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Masonic Disinformation, Propaganda, Dissembling, and Hate Techniques

Don't you guys see the ideational fascism at play here? Any opinion that Masonry is inconsistent with christianity can simply not be respected. This is the Dark Side of seeming new age tolerance.
Don't you guys see the ideational fascism at play here? Any opinion that RWA decides is inconsistent with whatever he so chooses can simply not be respected. This is the Dark Side of actual new age self-absorbtion.
And did I mention, they typically fall back on personal attacks because their defenses are meritless? And we all know clay is just taking this position to "give it back to me, for once" to rid the board of the pestilence that apparently is me. What a reactionary mental hobo.
rtwngAvngr said:
And did I mention, they typically fall back on personal attacks because their defenses are meritless? And we all know clay is just taking this position to "give it back to me, for once" to rid the board of the pestilence that apparently is me. What a reactionary mental hobo.
More whining about people making fun of you, and then tossing in an insult at the end. Truly, hypocrisy at it's finest. :thup:

How many threads have you managed to get closed? You ARE a pestilence. It would serve you well to get off the internet and actually focus on some real-life experiences and relationships. I'm doing this for your own good. You'll thank me later.
The ClayTaurus said:
More whining about people making fun of you, and then tossing in an insult at the end. Truly, hypocrisy at it's finest. :thup:

How many threads have you managed to get closed? You ARE a pestilence. It would serve you well to get off the internet and actually focus on some real-life experiences and relationships. I'm doing this for your own good. You'll thank me later.

This thread is about masonry. Do you have anything to add regarding that, besides referring to another poster who posted denials in a different thread?
rtwngAvngr said:
This thread is about masonry. Do you have anything to add regarding that, besides referring to another poster who posted denials in a different thread?
:laugh: So now this thread exists in a vacuum? Do you even understand how much of a hypocrite you are?

We've GOT to be getting close to the self-pity thread. That wheat-cracker one must be the appetizer.
Masonry anyone? I agree I'm a fascinating topic, but this is not the place for and intese focus on me.
The ClayTaurus said:
:laugh: So now this thread exists in a vacuum? Do you even understand how much of a hypocrite you are?

We've GOT to be getting close to the self-pity thread. That wheat-cracker one must be the appetizer.

No. The thread has a topic. And all you've said regarding that is that someone else posted something about it. You've been reduced to a pathetic troll by your own hatred.
rtwngAvngr said:
Masonry anyone? I agree I'm a fascinating topic, but this is not the place for and intese focus on me.
Ok, ok, you've had enough, I'll leave you alone now. :baby4:
rtwngAvngr said:
No. The thread has a topic. And all you've said regarding that is that someone else posted something about it. You've been reduced to a pathetic troll by your own hatred.
You started this thread because your other one got closed. Deal.
The ClayTaurus said:
You started this thread because your other one got closed. Deal.

And I believe it's an important topic we should all be made aware of.
The ClayTaurus said:
Ok, ok, you've had enough, I'll leave you alone now. :baby4:

I think you're compulsive and will be unable fulfill your goal of leaving me alone. But we shall see.
The ClayTaurus said:
You started this thread because your other one got closed. Deal.
He told me to close it, it was his choice. Now of course, he used it to try and insult me, but I'm sure that's just his way of showing he cares. Right.
Kathianne said:
He told me to close it, it was his choice. Now of course, he used it to try and insult me, but I'm sure that's just his way of showing he cares. Right.

Doing what I say is a turn on, isn't it, Kat?
I am not a Freemason, but my father was very high-up in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. He was a 32nd degree and served as a Worshipful Master of his lodge. He is now passed on.

I love my father. He was a good man. He had his vices like all human beings do.

I never became a Freemason, although I know my father wanted me to. He couldn't ask me to, as this is against the rules of Freemasonry. You must ask them, and then it opens the doors to an invite........but you must initiate the interest.

Anyway, why is it that I didn't become a Freemason?

1. Freemasonry contradicts the basic truths of the bible. Foremost being......Christ is only one of many means to salvation.
2. Initiates into Freemasonry, most perform oaths that totally contradict Godly, moral/ethical principles.
3. Freemasons can and have used their organization/members to flood or take-over important judicial positions, and areas of political/cultural positions of influence to enhance/further their political/religious agendas of tolerance and judgement where it enhances their goals.............Irrespective of the U.S. Constitution, or common, basic laws of the U.S.
4. The highest degree of Freemasonry, the 33 degree, reveals the true nature of Freemasonry in unabashed form. The 33 degree candidate has it revealed to him that Lucifer, not Jesus is trully the God of Freemasonry.
5. The venerated author of Freemasonry's most venerated book "The Morals And Dogmas Of Freemasonry", Albert Pike, was a high ranking Ku Klux Klansmen. This is not falacy but fact.
6. Freemasons are allowed to refute my statements, even if if involves lieing.
7. They will disavow many of these above statements about their society, out of ignorance and also purposeful trickery/denial.

You may also find it very interesting, that Joseph Smith Jr., founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.......or more commonly called "The Mormon Church", was a 33 degree Freemason. The secret rites that only advanced Mormons go through in their Temple rites.......that is, good, obedient Mormons, are direct copies of Masonic blood oaths. Even the secret handshakes that are used in Mormon Temple Rites are directly from Freemasonry secret hand shakes and signs. ala the Lion's paw......etc.

Mormon founder, Joseph Smith Jr. left so much evidence of Freemason influence in the Mormon church, that it's absolutely a "no brainer" when confronted with questions of a Mormon/Freemasonry connection.
I always wondered why my Freemason father told me that in the State of Utah, that Mormons that wanted to join Utah Masonic lodges went through a stringent testing, or were not allowed at all.

Mormonism is so entrenched in Utah politics/governmental, it's mind boggling.
Can a Freemason be a Christian?

Yes!.........Can an Adulterer be a Christian? Yes

The problem arises when the above named folks or anyone with a normal human life, doesn't go through some sort of transformation over time.......as God works in their hearts....via the Holy Spirit. Desire to sin, must wane as God matures a true Christian. That includes embracing belief systems that contradict the basic tenents of Christianity.

Now, in the Southern U.S.., Freemasons absolutely flooded the membership rolls of many mainstream Christian churches......holding positions of elders, deacons, and even pastors! The Missouri Synod Lutheran Church is one of the few brave denominations that has spoken out against Freemasonry. The Southern Baptist Church has been going through much travail over Freemasonry, as it is heavily filled with lodge members in it's rolls.

When staunch biblical, non-Freemason, or ex-Freemason pastors, have taken positions in many of these churches and have boldly spoken about the demerits of Freemasonry, they have been castigated systematically and forced to step down. Freemasons are encouraged to take influential positions in their churches. Unfortunately, these once staunch, biblically sound churches have become havens of watered-down sermons/messages ......bordering on New Age.........philosophical nuances(your ok, I'm ok). This is reminiscent of Revelation's mention of the church that Jesus refers to as lukewarm or compromised........."I spit you out of my mouth!".
The unwritten motto in these churches is........"Pastors, leave us(Freemasons) alone, and your job, reputation, safety, will be secure in the community. Cross us, and you will be looking for other work. When whole communites and businesses are controlled by lodge members..........a non-lodge member must step carefully around them. Don't threaten them or you'll pay.

At one time, in the Southern U.S., the majority of judicial positions were held by Freemasons. After a terrible debacle/execution performed by Freemasons on a fellow member......public opinion went strongly against Freemasonry. In fact member rolls dropped drastically in the U.S. after this murder. Since that 1800's murder, public opinion has changed due to ignorance, and the benign picture that modern day Freemasonry presents. This has resulted in an upsurge in lodge rolls in the 20th and 21 century U.S..

Ever heard of the Grand Hailing Sign?...........If a Freemason is in legal trouble or has broken the law in any way, he can excercise his lodge's, secret, Grand hailing sign, in court or anywhere, and any presiding Freemason brother/judge must do all he can possible to get his brother "off" from prosecution.
Did you know that a Freemason named Captain Morgan, was executed by brother Freemasons by drowning in the Niagra River? This Captain Morgan actually published/wrote about the secret rituals of his lodge. He had broken the blood oath, and was summarily executed. He was kidnapped out of his home in front of his family.......transported to the Niagra River, and had his body weighted down, and bound, and dropped in the river.
Freemasonry summarily dismisses this Captain Morgan story as a bunch of hooey. One of the executioners, actually gave a death bed confession of his participation in Captain Morgan's murder. Death bed confessions are highly submissible in a court.......as you all know. Not too much lieing happens between you and the here-after when the here-after is within minutes of reality in one's life.
Yes......many of our U.S. historic and present leaders were Freemasons..............George Washington comes to light. Most Freemasons fail to note that George Washington clearly removed or distanted himself from the Lodge in his later years. This is substantiated in his later writings.
Also most Freemasons are very ignorant of the real tenents of Freemasonry.

Many Freemasons still believe that King Solomon of the bible was a Freemason........Actually true Freemasonry can only be traced back to the 1700's A.D. with most likely origins coming from France.

We also know that France at this time spawned Voltaire's philosophies upon the Western world too.
Freemasonry qualifies as a religion.........Freemasons will refute this..........but their belief system that accepts any and all religions, and or manmade truths venerated above biblical standards.....actually qualifies them as a Cult.......not a Fraternal society/lodge........for the betterment of men.
rtwngAvngr said:
Doing what I say is a turn on, isn't it, Kat?
You really should check out the symptoms and treatment of bi-polar disorder. I'm serious.
Kathianne said:
You really should check out the symptoms and treatment of bi-polar disorder. I'm serious.

My mood is consistent. My thinking is clear. I kick ass and take names on a regular basis. What's your problem exactly?

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