Maskless MA


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.


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Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
As long as we Americans don't injure others while we do whatever we please, the government pretty much stays away. Nobody likes to be told what to do, but rules of engagement are certainly in order.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.

Yes, for some reason, masks became a cultural issue to the right.

This is what a cult looks like, people.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
That’s awesome you actually got to go to a game, normality returning little by little! Glad your team won! I’m hoping to be able to actually go to a professional baseball game this season (looks like we’ll be able to in July still no final word)… “take me out to the ball game!”.

I suspect that the chants were more a factor of taking out the frustrations of being shut in for over a year on Fauci and the CDC than anything else.

Other good news on the COVID front, resistance to being vaccinated has dropped (based on a new poll) to 18%.
Percentage of Americans Saying They'll Never Get COVID Vaccine Drops to New Low of 18%
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
That’s awesome you actually got to go to a game, normality returning little by little! Glad your team won! I’m hoping to be able to actually go to a professional baseball game this season (looks like we’ll be able to in July still no final word)… “take me out to the ball game!”.

I suspect that the chants were more a factor of taking out the frustrations of being shut in for over a year on Fauci and the CDC than anything else.

Other good news on the COVID front, resistance to being vaccinated has dropped (based on a new poll) to 18%.
Percentage of Americans Saying They'll Never Get COVID Vaccine Drops to New Low of 18%
Yay! But never is a long time.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
That’s awesome you actually got to go to a game, normality returning little by little! Glad your team won! I’m hoping to be able to actually go to a professional baseball game this season (looks like we’ll be able to in July still no final word)… “take me out to the ball game!”.

I suspect that the chants were more a factor of taking out the frustrations of being shut in for over a year on Fauci and the CDC than anything else.

Other good news on the COVID front, resistance to being vaccinated has dropped (based on a new poll) to 18%.
Percentage of Americans Saying They'll Never Get COVID Vaccine Drops to New Low of 18%
Yay! But never is a long time.
Never is a long time for what? For the 18% to refuse getting vaccinated?

If that’s what you were referring to and the 18% is accurate then it doesn’t really matter since it would mean that vaccinations would be over the “herd immunity” threshold (with points to spare) that the scientific community has been publishing.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
That’s awesome you actually got to go to a game, normality returning little by little! Glad your team won! I’m hoping to be able to actually go to a professional baseball game this season (looks like we’ll be able to in July still no final word)… “take me out to the ball game!”.

I suspect that the chants were more a factor of taking out the frustrations of being shut in for over a year on Fauci and the CDC than anything else.

Other good news on the COVID front, resistance to being vaccinated has dropped (based on a new poll) to 18%.
Percentage of Americans Saying They'll Never Get COVID Vaccine Drops to New Low of 18%
Yay! But never is a long time.
Never is a long time for what? For the 18% to refuse getting vaccinated?

If that’s what you were referring to and the 18% is accurate then it doesn’t really matter since it would mean that vaccinations would be over the “herd immunity” threshold (with points to spare) that the scientific community has been publishing.
I was under the impression that we need to get vaccinated now, pretty much all at once, not in two years or whatever, in order for this thing to really work.
The poll question was badly worded.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
That’s awesome you actually got to go to a game, normality returning little by little! Glad your team won! I’m hoping to be able to actually go to a professional baseball game this season (looks like we’ll be able to in July still no final word)… “take me out to the ball game!”.

I suspect that the chants were more a factor of taking out the frustrations of being shut in for over a year on Fauci and the CDC than anything else.

Other good news on the COVID front, resistance to being vaccinated has dropped (based on a new poll) to 18%.
Percentage of Americans Saying They'll Never Get COVID Vaccine Drops to New Low of 18%
Yay! But never is a long time.
Never is a long time for what? For the 18% to refuse getting vaccinated?

If that’s what you were referring to and the 18% is accurate then it doesn’t really matter since it would mean that vaccinations would be over the “herd immunity” threshold (with points to spare) that the scientific community has been publishing.
I was under the impression that we need to get vaccinated now, pretty much all at once, not in two years or whatever, in order for this thing to really work.
The poll question was badly worded.
I believe your impression of what’s required is incorrect and the positivity rate number and confirmed cases numbers since the vaccination program has gotten rolling kind of bears that out.

Correlation does not imply causation but since we’ve really gotten vaccines rolling the numbers have been falling quickly and steadily (with one small spike), the trend is pretty clear, it’s working. Let’s just pray that it holds and that’s we don’t have some new variant(s) that make the current crop of vaccines impotent.
I’ve done everything I was supposed to do during this ordeal and I’m happy that I don’t have to wear a mask anymore unless it’s a personal store policy.

you mean you cared enough about your fellow americans?????

how DARE you!
I’ve done everything I was supposed to do during this ordeal and I’m happy that I don’t have to wear a mask anymore unless it’s a personal store policy.

you mean you cared enough about your fellow americans?????

how DARE you!
Yeah, my parents almost died from it and my uncle did. Thank heavens my mom and dad survived b/c there was a time I thought I was going be an orphan.

I can’t wait for the symphony reopen. That’s what I’m most excited for.
Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans.
couldn't have said it better Az!

Yeah, I was thinking along these lines this morning, that Mind Your Own Business is the fundamental basis of American freedom. Anyone who orders anyone else around is just a bad person. Unamerican. People used to know that, but somehow haven't been learning it in the last generation or so. The mask nazis and vaccine nazis are bad people and I for one need to stop pretending to tolerate that kind of behavior.
We are all happy that the masks are coming off. Let's hope it doesn't lead to more outbreaks or mutations. I will never understand how the health and safety of the American people became a political issue. It was just a mask. It saved thousands of lives and could have saved thousands more...if only it hadn't been made a political issue.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
Yes, they chant "F" you Fauci as their tax dollars pay him more than any other government employee

Yes, Fauci is laughing all the way to the bank.

Just a bunch of DNC voting powerless Chumps.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.

This is the mentality of our buddy Azog here.

After 12 months of ignoring Dr. Faucci and the CDC which lead to a year of lockdowns, wearing masks, and 600,000 dead Americans, the incoming President of the United States started listening to Dr. Faucci, and shut the virus down in 4 short months.

On the first day you get to go maskless, because the nation finally following Dr. Faucci's advice, and the CDC Guidance, you claim your freedom by chanting "F U Faucci". No wonder you voted for Donald Trump!!!

Please tell me you aren't really a business consultant because, man oh man, if this is the level of your critical thinking ability, you shouldn't be anywhere near somebody's business or retirement portfolio.

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