Maskless MA

Why haven't israelies made peace with the Pals ? How much do they want to take?
The Zionists invaded Palestine to remove and or kill Palestinians. The Palestinians are the "canary in the coal mine" since Zionism seeks complete world control, etc. The Kabbalah says so.

You don’t know that. Democrats especially rarely if ever go outside of norms.

of course they would - & where did i say any (D) prez ONLY? but, i will say this - the biden admin got moderna's help to produce the J&J vaccine so the stockpile of vaccines could multiply & get into the arms of america's population much faster.

tell me how THAT is inside the norm.

He didn’t keep it a secret. What are you talking about?

he & melania - the nude model photgraphed grabbing her own p*ssy & in bed with another woman ... were vaxxed in january. did you know that at the time? did anyone? the reporting on the fact that they were, didn't come out until march; 2 full months after. go ahead & try to find any article from january reporting on it. if donny wanted people to know, you know damn well he - - - being a media whore - - - would have staged a televised event, complete with search lights & red carpet.

No reason to put down Melania. That’s just petty.

well, if donny can do that someone else's wife, then so can i.
We are all happy that the masks are coming off. Let's hope it doesn't lead to more outbreaks or mutations. I will never understand how the health and safety of the American people became a political issue. It was just a mask. It saved thousands of lives and could have saved thousands more...if only it hadn't been made a political issue.It also crated
We are all happy that the masks are coming off. Let's hope it doesn't lead to more outbreaks or mutations. I will never understand how the health and safety of the American people became a political issue. It was just a mask. It saved thousands of lives and could have saved thousands more...if only it hadn't been made a political issue.
You cant play Devils Advocate and see it from the other side? Really? Amazing.
There is no "other side" to a threat to the public's health and safety. If Donald Trump hadn't made an issue out of wearing masks, mask wearing would not have been a political issue.
I disagree. Show me where he made an issue? Fauci went on 60 Minutes and said masks weren’t all that helpful if at all and then suddenly changed his tune

he explained why - AND even if it weren't for the shortage, science evolves. too bad his 30% base is incapable of doing just that. early o, it was thought to also largely transmit via tactile & also dwell on surfaces for long periods of time.

science research has changed that risk.
How many masks is Fauci recommending these days?

if one is vaxxed - zero ... unless you're in a crowded area with others breathing pretty much right on you. why were there such low cases of the flu this winter? put yer critical thinking cap on & try to deduce.
Because other viruses can trump viruses like the flu. Sweden didn’t wear masks or social distance and their cases of the flu dropped dramatically as well. Keep trying though. Zero to do with masks.
Sweden has had lower cases of the flu the past few years....
OK and?
We are all happy that the masks are coming off. Let's hope it doesn't lead to more outbreaks or mutations. I will never understand how the health and safety of the American people became a political issue. It was just a mask. It saved thousands of lives and could have saved thousands more...if only it hadn't been made a political issue.It also crated
We are all happy that the masks are coming off. Let's hope it doesn't lead to more outbreaks or mutations. I will never understand how the health and safety of the American people became a political issue. It was just a mask. It saved thousands of lives and could have saved thousands more...if only it hadn't been made a political issue.
You cant play Devils Advocate and see it from the other side? Really? Amazing.
There is no "other side" to a threat to the public's health and safety. If Donald Trump hadn't made an issue out of wearing masks, mask wearing would not have been a political issue.
I disagree. Show me where he made an issue? Fauci went on 60 Minutes and said masks weren’t all that helpful if at all and then suddenly changed his tune

he explained why - AND even if it weren't for the shortage, science evolves. too bad his 30% base is incapable of doing just that. early o, it was thought to also largely transmit via tactile & also dwell on surfaces for long periods of time.

science research has changed that risk.
How many masks is Fauci recommending these days?

if one is vaxxed - zero ... unless you're in a crowded area with others breathing pretty much right on you. why were there such low cases of the flu this winter? put yer critical thinking cap on & try to deduce.
Because other viruses can trump viruses like the flu. Sweden didn’t wear masks or social distance and their cases of the flu dropped dramatically as well. Keep trying though. Zero to do with masks.
Ignorance is Bliss!!! Eh?

Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus
I can Post as many links that state otherwise. Opinions vary. As you saw in my OP. People are all set with masks. If they worked they would still wear them.
You don’t know that. Democrats especially rarely if ever go outside of norms.

of course they would - & where did i say any (D) prez ONLY? but, i will say this - the biden admin got moderna's help to produce the J&J vaccine so the stockpile of vaccines could multiply & get into the arms of america's population much faster.

tell me how THAT is inside the norm.

He didn’t keep it a secret. What are you talking about?

he & melania - the nude model photgraphed grabbing her own p*ssy & in bed with another woman ... were vaxxed in january. did you know that at the time? did anyone? the reporting on the fact that they were, didn't come out until march; 2 full months after. go ahead & try to find any article from january reporting on it. if donny wanted people to know, you know damn well he - - - being a media whore - - - would have staged a televised event, complete with search lights & red carpet.

No reason to put down Melania. That’s just petty.

well, if donny can do that someone else's wife, then so can i.
Don’t recall and now you’re against women’s right to choose? So you’re not OK with some soft porn but you are Ok with baby killing. Your morals are interesting.
But there is good news AZOG

China and the Republicans have something in common now​

Neither one will allow any investigations.
Dude. Will you please shut up. Thank you. Adults are speaking. Go and change your Depends
They're coming for your other pos trump too

Investigators reportedly approaching Trump Org. as if it were a mafia family​

Prosecutors appear to be exploring the use of racketeering statues against Trump and his business empire​

Prosecutors appear to be treating their investigation of former President Donald Trump's business empire as if it were a mafia family, according to several reports out this week.
Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance is likely considering criminal charges centered around the idea that the Trump Organization is a "corrupt enterprise" under a New York state racketeering statute resembling the federal RICO law — an abbreviation for the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, which was passed in 1970 to crack down on pervasive organized crime — several legal experts and former prosecutors told Politico.
"No self-respecting state white-collar prosecutor would forgo considering the enterprise corruption charge," longtime New York City defense attorney Robert Anello said. "I'm sure they're thinking about that."
The law, known colloquially as "little RICO," kicks in if prosecutors can establish that an organization or business has committed at least three separate crimes — a "pattern of criminal behavior," in legal parlance. A sentence under the statute can result in up to 25 years in prison — with a mandatory minimum of one year.
Vance has even hired a veteran mob prosecutor and expert in white-collar crime, Mark Pomerantz, to bolster his team, the New York Times reported in February.
Trump himself has a long history with several prominent New York City mob families — building his signature Trump Tower in Manhattan with help from a concrete company run by Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno and Paul Castellano, who at the time were bosses of the Genovese and Gambino families, Business Insider reported.
And just like in the investigations that put Salerno and Castellano behind bars, it appears prosecutors are hoping to rely on the testimony of "family" members like Trump Organization CFO Alan Weisselberg, one of the company's longest-tenured employees. His former daughter-in-law, Jennifer Weisselberg, is cooperating with Vance's investigation and says she believes her ex-husband's father will flip on Trump due to his age and aversion to spending any time in prison.
New York Attorney General Letitia James, who recently agreed to join forces with Vance on her separate investigation of Trump's business dealings, has also forced Trump's son, Eric, to sit for a deposition interview, according to the New York Times.
But the decision to pursue racketeering charges carries its own risks, and many legal experts say prosecutors are better off seeking straightforward indictments on specific crimes that are easier to litigate.
"Why overcharge and complicate something that could be fairly simple?" Jeremy Saland, a former prosecutor in the Manhattan DA's office, told Politico. "Why muddy up the water? Why give a defense attorney something that could confuse a jury and be able to crow that they beat a charge in a motion to dismiss?"
Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, and blasted the investigations as politically inspired "witch hunts."
But there is good news AZOG

China and the Republicans have something in common now​

Neither one will allow any investigations.
Dude. Will you please shut up. Thank you. Adults are speaking. Go and change your Depends
They're coming for your other pos trump too

Investigators reportedly approaching Trump Org. as if it were a mafia family​

Prosecutors appear to be exploring the use of racketeering statues against Trump and his business empire​

Prosecutors appear to be treating their investigation of former President Donald Trump's business empire as if it were a mafia family, according to several reports out this week.
Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance is likely considering criminal charges centered around the idea that the Trump Organization is a "corrupt enterprise" under a New York state racketeering statute resembling the federal RICO law — an abbreviation for the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, which was passed in 1970 to crack down on pervasive organized crime — several legal experts and former prosecutors told Politico.
"No self-respecting state white-collar prosecutor would forgo considering the enterprise corruption charge," longtime New York City defense attorney Robert Anello said. "I'm sure they're thinking about that."
The law, known colloquially as "little RICO," kicks in if prosecutors can establish that an organization or business has committed at least three separate crimes — a "pattern of criminal behavior," in legal parlance. A sentence under the statute can result in up to 25 years in prison — with a mandatory minimum of one year.
Vance has even hired a veteran mob prosecutor and expert in white-collar crime, Mark Pomerantz, to bolster his team, the New York Times reported in February.
Trump himself has a long history with several prominent New York City mob families — building his signature Trump Tower in Manhattan with help from a concrete company run by Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno and Paul Castellano, who at the time were bosses of the Genovese and Gambino families, Business Insider reported.
And just like in the investigations that put Salerno and Castellano behind bars, it appears prosecutors are hoping to rely on the testimony of "family" members like Trump Organization CFO Alan Weisselberg, one of the company's longest-tenured employees. His former daughter-in-law, Jennifer Weisselberg, is cooperating with Vance's investigation and says she believes her ex-husband's father will flip on Trump due to his age and aversion to spending any time in prison.
New York Attorney General Letitia James, who recently agreed to join forces with Vance on her separate investigation of Trump's business dealings, has also forced Trump's son, Eric, to sit for a deposition interview, according to the New York Times.
But the decision to pursue racketeering charges carries its own risks, and many legal experts say prosecutors are better off seeking straightforward indictments on specific crimes that are easier to litigate.
"Why overcharge and complicate something that could be fairly simple?" Jeremy Saland, a former prosecutor in the Manhattan DA's office, told Politico. "Why muddy up the water? Why give a defense attorney something that could confuse a jury and be able to crow that they beat a charge in a motion to dismiss?"
Trump has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, and blasted the investigations as politically inspired "witch hunts."
Off topic you deranged fool. Go deny the Holocaust some more.
Don’t recall

you don't recall ... cause you can't recall ... because him & his 'wife ' got vaxxed in secret.

like i said. & the only logical reason is cause he didn't want his pawns to know.

and now you’re against women’s right to choose?

what in the serious fuck are YOU talking about? what kinda twisted deflection are you trying now, zogster?

So you’re not OK with some soft porn

never said i was ok with it or not. i just stated facts. you seem to have a problem with facts. NOW, had i made that up, then calling me 'petty' would have been justified.

but telling the truth when it IS the truth isn't really 'petty'. i can't help if donny & his family are sleazebags ... it just goes with the whole trump persona. always was ... always will be.

but you are Ok with baby killing.


are you? <pssssst> infanticide is murder. didn't you know that?

Your morals are interesting.

lol ... says a dude who 'misses trump'.
Last edited:
Don’t recall

you don't recall ... cause you can't recall ... because him & his 'wife ' got vaxxed in secret.

like i said. & the only logical reason is cause he didn't want his pawns to know.

and now you’re against women’s right to choose?

what in the serious fuck are YOU talking about? what kinda twisted deflection are you trying now, zogster?

So you’re not OK with some soft porn

never said i was ok with it or not. i just stated facts. you seem to have a problem with facts. NOW, had i made that up, then calling me 'petty' would have been justified.

but telling the truth when it IS the truth isn't really 'petty'. i can't help if donny & his family are sleazebags ... it just goes with the whole trump persona. always was ... always will be.

but you are Ok with baby killing.


are you? <pssssst> infanticide is murder. didn't you know that?

Your morals are interesting.

lol ... says a dude who 'misses trump'.
You mocked Melania for soft porn but you are OK with abortions aka killing of babies. Guess you’re not OK with the women’s right to choose. Soft porn isn’t illegal. In terms of vaccines I recall he and the Mrs. getting them but when it was reported I do not recall. This childish outburst of yours is interesting. Under Trump we didn’t see Jews get openly attacked by Muslims in LA, we didn’t see such a significant amount of death in Israel since 2014, we didn’t see the price of gas nearly double here in MA, the price of business materials increased by about 70%, we didn’t see or border in such a mess. Lastly, Biden supports trans girls playing sports with and against biological girls. That is pure insanity.

While Trump may have hurt your feelings, Biden is hurting this country and his party openly voted against sanctions of countries that support Hamas. I asked you why and you said “I do not know”. So please spare me your outrage.
Do you fear mongers mourn when someone does of the flu? Or, do you blame somebody not wearing a mask or gettin' a shot of lord knows what?
Good lord- such sheeple- which is an insult to sheep-

They don't care. Nor do they care when millions of babies are aborted. Their words are hollow. I never listen to these people.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.

This is the mentality of our buddy Azog here.

After 12 months of ignoring Dr. Faucci and the CDC which lead to a year of lockdowns, wearing masks, and 600,000 dead Americans, the incoming President of the United States started listening to Dr. Faucci, and shut the virus down in 4 short months.

On the first day you get to go maskless, because the nation finally following Dr. Faucci's advice, and the CDC Guidance, you claim your freedom by chanting "F U Faucci". No wonder you voted for Donald Trump!!!

Please tell me you aren't really a business consultant because, man oh man, if this is the level of your critical thinking ability, you shouldn't be anywhere near somebody's business or retirement portfolio.

Fauci is a lying idiot who has flip flopped several times and he has ties with the people who were engineering this virus. He is worthless and needs to be investigated. Now surprised that this is your hero.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
How are the Bruins doing this year? I used to watch when Bobby Orr played. He was the best hockey player ever. He and his gashouse gang were the best. Ted Green, Cheevers, Bucyk Sanderson, Dallas Smith. Man what a team.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
How are the Bruins doing this year? I used to watch when Bobby Orr played. He was the best hockey player ever. He and his gashouse gang were the best. Ted Green, Cheevers, Bucyk Sanderson, Dallas Smith. Man what a team.
Tied 1-1 in the 2nd round of the playoffs
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
How are the Bruins doing this year? I used to watch when Bobby Orr played. He was the best hockey player ever. He and his gashouse gang were the best. Ted Green, Cheevers, Bucyk Sanderson, Dallas Smith. Man what a team.
Tied 1-1 in the 2nd round of the playoffs
Hope they make it all the way.
Stupid fucking thread.

We all want this to be over. We all want to stop wearing masks

This thing is not and should never have been political.

But to Trump Humpers everything is political so... they shoot themselves on the ass
Don’t recall

you don't recall ... cause you can't recall ... because him & his 'wife ' got vaxxed in secret.

like i said. & the only logical reason is cause he didn't want his pawns to know.

and now you’re against women’s right to choose?

what in the serious fuck are YOU talking about? what kinda twisted deflection are you trying now, zogster?

So you’re not OK with some soft porn

never said i was ok with it or not. i just stated facts. you seem to have a problem with facts. NOW, had i made that up, then calling me 'petty' would have been justified.

but telling the truth when it IS the truth isn't really 'petty'. i can't help if donny & his family are sleazebags ... it just goes with the whole trump persona. always was ... always will be.

but you are Ok with baby killing.


are you? <pssssst> infanticide is murder. didn't you know that?

Your morals are interesting.

lol ... says a dude who 'misses trump'.
You mocked Melania for soft porn but you are OK with abortions aka killing of babies. Guess you’re not OK with the women’s right to choose. Soft porn isn’t illegal. In terms of vaccines I recall he and the Mrs. getting them but when it was reported I do not recall. This childish outburst of yours is interesting. Under Trump we didn’t see Jews get openly attacked by Muslims in LA, we didn’t see such a significant amount of death in Israel since 2014, we didn’t see the price of gas nearly double here in MA, the price of business materials increased by about 70%, we didn’t see or border in such a mess. Lastly, Biden supports trans girls playing sports with and against biological girls. That is pure insanity.

While Trump may have hurt your feelings, Biden is hurting this country and his party openly voted against sanctions of countries that support Hamas. I asked you why and you said “I do not know”. So please spare me your outrage.

Well there's a false equivalency if ever there was one. You do realize that childhood sexual abuse is the "minor leagues" for sex trade workers and porn stars do you not. Women who end up in prositution, stripping, and porn are overwhelmingly women were sexually abused as children. Why don't we have a discussion on that one Azog???

Once again you try to put words into people's posts, or edit their thoughts to conform with your own twisted thinking. What makes you think abortion is "immoral"? One out of every four women will have an abortion in her lifetime, and millions more like me will sweat out genetic testing to determine if our babies will be viable. You are certainly not a fit person to decide whether our personal decisions about making a lifetime commitment to another human being. Neither is the government.

Given your obsessive and ridiculous attacks on trans people, and your clear lack of judgement regarding Donald Trump, your inability to discern who your friends are a.k.a. calling everyone but Trump an anti-Semite, and just your total gullibility, and calling everyone "fat", you don't sound like much a parent to me.

Under Trump, you didn't have Muslims attacking Jews in LA, you had White Supremacists terrorizing them in Charlottesville, and gunning them down in Pittsburg. Under Trump, hate crimes against Jews went up. These are articles from the past 4 years of hate documenting it all, since YOU seem to have missed. I guess you were obsessing over trannies playing in women's sport.

Stupid fucking thread.

We all want this to be over. We all want to stop wearing masks

This thing is not and should never have been political.

But to Trump Humpers everything is political so... they shoot themselves on the ass
But Herr Lesh, it was political.
Don’t recall

you don't recall ... cause you can't recall ... because him & his 'wife ' got vaxxed in secret.

like i said. & the only logical reason is cause he didn't want his pawns to know.

and now you’re against women’s right to choose?

what in the serious fuck are YOU talking about? what kinda twisted deflection are you trying now, zogster?

So you’re not OK with some soft porn

never said i was ok with it or not. i just stated facts. you seem to have a problem with facts. NOW, had i made that up, then calling me 'petty' would have been justified.

but telling the truth when it IS the truth isn't really 'petty'. i can't help if donny & his family are sleazebags ... it just goes with the whole trump persona. always was ... always will be.

but you are Ok with baby killing.


are you? <pssssst> infanticide is murder. didn't you know that?

Your morals are interesting.

lol ... says a dude who 'misses trump'.
You mocked Melania for soft porn but you are OK with abortions aka killing of babies. Guess you’re not OK with the women’s right to choose. Soft porn isn’t illegal. In terms of vaccines I recall he and the Mrs. getting them but when it was reported I do not recall. This childish outburst of yours is interesting. Under Trump we didn’t see Jews get openly attacked by Muslims in LA, we didn’t see such a significant amount of death in Israel since 2014, we didn’t see the price of gas nearly double here in MA, the price of business materials increased by about 70%, we didn’t see or border in such a mess. Lastly, Biden supports trans girls playing sports with and against biological girls. That is pure insanity.

While Trump may have hurt your feelings, Biden is hurting this country and his party openly voted against sanctions of countries that support Hamas. I asked you why and you said “I do not know”. So please spare me your outrage.

Well there's a false equivalency if ever there was one. You do realize that childhood sexual abuse is the "minor leagues" for sex trade workers and porn stars do you not. Women who end up in prositution, stripping, and porn are overwhelmingly women were sexually abused as children. Why don't we have a discussion on that one Azog???

Once again you try to put words into people's posts, or edit their thoughts to conform with your own twisted thinking. What makes you think abortion is "immoral"? One out of every four women will have an abortion in her lifetime, and millions more like me will sweat out genetic testing to determine if our babies will be viable. You are certainly not a fit person to decide whether our personal decisions about making a lifetime commitment to another human being. Neither is the government.

Given your obsessive and ridiculous attacks on trans people, and your clear lack of judgement regarding Donald Trump, your inability to discern who your friends are a.k.a. calling everyone but Trump an anti-Semite, and just your total gullibility, and calling everyone "fat", you don't sound like much a parent to me.

Under Trump, you didn't have Muslims attacking Jews in LA, you had White Supremacists terrorizing them in Charlottesville, and gunning them down in Pittsburg. Under Trump, hate crimes against Jews went up. These are articles from the past 4 years of hate documenting it all, since YOU seem to have missed. I guess you were obsessing over trannies playing in women's sport.

Until you admit you said "Jews invented whining" we have nothing to discuss
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.

Yes, for some reason, masks became a cultural issue to the right.

This is what a cult looks like, people.
Huh? You dimwits made everyone wear masks to show submission to the new Reich. But common sense always wins over idiocy.

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