposures, both times negative.
One must wonder how you would know if you had been around a positive'r when their identities are a closed guarded national secret?

On our worksites they report a positive test among the crew without going into the exact person. We then shut down the work site until everyone comes back negative with at least a rapid test. for those in direct exposure it's two rapid test negatives, or a rapid and a PCR. for those only on the worksite but no proximity it's a rapid test negative.

I get the PCR as well, more for clearing me to hang with my 101 year old grandfather.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.

Sorry, but wearing a mask outdoors while pumping gas is kind of useless.

I fully agree with you. But if we don't wear a mask whilst pumping gas, the little minxes down at what passes for a convenience store up here call the police.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.

Sorry, but wearing a mask outdoors while pumping gas is kind of useless.

I fully agree with you. But if we don't wear a mask whilst pumping gas, the little minxes down at what passes for a convenience store up here call the police.

Well that's annoying. by me the gas pumps aren't mask zones, just going into the store is.

I also stopped wearing masks walking on the sidewalk outside, a 2 second encounter isn't a spreader event.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

I wear a mask when going into stores, and when at work when not sitting at my desk.

I do not wear it if I am going to be around family members for more than an hour, because at that point the effectiveness is pretty much shot. Therefore I only go around family if I am high temp negative, and have not been around anyone positive tested within a week.

I've been tested twice in 3 months due to possible work exposures, both times negative.
One must wonder how you would know if you had been around a positive'r when their identities are a closed guarded national secret?

On our worksites they report a positive test among the crew without going into the exact person. We then shut down the work site until everyone comes back negative with at least a rapid test. for those in direct exposure it's two rapid test negatives, or a rapid and a PCR. for those only on the worksite but no proximity it's a rapid test negative.

I get the PCR as well, more for clearing me to hang with my 101 year old grandfather.
Insanity for sure. They got no business shutting down. Pure insanity and incomprehensible how so many willing people follow blindly along with it. It's the only benefit I have of being real old not to have to be exposed to this level of commie-ism.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.

Sorry, but wearing a mask outdoors while pumping gas is kind of useless.

I fully agree with you. But if we don't wear a mask whilst pumping gas, the little minxes down at what passes for a convenience store up here call the police.

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